A first time Disney cruise (with a day snuck in at MK) PTR!!!

It seems as though my trips lately have a common theme- lots of firsts.
So, for this trip my firsts so far include:
-Using a travel agency (mousefantravel)
-taking a Disney cruise!!
-planning a vacation last minute
-traveling in a group (WDWradio!)
I will elaborate on these a bit later in this post.

But, first things first....


So the attendees are as usual.
First, there's my boyfriend, Kevin.

Then, there's me, Angie:
(you may remember me looking like this from my last trip report)

(and here's a more recent picture of me with changed hair so that it doesn't get confusing when I do the Trip Report and you're like, "Who is this person?!?!")

The Plan.

Nov 2- Leaving from Boston mid-morning and catching a flight to MCO. This will be my second time ever flying (I don't know if you all remember that my WDW trip in Sept 2011 was the first time I flew) and last time we flew out of a relatively small airport. I'm a little anxious thinking about flying from such a busy airport this time around. I don't like to put myself in stressful situations (especially if they are socially stressful), but you got to do what you got to do to get to Disney!!!
-We should get to MCO around 2pm, then take magical express to All Star Sports. Music is usually my first choice and this time we were even thinking about trying POP, but money is a huge factor during this trip, so it made sense to go with Sports this time around.
-We haven't set in stone what we will do this first evening, but most likely we will- take a bus to Epcot, ride the monorail loop there and visit the resorts, take a bus to Art of Animation, bask in the glory that IS Art of Animation, daydream a little that we were staying there, then take a bus from there to DTD. We will probably try to get back to the hotel well before it gets dark, since tomorrow will be a big day!

Nov 3- MK all day! Hmm, that's catchy... It looks like MK will be open from 9-9 this day, and we are spending every second of that we can in MK. We will, of course, catch the opening show, and, assuming Wishes will be happening that night, we will stay until the very end. It is important that we MUST experience some of the new FLE or I will just die. Though, I can't decide what I want to do first- "run" to the FLE, or ride haunted mansion. I suppose we will just have to see what feels right when we get there!!

Nov 4-8 Cruise time! We will hop on the bus and head over to Port Canaveral. Not sure how everything is there, so I don't have any plans just yet, just go with the flow. I'm assuming at this point we will meet up with the wdwradio group, but I'm not so sure just yet since I just booked this last night and haven't had time to research!

Reasoning behind certain decisions

-There was a lot to consider with cost this vacation. Kevin and I weren't originally going to make it to disney this year because of money, but we really cut out a lot of costs, things that were really, really tough for us to let go of, and made it work. A lot of decisions for things we are doing on this trip are compromising for money.

-I really wanted to go to WDW (You can't travel all the way from the top of the US east coast to the bottom without going to WDW!), but taking as much time as we wanted to take there would have ended up making the trip cost double! MK is our favorite park and with the FLE we decided to compromise and just do one day at MK, no hopper, just one day.

-It might seem odd that we are staying 2 nights at All Star Sports, considering you would THINK we could save money by only staying 1 night, but it was actually CHEAPER to stay 2!! How? You might ask... Well, the flights we were looking at were over $100 extra combined for the 2 of us on Nov 3, but we found a great deal on a flight on Nov 2 which saved us over $100, so we just spent only $87 on an extra night at the hotel! It'll be much more relaxed that way, too. I have a tendency to feel the need to rush when there's a time limit, so this will help me not do that.

-Why a cruise instead of a cheaper WDW vacation? Well, we are huge fans of the WDWradio show and feel a huge sense of community with fellow "box people." Kevin and I aren't very social people and I think a new experience like this one will really help us get excited about connecting with others with similar likes. The fish extender gift exchange is the best thing I've ever heard about in my life, so I am pumped for that!

On with the Firsts!

I promised earlier I would elaborate on my firsts, so here we go!
-Using a travel agency (mousefantravel)- We were actually required to do this in order to be part of the group, which I completely understand since they will be sponsoring a good chunk of what we are doing. I have to admit, I probably would never have done this if it wasn't required, but after figuring things out with our now-agent, Debra, I'm really glad I did it!! I feel like I can just ask all of my questions to one person instead of trying to call Disney a million times and talk to a million different people. I feel very taken care of. And it helps that she's AMAZING!
-taking a Disney cruise!!- I already described why we are doing this, to be with the wdwradio group!
-planning a vacation last minute- we didn't think we were going to be able to afford a big vacation this year, but after cutting lots of costs, we made it work!
-traveling in a group (WDWradio!)- Other than traveling with my family of about 10 once during a Norwegian cruise to Bermuda, I haven't done much social traveling. This will be a whole new world for Kevin and me!

Well, that's it! Hope you all stay tuned for my upcoming Trip Report! I am planning on taking a notebook with me to take lots of notes this time so I can remember what to write for the TR!!!
I'm so glad you're doing a PTR. I'm trying to do some gluten free planning for our August trip and I was thinking about your last trip report. But there was no way I could remember your name (and I knew it wasn't Lady Gaga Girl.) Now I can re-read your last trip report to gather all of your tips. I bet you'll have a great time on your cruise. Look forward to reading about it.


New Member
Some years ago, when I was in Boston due to my job at there I had a trip with my friend, who had two kid at that time. We had spent many time at there and that was my first visit at any Disney land.


Well-Known Member
Nice! Looking forward to reading your report. The DW has been wanting to Cruise for a while but I'm all about the parks and have a hard time seeing the fun of a boat vacation. We've been having serious conversations about a fall trip next year in place of our annual Kingdom visit. Been doing a lot of reading so I'm looking forward to a first timer's perspective. Have Fun!


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I'm so glad you're doing a PTR. I'm trying to do some gluten free planning for our August trip and I was thinking about your last trip report. But there was no way I could remember your name (and I knew it wasn't Lady Gaga Girl.) Now I can re-read your last trip report to gather all of your tips. I bet you'll have a great time on your cruise. Look forward to reading about it.

I'm glad you found me! I hope my previous post helps you plan, or at least ease your mind!
I was worried about food options on the cruise too, but not too worried, since, I mean, come on, it's Disney!!! I didn't do crazy research yet, but I searched for "vegan gluten free disney cruise" in Google and a blog post came up about how AMAZING the Disney Dream is about accommodating you! It sounded like they have lots of bread and dairy substitutions, so instead of you trying to find an alternative in another type of food you can just tell them what you wanted and they make it work. It seems like they are very prepared for special diets (much more so than when I went on the Norwegian Cruise Line)!! I've only been on freestyle cruises, so it'll be interesting to have the same servers everyday, that way I don't have to constantly explains my special diet! I've also heard people have even been assigned specific chefs throughout their cruise since the chef took a special interest in their particular dietary need. I hope that happens with me! It seems like they can make your meals pretty interesting and special!!!

Your trip sounds really great! I look forward to reading about it. I love you hair dark, really suits you! :)

Thank you! I thought it was time to go back to my natural color! I sort of killed my hair from bleaching it so much and that's why I also chopped it all off!!

Some years ago, when I was in Boston due to my job at there I had a trip with my friend, who had two kid at that time. We had spent many time at there and that was my first visit at any Disney land.

I'm glad I could remind you of your first trip! I don't currently live in Boston, but will be moving there very shortly! I did grow up there though!

Nice! Looking forward to reading your report. The DW has been wanting to Cruise for a while but I'm all about the parks and have a hard time seeing the fun of a boat vacation. We've been having serious conversations about a fall trip next year in place of our annual Kingdom visit. Been doing a lot of reading so I'm looking forward to a first timer's perspective. Have Fun!

I feel like I'm like you. I'm not sure if I would ever have chosen the cruise option if it weren't for the group going. I look at it as- if I'm going to spend $3000 (flight, food, room, park tickets) on a vacation I want to do something that I not only know I like already, but something that is 7-8 days long rather than 4 (or 5, since I added on a park visit). I feel very sentimental about Disney, as most posters on this forum do, so it's hard for me to say something else could replace it this year!
Maybe you could do something like I'm doing- spend a few days in the parks, but take a 3 day cruise instead. I think it still ends up being so much more expensive than a longer trip to the world, but at least you wouldn't feel like you might miss out on WDW! I keep reassuring myself that the stage shows will make it feel like Disney World, and Mickey will be there, so I think it'll be a good extension rather than a replacement to my love of the world! Plus I'm excited to experience the service!


Well-Known Member
Awesome, Angie! I admire your and Kevin's discipline in making this trip work out, money-wise...and I'm digging the dark hair! :D


Well-Known Member
Nice PTR Angie!! Love the dark hair too, BTW :) I hear Disney cruises are absolutely awesome. I'm taking my first one next fall! Can't wait to read all about it!!!


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Nice PTR Angie!! Love the dark hair too, BTW :) I hear Disney cruises are absolutely awesome. I'm taking my first one next fall! Can't wait to read all about it!!!

Thank you, thank you! too bad you aren't taking one THIS fall, with meeee!!

YAYYYY a new Angie trip! :) and you look GORG with the dark hair, it suits you big time.

Thank you so much!!! Love your dress in your avatar pic!!


Well-Known Member
Yay! A new Angie TR!! Loved the last one...looking forward to seeing more installments.

P.S. Love the new dark hair too!


Well-Known Member
Ooooh...group cruise + 1st cruise with Mickey! I'm in! We took our 1st cruise ever on the Dream last September and I haven't been the same since. I think I was the most anti-cruise person I knew but seeing all the pics of how incredible the Dream is I *had* to give it a whirl. There is so much to do and see! The service is like WDW's best multiplied over and over. For us, the cruise was like having all the awesome magic of being at WDW wrapped up in a shiny, new, gleaming package that totally blew us away in ways we never imagined possible. It was amazing. It's like Disney at it's finest for me. I'm in looooove.... ((swoon)) ....thank goodness I get to sail on the Dream again in a couple more months. Eeek! Can't wait!

Isn't it amazing to work with a good travel agent??? Especially when you're headed into uncharted territory, it's so nice to have a single knowledgeable resource to turn to for information and details. Definitely makes you feel like you've got someone catching your back and not being thrown to the wolves. Booking with an agent has also changed the way I approach travel planning now. It's so much less stressful to let someone else handle the details. It's just you and that killer helping hand vs. you and whatever level of experience CM you happen to get on the other line at a call center after sitting on hold for long periods of time. Spoiled and pampered would be good words here. I'm a changed woman!

Does your group have any scheduled meets? Some groups like to meet up the night before or try to at the terminal or onboard before the muster drill. With group-sponsored activities I'd guess you'll have group meets or at the very least a get-to-know-you mini-mingle. Right?

Fish Extenders are soooo fun! I ordered our first one from Etsy but made our second one. I usually do a gift for each person that's appropriate for his/her age/gender (I like to give each adult a mini bottle of coconut rum because it's the perfect portion to add to a coke) plus a few family-ish gifts (like custom magnets for the door). Last cruise I did the little clear plastic photo pockets that have magnets on the back with my own cruise-specific printed design tucked in. Then, after the cruisers got home they could replace my insert with their favorite vacation pictures to display on their refrigerators. I got those pretty cheap at Walmart. Also, after I got home, I sent a little 'thank you' goody bag to my lovely TA that had a special gift for her and a few of my FE gifts, too. She loved it!

So excited to have more cruise reports to look forward to!!! Yaaaaayyyy!!!! I'm sure my next one will be up before you leave... ;)


Active Member
Original Poster
Following along! Also, I like the WDWRadio show too :)

Yay! Do you listen in "the box" on Wednesday nights? If not, it's really cool and you should! Lou broadcasts live, usually from one of the parks, and there's also a live text chat and we all interact with him and each other through that. I really look forward to it every week!!

Yay! A new Angie TR!! Loved the last one...looking forward to seeing more installments.

P.S. Love the new dark hair too!

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you are tuning in!!!

Ooooh...group cruise + 1st cruise with Mickey! I'm in! We took our 1st cruise ever on the Dream last September and I haven't been the same since. I think I was the most anti-cruise person I knew but seeing all the pics of how incredible the Dream is I *had* to give it a whirl. There is so much to do and see! The service is like WDW's best multiplied over and over. For us, the cruise was like having all the awesome magic of being at WDW wrapped up in a shiny, new, gleaming package that totally blew us away in ways we never imagined possible. It was amazing. It's like Disney at it's finest for me. I'm in looooove.... ((swoon)) ....thank goodness I get to sail on the Dream again in a couple more months. Eeek! Can't wait!

Isn't it amazing to work with a good travel agent??? Especially when you're headed into uncharted territory, it's so nice to have a single knowledgeable resource to turn to for information and details. Definitely makes you feel like you've got someone catching your back and not being thrown to the wolves. Booking with an agent has also changed the way I approach travel planning now. It's so much less stressful to let someone else handle the details. It's just you and that killer helping hand vs. you and whatever level of experience CM you happen to get on the other line at a call center after sitting on hold for long periods of time. Spoiled and pampered would be good words here. I'm a changed woman!

Does your group have any scheduled meets? Some groups like to meet up the night before or try to at the terminal or onboard before the muster drill. With group-sponsored activities I'd guess you'll have group meets or at the very least a get-to-know-you mini-mingle. Right?

Fish Extenders are soooo fun! I ordered our first one from Etsy but made our second one. I usually do a gift for each person that's appropriate for his/her age/gender (I like to give each adult a mini bottle of coconut rum because it's the perfect portion to add to a coke) plus a few family-ish gifts (like custom magnets for the door). Last cruise I did the little clear plastic photo pockets that have magnets on the back with my own cruise-specific printed design tucked in. Then, after the cruisers got home they could replace my insert with their favorite vacation pictures to display on their refrigerators. I got those pretty cheap at Walmart. Also, after I got home, I sent a little 'thank you' goody bag to my lovely TA that had a special gift for her and a few of my FE gifts, too. She loved it!

So excited to have more cruise reports to look forward to!!! Yaaaaayyyy!!!! I'm sure my next one will be up before you leave... ;)

Kevin, like me, has never been on a disney cruise, but he keeps talking about the service as well! It seems like that might be one of the things he is most excited about!
I agree about the travel agent ESPECIALLY how you mention she's helping me with uncharted territory. It's so true! If I weren't booking with her I would probably be double checking EVERYTHING making sure I didn't forget some HUGE detail in booking!
There are going to be group meets. The night before the cruise there is a dessert party in Epcot. For us to go we would either have to skip doing MK which is out of the question, or either get a hopper or go for an extra day ticket- both of which we can't afford! We are skipping that and just keeping with group activities on the ship. The itinerary of group meets is coming out next week, I believe... and, yes, there will be lots of group activities planned!!!
I guess the Fish extender will be provided to us by Mouse Fan Travel since they are sponsoring the trip, but I might make my own as long as I don't have to spend money by doing that! I'm a very crafty person, so I don't think I'll be able to hold myself back from making my own!!! I like all your gift ideas, I might have
to "borrow" one or two! I like the idea of giving gifts to the TA and maybe even some of the crew, too!!!!
Thank you for the reply and all the good advice/ideas/comments!!!


Well-Known Member
Count me among the Disney cruise converts! We went on our first in April and LOVED it!! Don't get me wrong, I love the parks too but this was so much more relaxing and laid back. I felt like we got a real restful vacation and weren't going 100 mph trying to see everything. You will have a blast!


Active Member
Original Poster
I can't w
Count me among the Disney cruise converts! We went on our first in April and LOVED it!! Don't get me wrong, I love the parks too but this was so much more relaxing and laid back. I felt like we got a real restful vacation and weren't going 100 mph trying to see everything. You will have a blast!
I can't wait!!!!!!!!!:D That all sounds great to me!!!


Well-Known Member
Kevin, like me, has never been on a disney cruise, but he keeps talking about the service as well! It seems like that might be one of the things he is most excited about!
I agree about the travel agent ESPECIALLY how you mention she's helping me with uncharted territory. It's so true! If I weren't booking with her I would probably be double checking EVERYTHING making sure I didn't forget some HUGE detail in booking!
There are going to be group meets. The night before the cruise there is a dessert party in Epcot. For us to go we would either have to skip doing MK which is out of the question, or either get a hopper or go for an extra day ticket- both of which we can't afford! We are skipping that and just keeping with group activities on the ship. The itinerary of group meets is coming out next week, I believe... and, yes, there will be lots of group activities planned!!!
I guess the Fish extender will be provided to us by Mouse Fan Travel since they are sponsoring the trip, but I might make my own as long as I don't have to spend money by doing that! I'm a very crafty person, so I don't think I'll be able to hold myself back from making my own!!! I like all your gift ideas, I might have
to "borrow" one or two! I like the idea of giving gifts to the TA and maybe even some of the crew, too!!!!
Thank you for the reply and all the good advice/ideas/comments!!!

Oh yes. After I booked our 1st cruise on the Dream they started the whole port arrival time thing plus I was reading all sorts of nightmare things about how insane the terminal was before boarding. I freaked!!! Thank Gawd for my amazing TA who really went the extra mile to get me full on minute-to-minute info on what to expect because I was ready to gear-up and go to battle. LOL! She put my mind at ease big time! When we got there it was like playing out exactly what she told me and it was all in a place I'd never been doing something I'd never done. Perfect. I didn't feel overwhelmed or nervous at all.

Y'all will have such a blast! We aren't doing the FE on our upcoming cruise but I'm sure we will again next May. My last FE that I made was more a functionable art piece than the standard ones. I read where some people have made them from duct tape (like duct tape wallets, etc.). So creative! Ooooh! Crew gifts! On our first cruise I had made Ellie badges for each person in the exchange but then I made prob'ly a dozen extras. I brought the extras with us and put one in the tip envelopes for our servers and stateroom attendant. I know at least the servers "got" them because our head server & assistant came over to us to make a fuss over them. I loooove to make stuff so FEs are soooo up my alley, too!

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Yay! Do you listen in "the box" on Wednesday nights? If not, it's really cool and you should! Lou broadcasts live, usually from one of the parks, and there's also a live text chat and we all interact with him and each other through that. I really look forward to it every week!!

I don't. But I feel like I should give it a try!

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