One Little Spark...
It was her strong will that actually made Han rethink his life, which became his arc. She was literally the only character with a will strong enough to shame him into doing the right thing. Even Luke couldn't do that...he had to bribe Han.One thing I’ve seen constantly brought up about Leia is that whatever smart remark she had there was an equal dynamic between her and Han Solo. They were both strong willed characters that wouldn’t take anything from anybody.
Of course, that development got tossed to the wind and he became a deadbeat dad, running around the galaxy in his old hot rod ship with his lifelong drinking buddy, and probably not even paying galactic child support to boot!
Edgy...no, I'm sorry "groundbreaking storytelling"... (rolls eyes)
But this goes back to the "EU vs new Canon" thing I mentioned earlier. When they come out and say, for example, that L3-37 (and, lets not get into what a terrible pun/idea that name was) is the first character to care about droid rights and want a revolution. EU fans say...um, no...that was IG-88.
They say, look at these strong female leads, Star Wars has never had those before. Fans point to Leia, Mara Jade, Kreia (KOTOR), Ahsoka, Amidala, Satine, Sabine, Hera...ooh, man, the list goes on. Some of which still live in the D-Canon, even. So, what are they talking about?
So, it's not even that they are "breaking new ground"...so...what are they on about?
It's...silly. And sad.
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