I don't disagree that the industry is heading for a collision by focusing on established franchises and superhero flicks as its theatrical offerings. The industry is so saturated with Marvel, DC, Dreamworks/Disney/Pixar CGI films, that original offerings are frowned upon because of they aren't viewed as gambles worth taking.
And Disney has been amongst the worst in regard to offering safe, predictable entertainment to counter their risks.
That's why I smaller corporate risk-taking and studio subsidiaries are so important not just to the business of the industry, but the quality of the industry. Filmmakers like Christopher Nolan are so vital to the theatre experience because they transcend the genres and offer original storytelling. Fox Searchlight, The Weinstein Company, Universal, Sony Pictures Classics makes sure there's a place for good storytellers to engage audiences on a smaller scale. The rise in arthouse theaters is great for the industry, even though these films are getting shut out of major multiplexes in favor of a fourth screen for Big Hero 6.
The industry could absolutely use smaller films produced in greater quantities to not only offset the need to strike gold with every big film, but also to allow quality filmmakers to tell superior stories.
But let's not confuse the need for these kind of films with what Disney was offering in the 90's. A few gems aside (Heavyweights), they produced mostly cheap crap in its live action comedy offerings. We really don't need most of those back.