Active Member
Sorry, for the absence. Didn't mean to leave you hanging where you might have to discuss pizza or fight the UNI vs. DIS battle yet again or even read a book. Life called. I answered.
But I also realized something I've been tossing around. And that is I need a forum that I control where I can put content out at my pace and not have to come back to a disaster or worry that I might hurt a white supremacist's feelings etc. So, this will be my final Spirited thread here. I have a plan for a new project for where I can take my thoughts and get them out on a regular (by my life) time table. No, I am not leaving this site. But this 15th round will be the last. No Sweet 16 as cute as I look in my dress and heels. Much like people like Len Testa and Tom Bricker that have their own money-making enterprises, but still take part in this great and vibrant community, I'll do likewise. I just won't break news here for people to steal. I'll do it elsewhere and actually go after people if they decide they are breaking something two years after I did.
I didn't come to this decision easily. If I did, I would have made this move years ago. But I think you'll enjoy what will come this fall.
And with that, I will attempt to answer some posts and then move on to other subjects here. Won't leave y'all hanging.
Just want to say thanks for the 88% of you who have contributed positively, whether you agreed with me or not. The rest of you? I am sure you'll enjoy the threads started by my 'fans' here ... they always have so much of value to add!
Kinda bummed to hear you're peeling off. Long time lurker and have a few individuals tagged so I can catch new posts. This site used to have a lot more inside info but it seems to have dropped off over the years. Of course if Disney isn't doing much, not a lot to leak....
Totally understand the need for more creative control. One suggestion....setup an email capture for those of us that will follow you to your new thing.
Best of luck.