A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
I just found out that I am actually gen Z. Yuck.
I could tell you that most of my peers seem to be either way into a Disney vacation (these are generally people that have been multiple times and once rather recently) or totally apathetic. But it's really hard to tell because my circle of friends is rather niche.
Yeah. Gen Z is tough but feel sorry for Gen AA.


Well-Known Member
I just looked into it as much as I could with the site down, and yes, they are put in a non-interest bearing account with a financial institution. They also allow you to take out the money at any time, etc. - so you aren't just giving them money you'll never see again if your plans change.

Agreed, though - they didn't seem prepared for this. They do take a few days to sort out just by the very nature of an ACH product, but Disney should have had a plan for this. It's pretty common. My guess is, it's stuck with the lawyers right now - because they didn't have pre-planned communications for something like this, I'm sure they are scrambling to vette the communications for legal issues/liability concerns.

Hopefully they will get it resolved soon, and they will have learned their lesson.

The advantage is they give you a $20 GC for every thousand you spend to Disney, so that piece is like getting interest.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
Being a tuna and all, I'm not sure that you can appreciate the nuances here. And why some of us criticize and still visit (if far less and spending even less $$$!) But coming into a thread like this on page 1031 and bringing up such a topic is just a futile waste of your time and, much more importantly, mine too!
Sadly I have been here since the beginning of the thread. Back when it was about something specific. My response was based around the question of what can you do with 2 weeks in WDW. My question though is just as valid as everyone's criticism and it is more to do with a curiosity of mine as opposed to a judgment on anyone. Whether I agree with your or anyone else is of no consequence to me. I fail to see how asking people a question would be a waste of everyone's time though.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
Enjoyment of WDW isn't a binary thing where you either love it 100% without question, or dislike everything.

Most people who spent a lot of time calling the current company out on stuff do so because they got *so much* from the parks in the past that it was pretty life changing. When you enjoy something so much, a 80% reduction in quality still leaves 20% of quality and enjoyment, but just because you still enjoy that 20% doesn't mean you have to pretend the 80% drop never happened.

Maybe there's not many people who stop going completely, but I bet you anything the majority of people who complain on these forums don't go to the parks, and certainly don't stay in the Disney hotels, anywhere near as often as they used to.

You may not see any change if someone used to go two or three times a year but has now dropped that rate to one visit every two or three years, but I bet Disney does.

This is an answer that makes sense. I am more of an all or nothing person it would seem whereas a lot of people are as I said, voting with their feet and wallets in other ways, just not entirely robbing themselves of the fun they have when they are actually there.

I appreciate your answer as well. No claims of wasting your time, no calling me an idiot who knows nothing and won't understand it because i'm obviously a pixie dust snorter. I think people should be able to ask a question and get a proper answer like this. Asking someone why they do something shouldn't be a crime. Thanks BrerJon.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
I'm curious… Exactly what's here and game here? What are you trying to get out of this? Are you coming into an area of people who are discussing the theme parks, their management, and the corporate in economic outlooks of both and you're going to do… What exactly?

What kind of a reaction are you looking for? Are you looking for someone to sit here and curse you out? That's not going to happen… Mostly because the moderators of told me I need to knock that crap off. Are you looking for someone here to Pat you on the head and say "wow, you're right"… Because that's not going to happen either.

You going to the most popular thread on one of the most popular Disney fansites and you're going to criticize us for criticizing the company? Please… Let me show you the door…
IT looks like you did exactly what you said you weren't going to do. HMMMMM. I said a couple posts back I'm not criticizing anyone. I don't do that. My question was exactly that, a question. I explained what I would do so I want to know why certain people still go even though they don't seem to get the enjoyment out of it. BrerJon's response was perfect and I thought that summed it up perfectly for my alleged mind.

So if you want to know what I am trying to get out of it that was it. information. If I had an agenda or wanted to call people names I could pick a side and wage war on here like others do. I'm not sure when asking someone a question became such an issue. I g ave my thoughts on what I would do if I didn't enjoy it anymore and was honestly looking for people's reasoning. I read BrerJon's reply and thought that was a perfect answer. Maybe people don't enjoy it as much but they still get enough joy out of it to keep going. Then I read your response and Spirits and it's like Whooa, can I not ask people a question? Or are maybe people so sensitive on here due to personal attacks that maybe you can't anymore. Would kinda kill a message board if that was so.

I have posted on this thread since way back and in no way do I expect anyone to go back there. I haven't criticized anyone, I haven't said Spirit is right or wrong on China or anything else. Who am I to argue either way? The man presented information which was interesting to read and think about. I have never attacked you either Dave, or anyone. I don't do it in my daily life or on the web. I come here for information, to share information and to receive it when I can ask a question without people assuming I am attacking them or their character.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
That's a good question.

A good (and honest) answer is that in three years time, the entire top leadership of TWDC will be different. Iger and Staggs will be gone ... just like Crofton and Rasulo now ... Georgie K will be able to do a big spread for The Advocate as he'll be history too. So many ... Horn won't be running the Studios come 2018. Holz won't be running DCL.

On a MUCH lower level, even Phil Holmes won't be lurking under the MK about 112 days a year.

I grew up on Disney. I loved the parks. EPCOT Center inspired me on so many levels in a way that is scary to think about when you see what it is today. I loved animation and films. ... Then as I got older, I began to make friends in the company (from front line to top creatives to the exec level).

I still love spending time with family and friends at Disney's P&R and on the DCL, but far less at WDW.

Just because I can't stand current leadership doesn't mean all of that dies. ... Because TWDC should be around in three years. And all of those people who are so important to it today? They won't be.
This was essentially the same question I was asking, and this answer sums it up perfectly for me. Much better than telling me I'm wasting your time. I understand your thoughts much better and why you do what you do. Hold them accountable with the same amount of passion that you normally reserve for all aspects of the company, but not WDW these days.


Well-Known Member
IT looks like you did exactly what you said you weren't going to do. HMMMMM. I said a couple posts back I'm not criticizing anyone. I don't do that. My question was exactly that, a question. I explained what I would do so I want to know why certain people still go even though they don't seem to get the enjoyment out of it. BrerJon's response was perfect and I thought that summed it up perfectly for my alleged mind.

So if you want to know what I am trying to get out of it that was it. information. If I had an agenda or wanted to call people names I could pick a side and wage war on here like others do. I'm not sure when asking someone a question became such an issue. I g ave my thoughts on what I would do if I didn't enjoy it anymore and was honestly looking for people's reasoning. I read BrerJon's reply and thought that was a perfect answer. Maybe people don't enjoy it as much but they still get enough joy out of it to keep going. Then I read your response and Spirits and it's like Whooa, can I not ask people a question? Or are maybe people so sensitive on here due to personal attacks that maybe you can't anymore. Would kinda kill a message board if that was so.

I have posted on this thread since way back and in no way do I expect anyone to go back there. I haven't criticized anyone, I haven't said Spirit is right or wrong on China or anything else. Who am I to argue either way? The man presented information which was interesting to read and think about. I have never attacked you either Dave, or anyone. I don't do it in my daily life or on the web. I come here for information, to share information and to receive it when I can ask a question without people assuming I am attacking them or their character.

I love going to Disney, I love taking my kids to Disney. I have a new little girl to take to BBB in 2018 when she turns 3.

But Disney has gone down hill. Take Hollywood Studios. Why would you shut down attractions, even mediocre attractions so long before you are ready to begin construction on new attractions.

And they should also used phased approach don't shut the whole park down(yes exaggeration but it feels that way) with the promise of better things to come especially without releasing any news of what's coming.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
As some could tell from my outlash at whomever it was before, I'm not a big fan of the constant bashing of my generation. I realize that it's a continuous thing that every teenager before me had to endure, but I find that a lot of my peers have been convinced that our generation is horrible, and this generation seems to be incredibly self-deprecating. Although the Carousel of Progress and Epcot are what they are today, I've still been inspired to be hopeful for the future and saddened by the influx of pessimism toward it.
For that I thank you for this post, as it's encouraging to have beliefs reaffirmed by someone wiser.

It's a Managers job to motivate and inspire their staff if they want to be leaders and have people follow them and work hard for them. The old school way of thinking was to tell people, "You have a job, that should be thanks enough." Doesn't work that way with any generation young or older. IF all you want is paycheck collector's, treat them like they are a number. If you want people who would bend over backwards for you, Give them a reason to do so. Some older people don't grasp that concept and it doesn't make it millennial's fault, it makes you a bad manager.


OV 104
Premium Member
I agree. But if your account gets wiped after a double charge of $305 (dude from Vegas in the article) then the last thing you should be spending money on is a Disney vacation.

Think so? I have my annual dues through an account used solely for that. The proper amount goes in just for that. If they double charged it would red that account used solely for dues. Guess because that account is just for that I shouldn't go to WDW.

The Tuna

Well-Known Member
I just found out that I am actually gen Z. Yuck.
I could tell you that most of my peers seem to be either way into a Disney vacation (these are generally people that have been multiple times and once rather recently) or totally apathetic. But it's really hard to tell because my circle of friends is rather niche.

Maclean's Magazine wrote an article on Gen Z. You guys are the future apparently. don't hate it just yet. SOrry no link to the article.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, first, that's a technical glitch that happens all the time with ACH payments.

Fair? No. Sorry, this has never happened to me or my immediate family. Now that I think about it I do nto remember hearing anyone really complaining about it. I am not saying it generally does not happen but when dealing with peoples money no one deserves a "free pass" because of a technical glitch. You are a multi-billion company (Disney or the banks or both).....FIX IT!


Well-Known Member
Think so? I have my annual dues through an account used solely for that. The proper amount goes in just for that. If they double charged it would red that account used solely for dues. Guess because that account is just for that I shouldn't go to WDW.

Well, if you have funds in other accounts then the fact that an account, used solely for this Disney vacation debit, was double charged isn't the end of the world.

These types of errors are always adjusted, and fees reimbursed. As would any error from check adjustments, duplicate deposits, loan payments issues etc. I know this somehow involves Disney, and it makes for attention-grabbing headlines, but bank errors are common. In this case it may not have been Disney's fault, but probably the fault of the financial institution used for these accounts and/or the processor that bank uses. These transactions are often not as "automatic" as folks might think.

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