A Spirited Dirty Dozen ...

Mouse Trap

Well-Known Member
A lot of those who do work in that division are ex military who probably some have access to things that would be beneficial to know. Just because the words Disney is in the name doesn't mean they don't know things.

3. The fact Disney has created the illusion of being safe makes it less safe because it would rattle people even more so if anything happened.

Actually, no. Not much military Some FBI and CIA? Yes.

And this makes no sense at all. I'm not sure how you can attribute "rattled people" to less safety.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
More a comparison on how things have changed.

And how things grab your attention. Maybe some people are just more observant.

When I see how truly out of it most people are in daily life, I'm not at all surprised when people will say they didn't see something.
My issue with them is not seeing something in no way means that it doesn't exist, just that your iPhone, your kids, your meds, your coffee, your pixie dust addiction, your friends etc are preventing you from seeing what's right in front of you.

I have watched countless times as people walk through puddles of vomit at theme parks when it is bright and light out and obvious ... clearly they didn't want to do that ... their minds simply couldn't walk and focus on anything else at the same time!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree that things have changed however it's not as bad as the doom and gloom picture that is painted here. I'm in the parks at least once every other month and don't agree with half the crap that is posted on this board.

If you are there every other month, some might suggest you have an addiction to the place. I do agree with you that it WDW isn't as bad as the "gloom and doom picture that is painted here" however.

Really. Because common sense tells me I'm only seeing tip of the iceberg stuff and that means WDW is much worse than anything you'll see posted here. Sorry. Reality hurts ... almost as much as jumping on a bike and realizing someone removed the seat!


Well-Known Member
This summer will be telling somewhat because Disney has new product (to some extent) in all its parks (as does UNI and SW). If summer is down, then I think the serious underlying problems will finally be showing themselves.

They've only blocked out two dates at MK in June and July for cast member spouse and guest passes this year. Last year they were completely blocked out for the full months. Not sure how much weight to put into that but would it suggest they're expecting lower numbers than they'd like or at least lower numbers compared to last year?


Well-Known Member
I am soooo jealous. I haven't been to the islands in years. Planning on going in 2018, but would like to go tonight!

I know people don't like it, but I have to ask why people insist on giving Disney their $$$ in FL. I don't get it at all.

Just because seeing is believing. We went to the Big Island for 5 nights where we (phone pics, because they were easier to get to and upload, but not always so good with the lighting) Sunset from Mauna Kea Summit. No pics of the stargazing we did following sunset. I had never seen the Southern Cross an Polaris at the same time before, so for two Astronautical Engineering grads, that's a pretty cool thing.

We visited the five NPS sites on the island. This is at Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park

Kilauea Halema'uma'u Crater

From the floor of the Kilauea Iki Crater (last eruption 1959)

Lava Tube

Where the lava flow took out the old road

A State Park where we saw turtles

The rest of the time we were on Oahu, which is not quite so exciting, but we were there for our nephew's baby luau. But I did have this for lunch for under $20 all the food court at the Ala Moana Mall

And we got in a Disney fix too.

We can carry on with WDW now.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
True, but that was the latter part of the decade when the slide was starting. As you know @WDW1974 has been pretty spot on with the time frame of when the slide began.

WDW really first showed signs of neglect around its 25th anniversary (1996). It just was easy to excuse because the quality was still so damn high and WDW -- under MIchael Eisner -- was growing with all sorts of kewl new things from BB to BW to DAK to New Tomorrowland to CS to even ... the All Stars to the Westside.

It started then ... but it wasn't until the early 00s that many 'critics' really became aware ... it has been a 15-20 year spiral of the place being mismanaged and neglected and used as an ATM by the parent corp.


Well-Known Member
Actually, no. Not much military Some FBI and CIA? Yes.

And this makes no sense at all. I'm not sure how you can attribute "rattled people" to less safety.

I can't get into too many details as i don't want this to be all about security but essentially security is to allow the illusion of safety. When people feel safe they get lax don't pay attention etc.When people go through security at an airport, concert whatever, they most likely shouldn't feel in danger. When people are like this will never happen, etc blah blah blah they become ignorant to whats around them. Then things go bad, they flip and freak out to the point that put themselves and others around them in even more danger (trampling, accidentally hitting innocent people, etc)

Terrorism is the act of using violence to entice fear into the populace. When 9/11 happened, tourism went down and people stayed home. Now more and more people are going to Disney. People feel safe. They feel secure until something rattles them. Do you think most people know the proper protocols when an active shooter occurs? How to react to a suicide bomber? I can answer that no which puts even more people in danger which is why we end up with a lot more casualties than there should be in a lot of this things occurring lately. Thats why rattled people equal less safety.

And you are definitely 100% wrong about the military aspect.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Interesting. Do you think Roger Rabbit would survive?

Other propertie(s)? Plural? So I'm guessing In addition to BATB maybe something Tangled related?

Originally, I didn't think so. But I am getting the feeling that it might.

I never said anything about any properties beyond Frozen for Anaheim. (BTW, I hear the lead Olaf in the new musical at DCA is FANTASTIC!!!)


Premium Member
...Minor topic of discussion, but where are all the people that were riding the jockstrap of that dude from Fast Company (I think his name was Austin), who convieniently joined and "participated" with us all for a week or two?

He was heralded by many here as the man who put all the NGE budget rumours and ROI to rest. What a joke. Id be interested to see how he would spin his opinion now of the "tuckered out dad on the Contemporary elevator who can't imagine life before FP+ as his princess slepped in his arms" or the "older couple that feared technology but found NGE so easy to use" . I'm paraphrasing those quotes.

A few of us questioned his motives, but we quickly felt the wrath of those that had their nose so far up his unmentionable parts that it was pointless to have a rational discussion.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As if on cue, another Sentinel theme park reporter (sic) turned to Twitter today to get reactions to the on-ride videos from Shanghai. Is this what passes for journalism today?

Of course, after he asked, the usual blogging suspects and Twitter personalities started replying with laughable predictability. One guy said the quality of Shanghai's Pirates and Tron are exciting for WDW fans, because it shows us the quality of attraction that will be coming to Florida.

I'm sorry, but I've been burned by WDW's new attractions for so long that I'll believe it when I see it. Not to mention Tron looks like a sexier neon version of RNRC (read: short with underwhelming show scenes).

After reading this thread (and seeing how DAK's nighttime show is still in limbo), I'm so glad I didn't purchase that AP earlier this year. In fact, the only reason I could justify going to WDW is because I'm in Florida; in no reality would I drop several (or many) thousand dollars to visit WDW. In fact, we let our UO passes expire and we might renew if Kong gets good reviews. If (as rumor has it) Kong repeats the Everest mistake of botching its AA finale, I'll probably wait about going back there until next year.

I don't understand how Orlando, the theme park capital of the world, isn't home to more world-class E-tickets. And the ones it does have, for the most part, all opened 15-20+ years ago. Chew on that.

Sandra is an imbecile. Whether she is stealing from insane Tom Amity or using a con man like Jim Hill as a reputable source ... and trolling Twitter ... I mean ... just come on ... I said the same about Jason Garcia (I apparently hurt his feelings deeply), but do these people even have APs to the parks? If you cover them, then you should have APs to every park in town paid for by the Trib Co. so you can observe things on your own and talk to real people without going through Celebration Place for everything (or Tom Schroder at UNI).


Well-Known Member
Contrast that with the corpses of EPCOT and The Disney-MGM Studios. How and why people go to these parks, beyond having park-hopping ability just astounds me. Completely. I don't understand and I love to observe and people watch. But what do you do there? There are no attractions.
I know this was probably a rhetorical question, and even if it wasn't I'm sure I'm not the person you want the answer from... but I thought I'd answer anyway.

I'm not even going to defend MGM. The state of that park is sad beyond belief, thematically strong areas have been closed to make way for something which TWDC is determined to shoehorn in anywhere. I spent less than half a day there on my last visit.

As for Epcot, I can easily spend a full day there. I even thought Colortopia wasn't dreadful - and it feels like promising things are happening generally within Innoventions. This isn't much comfort to those who have watched beloved attractions close down over the years to the point that there is practically nothing left, but what does remain is excellent placemaking, an extremely strong World Showcase, and a large number of underrated attractions. In that category, I'd include Circle of Life (probably the most controversial pick), and probably less controversially Ellen's Energy Adventure, Reflections of France. The World Showcase entertainment (especially Voices of Liberty) is high calibre for Disney, and keeps things pretty fresh. Fundamentally though, I think it's simply the case that it's a lot easier to accept the likes of Test Track, Mission: Space, Journey Into Imagination as reasonable (not excellent, by Disney's international standards, but reasonable) attractions when you don't have their predecessors in your mind.

Given that in practice I don't spend an entire day in any WDW park, arguably I'm not the best person to have answered that (I like to explore the resorts during the middle of the day), but I would still put Epcot leagues above the broken and clapped out Magic Kingdom which I only visit for a few selected attractions which are unique to that particular castle park, which in turn is leagues ahead of MGM in its present state. Arguably AK should be at the top, except that you end up getting too bloody hot there, which is a shame.

That said, I'm glad you mentioned SSE A/C, as I thought that was just me.


Well-Known Member
Mansion always has crap tossed on the side of the Buggies and they just leave it until closing. One time the CM started the show before the doors had closed totally blowing the illusion. You wonder if she even had/has a clue.
Sadly this is a new normal . . . sometime in the late 00's (but after the 2007 "Rehaunting") the Foyer/Stretch Room sequence timing was changed and condensed -- there is now minimal time to get the guests in the house and in the Stretch Room before it starts going on it's own and the changing portrait resets. Only in the evenings or with very low crowds do you anymore seem to see the Stretch Room doors close before the show begins.

Unless you genuinely fight to be the first through the doors you will also almost certainly miss most of the changing portrait's cycle as well as the Ghost Host's opening narration. You know, the beautifully scripted and chillingly delivered thesis of the attraction.

Same for the Ghost Host's reveal in the Stretch Room - blink and you'll miss him. There used to be a reasonable moment to take in what you were seeing up there. Now it's little more than the flash of lightning; certainly not enough to indicate to an unfamiliar guest what's actually going on.

And because they trimmed this whole sequence within an inch of its effectiveness, you are now almost always dumped out into a loading hall that is so overly crowded it threatens to back up into the Stretch Rooms themselves. I've heard that it has on more than one occasion, in which case the Stretch Room doors are left open and the scene is simply not run. Magical.

All in the name of efficiency!!


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Original Poster
Okay, is it just me or is no one else that impressed with Shanghai? Yes, Pirates and Tron looks amazing but I get the feeling that the sum is not equal to the parts over there...

I think the park will suffer greatly from not having enough. Now, they have more entertainment than HKDL opened with, which is a positive. But attraction-wise, they really needed another 3-4 attractions (at least two of the major variety). I think (actually, I know) the detailing work and showmanship will be largely top-notch. But every land needed something else.

And swapping out Toy Story Land for temp attractions (more like BRAND experiences) for Marvel and Star Wars did nothing for capacity.

I am also stunned the park will open with only ONE full serve restaurant (much like DAK did).

I think what is there will largely be quality. There just isn't enough there ... and the cultural curve here will make Paris and Hong Kong look like Orlando.


Well-Known Member
I know you didn't want to discuss WDW Box Office, but what about Video Games...
Any comments on the cancellation of the Disney Infinity line of games (and the complete closure of Avalanche Studios, who made them)?
For those unaware, only 2 figure sets in the pipeline will be released before you see nothing from this line again.


Well-Known Member
Originally, I didn't think so. But I am getting the feeling that it might.

I never said anything about any properties beyond Frozen for Anaheim. (BTW, I hear the lead Olaf in the new musical at DCA is FANTASTIC!!!)

On the third page of this thread you said "Toontown at DL will indeed be getting taken over by Frozen and other properties."

LOL on Olaf.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And a lot of the DL turnaround credit was shared by Greg Emmer, who served as Matt Ouimet's #2, and head of Operations. He abruptly retired in 2008. He was one of the Disney lifers, who started his career with Disney as a ride operator for the Matterhorn in 1968. He was part of the WDW opening team (Transportation), and worked in various WDW positions for the next three decades, he was VP for the MK from 1993-2000, and WDW OPs from 2000-until he went to DL in 2003.

The people with the experience to "right the ship," have all been put out to pasture. But it doesn't matter anyway, the only "righting" management sees is the need for more IP.

I agree about the oldtimers being missed and Greg was widely respected on both coasts. I thought he was VP of EPCOT until Georgie K got the gig in 1995, though? Wasn't he at MK and when he moved up to Sr VP of Ops, Erin Wallace became VP of MK, only to move up and be replaced by Phil Holmes who somehow still remains employed with the company as VP of The Corpse of The Disney-MGM Studios.


Well-Known Member
What's really sad, is going through any theme park with dirt and grime being the sole focus of your visit. I challenge anyone to visit any venue without finding that, and worse. I wonder if their 'little guy' noticed any of the 'filth'. What a stilted commentary. :-(

The thing is that Walt Disney built Disneyland to be a place that wasn't disgusting like every other amusement park. It was supposed to be clean, safe and a place that both children and parents could enjoy. Someone is losing sight of that vision.

Anyway, to add to the insults, I've been going to WDW about once a year for about 10 years now. I completely understand the change, I saw it too. The level of filth during my two visits in March/April was ridiculous. I'd never seen anything like it before at WDW.

Every single ladies room in the parks that I visited during my two trips had at least one broken toilet with an Out of Order sign. ? Did they layoff the plumbers? Run out of plungers?

Trash everywhere is real. I was under the misguided impression that CMs are trained to pick up trash whenever/wherever they see it. Either that's not a thing anymore, or there aren't enough CMs around to notice the trash and do something about it.

Chipping paint and dust everywhere on the rides, saw that too. I imagine that means staff reductions too and longer periods of time between maintenance windows.

For shame.

On the other hand, I met some awesome CMs during the trip. Kind, chatty, funny, helpful as always. One of the babies got a nose bleed, someone swooped in right away to help -- much appreciated. CMs playing with the kids, making lovely memories. I wonder if the executives know just how wonderful those CMs are....

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