A Pixar girls weekend getaway

After the winter and the not so great spring here in New England, this SAHM was burnt out. So when the announcement of Pixar weekend came out, this was a perfect excuse for a getaway without the kids. Although my husband enjoys Disney, his idea of weekend getaway involves a blackjack table, not large, costumed characters. So I had to find a partner in crime for my weekend fun. This was an easy find, I called my sister up and she took a grand total of 3 seconds to agree to come along. My husband agreed to take Friday off to play Mr. Mom and we were all set for our girl’s Pixar weekend.
Friday morning, I said goodbye to the kids and my husband and we were on our way to the airport. We parked the car and then my sister realized she forgot her purse with her wallet and ID at my house and the flight left in less than an hour and a half. Not good. I called my husband and he packed the kids in the car and probably broke a few laws on the way but 15 minutes later she had her purse.
Here she is feeling not so great about forgetting her purse (oh she’ll love me for posting that hideous photo)

By the time we got thru security amd made a quick stop at Dunkie’s, it was time to board the plane. Which on a side note if you fly SW and intend to fly sitting next to each other pay for the early bird, we got boarding passes B3&4and we got the second to last two seats next to each other.
We landed to the sweet smell of MCO and ready to board the ME for our home away from home for the weekend.

We got to the check-in line and were next in line, when about 50 teenage girls came walking in followed by yet another 30 or other teenage girls with a few boys sprinkled in. My sister and I just looked at each other, just what we didn’t want to see: teenagers with little to no chaperoning. Oh well. We checked in and were pleasantly surprised. We got a free upgrade to a preferred room, perhaps because the CM saw our horrified faces with all the teenagers coming in. Our room wasn’t ready yet, she said we would get a text when it was ready. We decided to go have some lunch at the Pepper Market.


I got the chicken and cheese quesadilla with a pomagranate mojito. I also got a strawbeery shortcake, which tastes pretty close to Sunshine Seasons.

My sister got the chicken fajitas that came with beans and rice and she also got a strawberry shortcake.

She also got a margarita.

After lunch we decided to go check out the resort.


This is where I temporarily forgot I had a husband and children




Well-Known Member
Color me jealous! I can totally relate with the burnt SAHM thing. I've reached the point where I just tell the boys to take it outside and kill each other where I don't have to be a witness to it. :zipit:

Can't wait for more!!! :sohappy:


Original Poster
We ended up at the pool, it was too tempting. We only brought carry-on so we went into the bathroom/locker room and changed into our suits and just relaxed by the pool for a few hours waiting for our text. We saw a the teenage girls again all ready for the pool snd trying to impress somebody but for the most part there were only familes around. By 5pm, still no text so we decided to head back to El Centro and see how the room was progressing. When we arrived the lobby was filled with about 50 teenage boys. It was either a senior trip or some kind of band competition. Never did find out which it was but I do have to say for the most part they did not turn out to be a hassle like I thought they would be. It could have been a lot worse. Regardless, turned out our room was ready, they didn’t text us. Not a big deal. So we headed up to our room.


We changed and decided to head to DTD for some shopping and dinner. I bought some souvenirs for my kids. Red Minnie shoes for my daughter (yes, my 5 year old asked for shoes) and a LEGO set for my son. We looked at almost every shop in the Marketplace and then got some late dinner at Earl of Sandwich. We then headed back for the night.

Here is a horrible photo of me fooling around with the Dinosaur merchandise

My delicious All American sandwich from EoS

Next up is our Pixar day at Epcot filled with characters and food.


Original Poster
We woke up early and decided to head to Epcot for rope drop. Neither of us had ever done Epcot’s rope drop so off we went. We arrived to lines forming so we waited then the lines started to move, apparently Epcot doesn’t do anything fabulous like MK does for rope drop. Everyone went straight towards Soarin’ but we saw a potential addition to our girl’s weekend, but turn out she had other things to do.


Then we saw Stitch exercising with his CM with no one else around so of course we got a picture.

We went to get a fastpass for Soarin and figured out quickly that it wasn’t quite 9 yet and they don’t let you past innoventions until 9 am. We thought oh this must be the more exciting ropedrop ceremony. Eh, not so much. A little more fan fare but not exactly exciting. We followed the mad rush for Soarin’ got our fastpasses and decided to go on Journey into Imagination. Where I think besides the CM’s, we were the only ones in the building. Sad. After that we went over to Nemo and took a ride. At that point we decided to head to Cool Club. I had never done this before but had a heads up on the Beverly, and my sister had gone before but wanted to enjoy my disgust. I wish we got a picture to prove it but I wasn’t horrified by the Beverly. It tasted a little bitter but nothing outrageous. I even tried it at a couple of stations because other people were yelling how horrible it was and I thought maybe I got a bad machine but no. Apparently I have a high tolerance to bitter?? After that we decided to go get fastpasses for Test Track since our Soarin’ fastpasses were already ready to use. We got the fastpasses went back to the Land for breakfast and then headed towards the World Showcase, it was almost 11 by then.

My breakfast of Champions at Sunshine Seasons

Our first stop was Celebrational Center. Our predetermined, definite, agreed upon characters that we had to see were Mr. Potatohead, Slim and Remy. The rest we would just see who we could get but not go crazy about it. We picked these characters because my husband has a fondness for Remy, why I’m not sure?, Slim, because my sister at 6’ tall said he could be her boyfriend because he is taller than her and Mr. Potatohead because he helped put us thru college. You see my dad worked for Hasbro for 20+ years so indirectly we owe him a lot. So first up was Lotso and Potatohead. I hugged Lotso and asked how he could have been so mean, he just bowed his head and shook it. He seems remorseful. Anyways, the CM meant well taking photos for us but she did a bad job and poor Potatohead looked like he was forgotten and he was number one on our list. But if we waited in line again, we would have missed him, by then only Lotso was out.

Here's our college provider

And the photo that looks like we were trying to ditch poor Mr Potatohead for Lotso

We saw Sully, Mike and Boo but decided to skip them and move to Dug and Carl. While we were in line, Dug had to take a hydrant break and we only ended up getting our photo with Carl, disappointing but I recovered.


By then the 3 other monsters from Monster’s Inc had come out and everyone flocked over there like they were magnetic. We decided against getting in the line since it was so long and we knew they would change out by the time we got up there. The Incredibles and Mater were also in there but decided against getting pictures since we already had photos from previous trips with them. We figured maybe we’d stop by later and get some other pictures if we wanted to, which turns out we never did. On our way out the army men were making a kid do push ups and jumping jacks. He took it in good stride. I couldn't help but think of my son, he has always wanted to meet the army men but somehow we have missed them in our trips. We went on to explore England and Canada and the Flower and Garden festival topiaries around.

I'm just glad he didn't ask me to do push-ups


On to France, a line had already formed for Remy and Emile and I decided I wanted to wait so my sister was good with that and lucky we did. We were the last few to get a photo, otherwise we would have had to wait an hour more.


After our picture with the only rats I’ll ever hug, we spotted my sister’s boyfriend. So over we ran. The line was just forming. Perfect timing. She told him that finally someone was taller than her and we happily took a picture.


We saw Flik and Atta in the garden behind us but decided to go start our other mission we were going to try, desserts around the world.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow! I sooooo would do anything to get a pic with any/all the the Up! characters. Mr. Potatohead does look kinda out there in the cold. Remy & Emile. Loooove it! Tracey watches Ratatouille constantly so those guys...er..rats... are special, too. I love your girls escape! Can't wait for more. And desserts around the world. Now that's my kinda living!


Active Member
Great report so far! I love all your photos! It looks like you and your sister are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to read more!


Active Member
Ah so jealous you met Remy. I too have a soft spot for that movie; no idea why since I have tiny mice in my house and I hate them with a passion.
Can't wait to see more!


Well-Known Member
I'm MASSIVELY enjoying this - your comments make me laugh, because I know I'd be saying the same thing (especially about the girls "trying to impress someone" at the pool). It's SO nice to see some different characters.


I bought some souvenirs for my kids. Red Minnie shoes for my daughter (yes, my 5 year old asked for shoes) and a LEGO set for my son.

All I have to say, is that your daughter has her priorities straight.


Original Poster
I got a strawberry tart and she got a apple tart. Both very good. However, after eating my tart I decided that my desserts around the world ended before it began. It was very rich and I generally don’t do a lot of sugar. There was no way I was going to make it. If I did desserts around the world it would surely end in vomiting up the world. So I told her I just couldn’t do every country. Pathetic I know. But she was understanding.



Anyway, we looked around some stores and gradually moved towards Morroco where she ended up getting Baklava. I have no idea what's in Baklava but neither of us were impressed.


Again we moved on toward Japan exploring all the nooks of each country. We decided to eat a lunch that consisted of some much needed protein at Yakitori House . We both had the chicken teriyaki. It was pretty good.


We ran across the American fife players and decided to watch, as the storm clouds started to roll in. We watched the America show, which I hadn’t seen in years and my sister had never seen. It was ok a bit sugar coated to say the least. I mean really, they kind of summed it up as we had a hard time starting the US but we succeeded and by the way the Indians were a bit ticked off. Ah well Disney knows how to sugar coat well. We were just about to leave when we saw the sheets of rain and heard the lightening cracking. We decided to wait a few minutes at the exit for it to calm down. Which it did. I looked at the radar on my iphone and decided to get some ponchos since this wasn’t going to be the end of the rain. The America store was out so we moved on to Italy to get some. It was only lightly drizzling by then.We picked up 2 ponchos and my sister got a gelato.

This was my sister American choice. Not quite a dessert but it'll do.


Italy's choice strawberry gelato


By then we reached Germany, I wanted to check out the carmel shop but I’m not a big chocolate person so ended up not getting anything. My sister was feeling a bit sugar shocked at this point so I decided to take one for the team and I got the apple strudel. It was good, especially the vanilla sauce but it was big. I finished maybe half.


We looked around China, we both declined a chinese dessert, we thought maybe we’d go back later. We headed to Norway to find something neither of us had ever seen. A 40 minute wait for Maelstrom. Really?? Granted, I usually go in off season but 40 minutes? why? It’s not that good. We thought maybe it had to do with the rain storm that came thru. We actually got fastpasses and decided to hit the bakery in Norway.

Took this photo for proof since we have never seen a wait this long for Maelstrom


Really I'm getting a fastpass for Maelstrom??



Original Poster
We got in line. My sister got the schoolbread and I couldn’t resist the berry cream puff. Then we encountered 2 girls and their dad that were completely trashed doing drinks around the world (only 2 more to go!) for one of their birthday’s. We had to wait until the CM signed off in her “passport” that she got a beer there and I kindly returned her ID that she completely forgot existed on the counter. My sister and I then ate our pastries being somewhat entertained but quickly annoyed by the drunk family that met up with the other half of their family that included 2 or 3 small children. Real high class people.

Here is the schoolbread a bit sweet for me but still good

My winner for best dessert this trip

We left the drunk family to their own, to discuss the best of Walmart. On to Mexico, we looked at the shops, admired the restaurant and rode the ride. We walked back to the lobby area and saw the rain pouring down again.

I had to add this photo, it's in the lobby of Mexico and we were waiting the downpour out when I saw it. I screamed and refused to stand next to it. I have a HUGE phobia of snakes and got freaked out. And yes I know it's wooden but I still don't care. My sister thought it was hilarious. Me? Not so much.

We waited out the downpour, put our ponchos on and walked in the drizzle to get my sister some churros. I had a small bite basically to say I tried it. At that point, she declared she was done with desserts around the world. Fine by me. I was bloated enough to be part of Illuminations at that point. We were defeated.

Our last in our attempt of desserts around the world

We decided to go use up our trio of fastpasses. Soarin first, Test track and then we came back and did Maelstrom.


We still had 2 hours before Illuminations so from there we ended upwalking all the way around the World Showcase again. In America, we came across a bunch of giddy older people wanting to stand next to this sign.

There was even some lady with a clear backpack. And in the bag she had a cut out picture of some guy's head taped to a stick, kind of like when my kids make puppets. But it had, who I can only assume to be, Peter Noone's face, taped to it. Eh weird. I'm going to be honest on this one. No idea who Herman's Hermit's is or are. I googled it while we were walking and I think we recognized one song but for the life of me I couldn't tell you what it is now. Maybe he is/was a Justin Beiber for older people? We ended up in the UK for a while, listened to the band that was playing and ran into some old friends.

We looked at Mousegear and a few other stores and by then it was about 8pm and we staked out our spot out for Illuminations. The drizziling had stopped but it was much cooler by then and being slightly wet and cool is not a good combination. We talked with a family next to us that turned out to be from MA, not far from where we grew up and then I couldn’t take it anymore. I forked over the $50 for a sweatshirt. My sister almost caved but never did. As we were waiting, a duck heard me open the popcorn bucket and then like Pavlov’s dog, came waddling over and continued to harass us for a snack while we waited for Illuminations to start. It finally began and we saw Illuminations amongst the smoke and a stiff breeze.

Here is Donald's creepo stalking cousin that wouldn't leave us alone

And it starts:

After Illuminations, we decided to people watch so we wouldn’t have to fight the bus lines. Kept busy by seeing how many fannypacks we could spot. Contemplating where one would buy a pack these days or if they just kept their fannypacks from 1989. Also contemplated why koolats were invented and why someone would still not only own a pair but wear it in public. When it finally cleared we headed back to rest our poor achy feet and bodies for the night.
The next morning we got up. Grabbed a quick breakfast, hit the gift shop and sat outside to enjoy the sun until it was time for our sad trip back to the airport.

We had a lot of fun even though it was just a couple of days. I’m back in fleece thinking about what color to make the ark I'm going to build because of all the rain we have had and just waiting for spring to make an appearance. It was the perfect weekend of fun and I can’t wait for my next trip, Hawaiian style, with all of my family to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday in September.


Well-Known Member
Great report!

Even if you didn't quite make it, I think deserts around the world is a cool idea.

I love the American Adventure but right now things are just so frustrating with our country it probably would be hard to watch the sticky-sweet ending and not be even a little annoyed by it. I hadn't really given it any thought but your perspective sure made sense to me.

Had to :lol: about the family of drunkies w/little kids who discussed the best of Walmart. :lol: It takes all kinds, right?

I'm with you on the snake. There's only 3 kinds I don't do: live ones, dead ones, and sticks that look like one. :D

Great report! Can't wait to see how the September adventure goes!

Soooooo, did it work? Did running away to Disney for a little R&R help??? I'm curious... :D


Original Poster
Great report!

Even if you didn't quite make it, I think deserts around the world is a cool idea.

I love the American Adventure but right now things are just so frustrating with our country it probably would be hard to watch the sticky-sweet ending and not be even a little annoyed by it. I hadn't really given it any thought but your perspective sure made sense to me.

Had to :lol: about the family of drunkies w/little kids who discussed the best of Walmart. :lol: It takes all kinds, right?

I'm with you on the snake. There's only 3 kinds I don't do: live ones, dead ones, and sticks that look like one. :D

Great report! Can't wait to see how the September adventure goes!

Soooooo, did it work? Did running away to Disney for a little R&R help??? I'm curious... :D

I have to say it did. It was good to get away without the kids (and even the hubby) even if it was only for 2 days. As you know even when on vacation, SAHM's don't get to vacation, so this was like a real vacation. I wasn't constantly looking behind or around to see where the kids were or making sure they weren't destroying something somewhere. It only took me 7+ years to do it but I would recommend it. I feel somewhat refreshed. I think I deserved it and that every SAHM needs a break even if it is only once every 7 years :)


Well-Known Member
Oh wow look at all those Meet and Greets how amazing is that. And half of them I have never even seen out. I must be going at the wrong times. I love it.

I agree with you on snakes, I hate hate hate them. My sister on the other hand would totally laugh at me for the same reason your sister did. She would think this was funny.

You are making me want to grab a girlfriend and head down for a weekend. It looks like you guys had an amazing time.

I can't wait to read the rest!


Well-Known Member
Great report so far...I have to admit I'm a little jealous looking at your awesome character pictures.

Love the picture of you getting the fastpass in Norway :lol: And that cream puff looks delicious!


Well-Known Member
I love the opportunity to see these rare characters!
Is the Pixar Weekend something new or do they do this every year?

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