A quick Survey


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Original Poster
There's been a lot of speculation in other threads as to whether attendance will be down substantially in 2009. Some say definitely, others say the parks are as crowded as ever, at least right now. The way Disney is acting, i.e., entertainment cuts, discount offers, it appears they are expecting a loss in visitors for 2009.

I thought it might be interesting to see what others on these boards are doing next year. I'm mainly asking those that go to WDW from out of state or overseas as an annual vacation. It's obviously a lot less expensive for Floridians to visit frequently, but you're certainly welcome to join the discussion.

As far as our family goes, we've visited at least once per year, every year since 2000, traveling from New England. We will most likely NOT be going this year due to the economic conditions. I just wanted to see if we are in the minortiy or the majority.


Where are you from?

How often do you usually visit WDW?

Are you going in 2009?


Edit: Sorry, just realized I posted in Rumors. Feel free to move, Mom.


Nice idea, but not useful at all. Writing a survey for people who hang out on Disneyana discussion boards is the very definition of "selection bias."

I don't think so. There are a few posters on here who haven't been to the World in a few years. I think it's a good question.

To the OP:


Once (possibly twice) a year or less

Yes we are going in February 2009

Angie Baby

New Member
We're from Canada and have a vacation booked for may 2009. Right now it all depends on how low the canadian dollar is gonna go.:cry:


Active Member
Nice idea, but not useful at all. Writing a survey for people who hang out on Disneyana discussion boards is the very definition of "selection bias."

I agree with cblog. Not only are there people on here that don't go every year, but we have already seen a few who have stated they aren't going or are cutting back. I think this is a good place to get a feel for how repeat visitors are feeling.

As for me:

I live in Texas.

I have gone twice a year for the last 4 years.

We booked the bounce back on our last trip so we are going in 2009, but right now it is looking like we will only be going once.


Well-Known Member
I live in northern Virginia and we usually go once, sometimes twice a year. We are DVC so we will pretty much go every year regardless of economic conditions. We are planning to go in Oct. 09.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll bite

Where are you from?

Savannah, Georgia

How often do you usually visit WDW?

1 - 4, it really depends.

Are you going in 2009?

Yes, I know I will be down in March. I hope to go either late May or early June and probably October or December. Maybe both if I can swing it.


We currently are planning on booking our next trip in early 2009. This however depends on a bunch of factors. We are going to look at what discounts they are offering for the 1st half of the year either that or a great bounce back offer when we go in December.

Even so we are already thinking of cutting back in ways. We originally were looking to go to the Wilderness Lodge. Now we are more likely going to pick a moderate. If when we are there in December we decide we are coming back for at least another 7 days we may upgrade our tickets to an AP if it will be more cost effective than purchasing another 8 day hopper.

We have a lot of math to do before we leave so we can make some good decisions.

So we will still go next year (I've been once every year for the past few years) but we are really going to examine the costs closely.


Active Member
From TX

Now that our oldest is in school, we plan on going once a year.

Not sure yet if our next trip (after the one we have coming up in a few weeks) will actually be in 2009....but we will go sometime during the 2009/2010 school year.

As of now, the economy is not affecting our future Disney plans.....however, that could very easily change.


Active Member
Where are you from?

How often do you usually visit WDW?

Are you going in 2009?


I'm from Massachusetts and we visit WDW once every 1 or 2 years. We are planning a trip for May, 09.
The only thing different we are doing with this trip is that we aren't going for as long (6 days instead of 8) and we are NOT using our credit cards to pay for any of it...:)


New Member
I know you didn't want to hear much from Floridians, but I am an annual pass holder and I will not be renewing for the first time in many years. I usually go 3-4 times a year for 3-4 days at a time. I am going to get a Universal season pass this year as I have only been to Islands twice and I love thrill rides. Plus after that year is over it will make the next trip to Disney better since it will be awhile since I went last. Hopefully within that year they can do what needs to be done to space mountain and maybe spruce up adventure or fantasy land. Also by then it will be time for my baby daughter's first visit to WDW :D


New Member
we are from Northern Va

We don't make it down often at all as it has been over 10 years:lookaroun

We are going in oct 09, even with the problems we might be facing we will make it work!


I am from Richmond, VA.

This is our first year as AP holders, so we have gone 4 times. Usually we go 2-4 times a year.

So far, we are going in March/April...we aren't great at planning to far ahead, but we know we are going at least twice in 2009.


Well-Known Member
I am from NY, and try to make it down once every couple of years (2-3).

Economic considerations are big right now. My wife and I may need to scrap our upcoming April trip just for that reason.

And for those who think Disney isn't anticipating a downturn, look at all the projects they have scaled abck or put on hold. Cash flow may become an issue very soon for many of these major corporations.


Active Member
Waveland on the Miss. Gulf Coast.

When the AP discounts were more available, we were going 2 to 3 times as year. One year we even went 4 times. But has the offers of AP discounts have fallen, we have cut back & now only plan 1 trip a year. We've even let our AP's expire.

We're planing a trip the last full week of June 09. I'll re-purchase AP's & a DDE card. Then we will be set for our next trip in early June 10 while our AP's & DDE card are still good.


Well-Known Member
The major concern for me is the cost of airfare. My wife and I are teachers, so we are very limited in our vacation time to mostly the peak season.

This April, the airfare is about $250 EACH WAY. Without tax, checked bags, transportation (parking or car service). That's about $1000 in airfare without the extras. The Disney prices I can swing. But pile the airfare on top of that, and you really end up giving yourself a problem.


:wave: Hi I'm from England in the UK and we are going in February 2009 and that will be our 3rd visit since 2002. We had booked this trip the beginning of this year so could not predict the economic turndown so we just have to tighten our belts because I am not missing out on this trip!!!!!


New Member
I am from N.Attleboro, MA and I am going in July 09 with my husband but we have the DVC.

I am also planning on sending my daughter and 3 of her friends for graduation next June. I am only paying for my daughter but this will only depend on how much it will cost us.

I had gone 3 times since last August but that was the first time I had gone more than once a year. I won't be doing that again for a long time.


New Member
The major concern for me is the cost of airfare. My wife and I are teachers, so we are very limited in our vacation time to mostly the peak season.

This April, the airfare is about $250 EACH WAY. Without tax, checked bags, transportation (parking or car service). That's about $1000 in airfare without the extras. The Disney prices I can swing. But pile the airfare on top of that, and you really end up giving yourself a problem.

Is the airfare that much if you book it THROUGH Disney? I had been watching airfare all year this past year, just in case we decided to go. When the free dining in Dec was offered, we pounced on it. The airfare through Disney (from DFW) was basically the same as last year (about $110 each way on AA). I DIDN'T do that in 2007 because I could get much better deals on my own, but this year, that seemed like a pretty good rate (and even recent "fare sales" have not been cheaper). Anyway, I almost didn't even have them check it for me this year because I knew it was much higher than the sale rate I could get last year--I'm glad I had them check it for me.

As for the OP... that's a tough one. We went 3 years ago, skipped a year, went last year and are going this year. So...

Where do you live?

How often do you go?
about once a year

Will you be going in 2009?
Depends on several things:
1) I'm looking for discounts--what can Disney offer and how cheaply can I fly there? We loved the free dining last year. We'll see how it goes this year. That's likely to be the sort of discount we're looking for.
2) How is the market doing? I would likely be taking money out of the market to pay for my trip. So, if I take it out when things are down 40%, I have to sell 40% more stock to pay for it.
3) My kids love Disney, but they want to do other things, too--see things they haven't seen. So, we may skip a year to vacation elsewhere.

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