I find myself obligated on occasion to point out that the parade is 40 years old and the fireworks show is 10 years old only to us. The completely or dangerously obsessed Disney fan. To anyone seeing them for the first time, they are brand new and it seems, (pardon the expression) universally loved.
I know there is a lot of cyber time given to how Disney doesn't cater at all to the multi-time visitor and it totally escapes me how anyone would think they should. First of all, we are but a small portion of the overall gate ticks. Second, with us, Disney has to spend a few billion a year just to keep us from complaining too much. We are not paying the bills, in spite of our insistence that we are. It wouldn't hurt to have some new stuff, I agree, but there is no urgency to it, since we are a small factor in their decision making process.
We are in a whole new time and space. The need for Disney 50 years ago to cater to the return visitor was essential to continue staying in business. We are no longer the thread that holds it all together. Long range will it matter. Who knows! I understand that they keep making new future visitors every single day and the supply isn't likely to run out soon. So, for our own mental health, it would seem wise to, at least, understand that and accept that the 21st Century has arrived and it is creating itself as it speeds along. The best we can do is hang on for the ride.