Kathleen Kennedy, the president of Lucasfilm, the studio that makes the “Star Wars” films, was more direct about whether she felt she had to placate these critics.
“I have a responsibility to the company that I work with,” she said. “I don’t feel that I have a responsibility to cater in some way.”
She added, “I would never just seize on saying, ‘Well, this is a franchise that’s appealed primarily to men for many, many years, and therefore I owe men something.’”
She is turning the franchise into She-Ra.
Now, let me explain before you get your "-isms" lasers ready to fly.
This woman...is not telling good STORIES.
TFA was a basic fan-service movie...not bad, not great...in line with JJ's Star Trek movie. It set up new characters for us to care about, and created new and interesting storylines to pursue.
Rogue One was boring. Sorry, it was. But, even if you liked it...or TFA...both movies had lots of story potential that were squandered.
It's fine to have strong female leads. I applaud strong female leads. But, they shouldn't be interesting just because they are female!
I HATE crappy stories.
And, let's face it, that is what she is doing with this.
Even women agree.
And, there are plenty of others.
Do you know why She-Ra was a thing? 20% of He-Man sales were...to little girls. I know, I know, it was the "sexist 80s"...what sort of mysogenist men would buy their daughter's boy's toys to play with? Well...20% of the market share did, apparently. Anyhow, when the Barbie/girls line at Mattel found out, they decided they needed their own version...so, She-Ra was born, with unicorns.
Kathleen Kennedy, like pretty much every virtue signalling hollywood social justice moron, is fighting a paper tiger... A battle that was won long ago, but they won't let go of. They ARE the "first order" who won't follow Ren's advice to "let the past die"...
She, needs to go...before she kills the franchise with her backwards ideology.
I don't care if you replace her with another woman, or a transsexual Ewok...just give me someone who is committed to telling a STORY and building a UNIVERSE...not someone who is the epitome of the peter principle that she thinks she isn't susceptible to because she doesn't have a peter.