What is it about lowlife, no life bloggers and Disney that brings about such a toxic stew of the worst of humanity?
Why is it that some people actually decided that 'testing' Disney's emergency response was a way to get added clicks, YouTube views, FB views and, ultimately, $$$?
What kind of piece of human excrement does one have to be to check into a WDW resort just to ride out the storm and make other people have to care for them and their needs when their own lives, family's lives and homes may be at stake?
Why would anyone give a flying (blank) about competing with other bloggers on this?
To be clear, I am ripping anyone except for someone like
@WDWFigment who was trapped at WDW by the storm and a canceled DCL voyage.
I am not naming names to dignify the behavior and give them the attention they crave.
Or other bloggers, who are spending all day retweeting 'friends' (no one has real friends in that biz) showing how amazing WDW CMs are ... and playing right into Celebration Place's spin that "WDW is the bestest, safest, most MAGICal place in the world" to ride out a natural disaster because DIS learned from past years and will offer $15 Boma Breakfast buffets (about what it is worth) and put foamheads in the resorts and ... since Loew's is so pet-friendly, allowing anyone to bring their pets (I love animals, but if you think Disney cleans those rooms greatly when kids pee on the floor, I would invite you to stay in a room after a bulldog with gastric distress just spent a few days in it!)
I really, really, really love the themed entertainment business. I love much of Disney's products. And Disney lovers are some of my absolute dearest and most cherished friends (many from this very community). But the amount of mental illness, arrested development people of all ages and total self-absorbed lowlifes makes me want no part of it.
There are many reasons this post is going in this thread and not the Irma one. And, no, I am not saying everyone posting there is anything close to my above labels.
But looking at what Irma has done from the Caribbean to the Keys to SW FL and now up the state ... what kind of lowlife does one have to be to make sure they are one of the last ones out of EPCOT, forcing CMs to hang around so they can get pics or video? What kind of lowlife does one have to be if they are a local and they decide that since they can't work, they might as well close down the MK?
I dunno. I just know that while we may both like Disney and be passionate about it, we have absolutely nothing in common. Nothing. And I have no use for these people as members of the species.
Now, have at it ...