A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
I will acknowledge that unfortunately George was so tired of the abuse that selling out appeared attractive to him. For the money you can make anybody do anything apparently.

If the people that consume your product no longer like what you produce that's abuse?
Before he sold out it was certainly his right to do whatever he wanted with the franchise, but many people clearly were not big fans of it.


Well-Known Member
If the people that consume your product no longer like what you produce that's abuse?
Before he sold out it was certainly his right to do whatever he wanted with the franchise, but many people clearly were not big fans of it.
Well, then let the fans create their own fictional universe if they can do it so much better.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Iger wanted the franchise no doubt about it. Why do you think he set up John Carter (a similar science fiction movie) to fail? He wanted to get Star Wars and sweet-talked Lucas into it.

John Carter sucked . There was no "set up for failure," it simply didnt have mass market appeal. There's no similarity to Star Wars beyond they both take place far, far away from Earth.


Well-Known Member
No, what happens is those fans, or consumers, chose another product to consume.
Unless you are a Browns fan like me, we never learn.
Then, So be it. instead we have a bunch of imbeciles claiming their childhood has been ruined and harass the creator of the thing they loved so much to begin with so much that he ends up selling his baby to a heartless corporation..


Well-Known Member
LOL. I think we may have jumped the shark on crazy Iger conspiracy. Folks are reading far too much into George's comments. If you listen to the whole interview, it is clear that George is struggling with his choice to sell and his choice to be completely removed from the franchise.

George hand-picked his successor, who is one of the most talented and proven producers in the business. Iger kept Kathy Kennedy in place and gave her , JJ and the story group a crazy amount of freedom to craft Rebels and this trilogy (which is being compared to the OT even though it is one movie).

this sudden narrative that Iger meddled or suddenly made SW into a sell out/consumer products juggernaut is simply ignoring reality and history.

Iger, Kennedy and Disney reenergized and expanded George's SW fan base. Regardless of your opinion of the 1st new movie.


Well-Known Member
John Carter sucked ***. There was no "set up for failure," it simply didnt have mass market appeal. There's no similarity to Star Wars beyond they both take place far, far away from Earth.
It very well might have sucked. Regardless It's failure played right into Iger's agenda.


Well-Known Member
Then, So be it. instead we have a bunch of imbeciles claiming their childhood has been ruined and harass the creator of the thing they loved so much to begin with so much that he ends up selling his baby to a heartless corporation..

As long as the heartless corporation turns out more movies that were fun and entertaining like TFA, them I'm all for it. Because that's how I feel about the film.

I was never a Star Wars super fan, so I don't have a huge attachment to the original cuts of the OT.
I own the 90s VHS collection, the Blurays, and I liked the Ewoks.
That might already be enough for me to be burned at the stake.


Well-Known Member
As long as the heartless corporation turns out more movies that were fun and entertaining like TFA, them I'm all for it. Because that's how I feel about the film.

I was never a Star Wars super fan, so I don't have a huge attachment to the original cuts of the OT.
I own the 90s VHS collection, the Blurays, and I liked the Ewoks.
That might already be enough for me to be burned at the stake.
Don't confuse the true fans with the "Lucas destroyed my childhood" crowd.


Well-Known Member
John Carter sucked ***. There was no "set up for failure," it simply didnt have mass market appeal. There's no similarity to Star Wars beyond they both take place far, far away from Earth.
And you know, being one of the primary sources for Star Wars alongside Flash Gordon and Kurosawa.

And John Carter was a great pulpy fun film, very much in the spirit of both Star Wars and the 80s Gordon. Problem was idiotic marketing drones thinking having Mars in your title was box office poison resulting in the bland title.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
In 2014, the OLC announced a 10-year plan to invest ¥500B (about $4.2B) at Tokyo Disneyland. OLC's annual revenue was ¥466B in the most recently completed fiscal year.

With Disney's domestic Parks & Resorts annual revenue at $13.6B, it would be like TWDC announcing plans to spend $14.6B at WDW and DLR. :jawdrop:

Yeah, that would take some time. :D
meanwhile at burbank's and iger's office...
"yeah,we got a ton of money.. perhaps we should expand our most profitable possession.. the parks! lets insert money and,.., ohh shinny.. stock buy backs!!! forget the parks! buy back stocks!"


Well-Known Member
Problem was idiotic marketing drones thinking having Mars in your title was box office poison resulting in the bland title.
Wouldn't be the first time (or last) that the marketing department changed a films title for idiotic reasons.


Premium Member
For the most part his OT tweaks were focused on the aesthetics and that fits with George's longtime obsession with visual storytelling that he's been very vocal about ever since the prequels. Even the few fixes he did with the prequels were just visual ones, like replacing the ugly Yoda puppet in Phantom Menace with the CG model from the other two prequels for the Blu-Ray.
At least it seems like the Blu-Ray cuts are the end of these tweaks with Disney and Lucasfilm having its eyes focused on the future.


(I guess we forgot that?)

Or how about greedo?

Or how about which Jedi ghosts appear?

The list goes on and on... Just visuals is a lie


Well-Known Member
Or how about greedo?

I don't get why the whole Cantina shootout gets the most flack out of any of the updates. Even with Greedo having horrible aim now, doesn't affect Han's character that much seeing as he already had his blaster ready under the table.

All that energy should have been shifted towards the real worst part of the Special Edition: Jedi Rocks.


Premium Member
I would rather have a creative person like Lucas than a corporate-minded number-cruncher like Iger any day. Last time I checked it was Lucas's creation. he has the right to do whatever he wants with it.

Which he did. He bluntly said he didn't want to spend his sunset years doing Star Wars forever... And the kind of garbage he wanted to make wouldn't support lucasfilms.

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