A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
So do you want everyone to make the same thing no matter the job? Those that rise to the top rise for reasons. And should be rewarded for that. Let's look at your industry. If a co worker did a documentary series and won critical and professional claim because he took the gmsble to do the series worked the extra hours on his own to make it happen not reap the rewards? Or should he have to hand over the money and spread it evenly to everyone else?

I believe those thst rise that get to the top should be rewarded. Not everyone is going to reach those heights not everyone can but everyone has a part to play in society.

That does not mean they should go hungry or with our healthcare etc but don't hate those that have.
No, I absolutely agree with that. And I believe is a free market system. But it has to be guided by ethics and logic.

The CEO class will destroy America if given the chance. They have already killed the middle class. Why? Because they can. And they don't care. Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
No, I absolutely agree with that. And I believe is a free market system. But it has to be guided by ethics and logic.

The CEO class will destroy America if given the chance. They have already killed the middle class. Why? Because they can. And they don't care. Simple as that.
But we've all been told it is not their or our responsibility to care about pretty much everything in life. Instead we say it is the responsibility of a few hundred people of whom most people barely pay attention to but one every four years. In the quest for equality we fell for the lie that oligarchy will dictate ethics.


Premium Member
No, I absolutely agree with that. And I believe is a free market system. But it has to be guided by ethics and logic.

The CEO class will destroy America if given the chance. They have already killed the middle class. Why? Because they can. And they don't care. Simple as that.

We will agree to disagree the is politics and not something most will ever agree with. As I feel the gov has destroyed the middle class because of handouts etc making it better for people to stay unemployed then getting jobs.


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Spirited Wednesday Musings:

I see many of you have taken the tangent of how Disney treats/values (it doesn't) its workers. It's a great topic, perhaps, one better suited for its own thread. But I have read this doc below and it is vomit inducing in many ways ... so many ways. Don't know if the guy still works for Disney, but his email is listed there, so feel free to contact him if he does:

http://www.trainingindustry.com/media/3647005/disney brand loyalty.pdf

And this from THR on the fact that shaming can effect how Disney operates: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/disney-abc-reverses-layoffs-uproar-803268

I'm guessing that neither Seth nor Robert showed up here to really talk about the issue of Disney, raising prices and destroying the middle class? Yeah, I'm so surprised. I'm sure they've never heard I/we have been talking about them (sarcastic emoji deleted).

I'm sure Seth didn't get the pics/column from the dude in China who showed how easy it is for anyone not a WDC exec to get on site at SDL from Tom Bricker who picked it up here. I don't mind that, I like to see the news spread. Maybe in 3-4 years, people will finally get that "no, it isn't SOP for an American company to build a $5.5 billion-plus resort in China and have its leadership not allowed on site.'' THIS IS WHAT BEN FRITZ, BROOKS BARNES and Co are ignoring to garner favor with Bob Iger, Tom Staggs, Zenia Mucha and the Walt Disney Company leadership.

Is is true Cher will be on the new $10 bill? So many fanbois will be sooooo happy ...

Any propaganda come out from Disney regarding the Shanghai Disney Resort today?

Speaking of China (I know, my fans are getting alerts and ready with their prepared posts), I know I've mentioned the huge Baja Mar project in the Bahamas as a cautionary tale of having the Chinese build your multi-billion project. But it's been in the news yet again as things just keep getting worse. I think the Prime Minister of the Bahamas asked his people to pray for it (no, this is NOT a joke!)

Here's a bit of the latest news:



So, @WDWFigment's stay at the Bora Bora bungalows was Bungle Bungled? Left in the swamps with no water ... water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. Water, water everywhere yet with no showers Tom stinks. See, yet again, this is why I likes Mr. Bricker. He doesn't lie and criticizes where he feels it is due (and you better believe it was due here), even if he isn't paying for the stay (he did likewise recently after a subpar stay at DLP's Hotel NY).


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I could have sworn there was a post from a troll claiming to be around for Disneyland strikes in the early 1980s, in between shots at me early this morning. Seems to be gone unless I missed it in all these posts.

Either way, it's amusing since the poser in question is supposed to be 27 years old, so he/she/it wouldn't have been alive to witness DL labor relations in the early Reagan Administration years.


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As do I. I understand there are recreational activities at WDW, but 2-3 WEEKS? What are guests doing that entire time? I'd really love to know because I can't fathom the idea. Seriously, for those who spend 2-3 weeks solely at WDW, how do you spend your time? I'm curious.

The way you feel about the Everglades is the way I feel about Hollywood. I recommend tourists go there because there are some pretty neat things to see, but it's not on my list of top favorite hangout spots.

Yep. Great comparison.

As someone who lived out there, I definitely have very little use for Hollywood. But I get why folks, even my beloved 'Angie' might have more interest.

Now, I could spend 2-3 weeks in O-Town with my local friends. Hanging out and doing all kinds of crazy things. Driving with 'my grandson' at 3 a.m. on roads that aren't open yet is sorta my version of swimming over to Discovery Island to see how Disney literally just abandoned the place.


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I hit ignore after reading the first line. I'm saving internet trees by not wasting internet paper with all the extra pages of posts I don't care to read.

I never ignored anyone until the last few weeks. And I am not using the function here. I am an adult and can deal with everyone, even the unstable, even the people with agendas, etc. But I have gotten to the point that when I see their name/avatar, I don't even bother and just scroll down because they want my attention. They aren't getting it any longer.


Well-Known Member

I wonder if the guy who wrote that got paid a bonus rate for every time he used the word 'brand'.

Also this sentence: "As mentioned previously, it costs much less to retain a customer than to find a new one. " - erm, if that's true, then they really don't seem to practice what they preach at WDW where they appear to have zero interest in long-time returning guests, and concentrate solely on the 'one and dones'.


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Early in my career, ethics was considered an essential part of every executive's training. Being a good "corporate citizen" meant treating customers, employees, and the community with respect.

Current ethics training focuses on not breaking the law. Any behavior beyond that is fair game.

Ethical behavior is more than just not breaking the law.

Today's corporations no longer can be counted on to behave ethically.

I can't say whether Disney is engaging in any illegal dealings either here or overseas (although the fact they have had laws written to just benefit them speaks volumes).

But I absolutely can say Disney is an incredibly ethically challenged corporation.

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