This will all be over as soon as you capitulate and embrace TLJ for the awesome and ground-breaking film it truly is!!
Honestly, those who vehemently defend TLJ as some fantastic, franchise-changing movie remind me of the Borg - Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. It
is possible to have different opinions on a subject and have a civil discussion at the same time. Being dismissive of other's opinions shows a lack of understanding and blind devotion. And yes, there are a lot of SW fans that could
easily be included in the latter camp at one time or another (and I may have been included at one time, years and years ago), but those numbers have shrunk with TLJ. To quote someone I heard speak years ago on arguing over different opinions - "Not WRONG, just DIFFERENT".
Disney is gonna Disney the hell out of Star Wars, and they aren't even keeping it a secret. Translation: Rather than being thoughtful stewards of a franchise (cough*MCU*cough), they are going to wring every possible penny out of it and milk the **** out of it. To those in the upper levels of TWDC, Star Wars = cash cow. End of story. I know I'm in the minority here, but my opinion is Rogue One was completely unnecessary, as is the Han Solo movie. We knew the Death Star plans were stolen. Did we need to know every detail about how they were stolen? Some stories don't need to be told. They are better off being mysterious, kind of like what happens after "happily ever after".