Lee, sorry man...that was a hit piece. If I polled the viewers, most would agree. Now when you say you could have done a more damaging job. I believe it, I believe you. I mean, if that isn't a hit piece in your mind...wow...what can you do if you are upset.
A mans job might be on the line. In my opinion it's the lowest someone can go. It's why they call it dirt.
20 years ago? That was one deep ditch you had to dig.
Luckily for guys like you and I on a message board, we can hide in the shadows. Say what we want and disappear.
No one but a few no who we really are.
In my opinion, It's the way you presented the information that was so disgusting. Everyone can go back and look at your first posts and make their own opinion.
Your right, it's all about perception.
This story will most likely play out and be a non issue.
20 years ago??
However, if this story does blow up...
Lee gets to be the guy who got Jim Hill fired.
Just feels dirty, the whole thing. The way you went about it.
Only my opinion. Like you said, we are all adults on this board.
Thank you for being big enough to accept my criticism of your actions just like Hill was big enough to respond to your personal attack on his credibility.
Doesn't mean I don't like you, I don't know you. Just criticizing your one recent action and how you went about it.
You can't get fired for what I'm posting about you. We live in the shadows. My post is just an opinion. Your post has the potential to get Hill fired.
If it were a hit piece, I could have gone about the whole thing a lot more harshly, with a lot more detail, and not even tried to keep the focus on the main issue which is Disney's questionable relationship with some "independent" shills/bloggers.
I've been here nearly fifteen years. Not once have I ever put out a "hit" on someone.
No, I don't think so.
The info I received was very specific. It detailed a pattern of behavior, over a period of years, which resulted in arrest, prosecution, and conviction (To pled-down charges. I don't know what, or how severe, the original charges were.) of crimes against Disney. Crimes perpetrated by a specific individual who went on to be embraced, aided and promoted by that same company.
Should I have made up a "Tim Gill" character who has been quoted by Disney on DVD boxes and such? Nah. We're all grown ups here.
That's fine. To each his own. I figured Jim was a big boy who could stand up for himself, which he sorta did. If you want to be a journalist, which by his site and HuffPo work, Jim surely does, you have to be prepared to take a punch and to be held to journalistic standards....if those even exist in this day and age.
I do not.