A Spirited 15 Rounds ...


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Parting of ways was initiated partly by the lead, Alden Ehrenreich. He complained about how the character of Han Solo was appearing in the movie to an associate producer who relayed it to KK. As reported, they looked at the footage shot and wanted another director to help shape the film in which Lord and Miller balked. Firing the pair was easy after that.
Lawrence Kasdan said Solo was the best screenplay he had written and the two directors were straying to far off the script. Solo is my dark horse movie.


Well-Known Member
Not really. The Wii was one of the best-selling consoles of all time.

It was the Wii U that bombed for various reasons. A lot it was due to marketing. They found their groove again with the Switch. Let's also not forget that the Nintendo DESTROYED Playstation in the handheld market, effectively putting them out of business. 3DS is king.

Nintendo has a history of having a best-selling console, followed by a low-selling one. This goes back to NES/SNES.

But yea, I heart Nintendo & Playstation, could care less about Xbox.
Nintendo's also got a wide array of memorable and appealing characters while the priorities of Sony/Microsoft consoles are more focused on variants of "Generic realistic human man with gun".


Well-Known Member
Nintendo's also got a wide array of memorable and appealing characters while the priorities of Sony/Microsoft consoles are more focused on variants of "Generic realistic human man with gun".

True. Zelda is my favorite video game franchise of all time so I can't disagree with you. Even for people that don't like Zelda, there is Mario, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, etc.

I feel like Playstation has stronger exclusives than Xbox. Aside from Halo, Xbox doesn't have much in way of exclusive titles/franchises. They just care about graphics. Playstation has the Uncharted series, simply one of the best franchises ever. Also has solid entries like Gran Turismo, Jax & Dexter, Little Big Planet, etc.


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Mike S

Well-Known Member
True. Zelda is my favorite video game franchise of all time so I can't disagree with you. Even for people that don't like Zelda, there is Mario, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, etc.

I feel like Playstation has stronger exclusives than Xbox. Aside from Halo, Xbox doesn't have much in way of exclusive titles/franchises. They just care about graphics. Playstation has the Uncharted series, simply one of the best franchises ever. Also has solid entries like Gran Turismo, Jax & Dexter, Little Big Planet, etc.
No doubt. Doesn’t help that the quality of their exclusives are going down like with Halo.

Also you list all those games but no Last of Us?!?!?! FOR SHAME!!!

phillip sugarman

Well-Known Member
Looks like the Spirit has commented on the D23 Expo Japan announcements but on a different platform. These were his comments.
"Chappie is such a tool. Just a bunch of old news repackaged. Without even any real detail on anything of substance whatsoever, unless you consider the theme of a new float or the fact GoTG will be a coaster to be news. Even the RnRC reskin in Paris has been in the plans for at least 3-4 years now (I know because I first put it out in another MAGICal realm). Originally, the plan was for Spiderman. I guess they are borrowing aspects from other Marvel attractions to make it even cheaper. I suppose it is better than having them destroy another ToT. In the end, all this stuff just moves Disney further and further from being a company that transported you to other places and eras. Instead of theme parks, they are running popular (now) IP parks. And if you want to live Star Wars, Marvel or Pixar, then you are likely happier than a pig in pooh. If you want something a bit deeper, then Disney simply isn’t the place for you."

His comments were on this site.


phillip sugarman

Well-Known Member
Here are more of the Spirits comments on the D23 Expo Japan announcements.

"Finally, a major parks plan under Iger I can actually fully support! Shocking.
But I agree with it for all of the reasons you listed and then some. The decision to throw Marvel and Star Wars in the same park instead of forcing them in parks they don’t belong (see: DL and DCA) is a good one. A very good one. And instead of destroying classic attractions like ToT, everything leaving are things that no one will miss.
I have been visiting the resort for almost 15 years regularly. It is the ONLY Disney resort outside of Tokyo that gets better every time I am there."

"There are rumors, from people I trust that another attraction is coming to Studios in that area. There also was no talk about a new attraction for Parc Disneyland (Fantasyland, not Adventureland), even though a major one is coming. Same for major redevelopment of Disney Village, which certainly needs it. And while HKDL attractions for Frozen and Avengers are being replicated here, SW won’t be a clone of the USA with only the headliner attraction coming and possibly a minor one.
I do agree that my enthusiasm might have been a bit much (but when have I had reason for it under Iger’s alleged leadership?) I would rephrase that things were better annually from 2005-2009, then I didn’t visit until 2012 and things were at their absolute nadir. It seemed like all their 20th anniversary $$$ went into creating and staging Disney Dreams and it was sorta depressing. Since then every visit (and there have been plenty) has shown improvements across the board. Of course, bleeding the resort dry so they could gain control has been Disney’s plan since Iger took over."

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