A first time Disney cruise (with a day snuck in at MK) PTR!!!

It seems as though my trips lately have a common theme- lots of firsts.
So, for this trip my firsts so far include:
-Using a travel agency (mousefantravel)
-taking a Disney cruise!!
-planning a vacation last minute
-traveling in a group (WDWradio!)
I will elaborate on these a bit later in this post.

But, first things first....


So the attendees are as usual.
First, there's my boyfriend, Kevin.

Then, there's me, Angie:
(you may remember me looking like this from my last trip report)

(and here's a more recent picture of me with changed hair so that it doesn't get confusing when I do the Trip Report and you're like, "Who is this person?!?!")

The Plan.

Nov 2- Leaving from Boston mid-morning and catching a flight to MCO. This will be my second time ever flying (I don't know if you all remember that my WDW trip in Sept 2011 was the first time I flew) and last time we flew out of a relatively small airport. I'm a little anxious thinking about flying from such a busy airport this time around. I don't like to put myself in stressful situations (especially if they are socially stressful), but you got to do what you got to do to get to Disney!!!
-We should get to MCO around 2pm, then take magical express to All Star Sports. Music is usually my first choice and this time we were even thinking about trying POP, but money is a huge factor during this trip, so it made sense to go with Sports this time around.
-We haven't set in stone what we will do this first evening, but most likely we will- take a bus to Epcot, ride the monorail loop there and visit the resorts, take a bus to Art of Animation, bask in the glory that IS Art of Animation, daydream a little that we were staying there, then take a bus from there to DTD. We will probably try to get back to the hotel well before it gets dark, since tomorrow will be a big day!

Nov 3- MK all day! Hmm, that's catchy... It looks like MK will be open from 9-9 this day, and we are spending every second of that we can in MK. We will, of course, catch the opening show, and, assuming Wishes will be happening that night, we will stay until the very end. It is important that we MUST experience some of the new FLE or I will just die. Though, I can't decide what I want to do first- "run" to the FLE, or ride haunted mansion. I suppose we will just have to see what feels right when we get there!!

Nov 4-8 Cruise time! We will hop on the bus and head over to Port Canaveral. Not sure how everything is there, so I don't have any plans just yet, just go with the flow. I'm assuming at this point we will meet up with the wdwradio group, but I'm not so sure just yet since I just booked this last night and haven't had time to research!

Reasoning behind certain decisions

-There was a lot to consider with cost this vacation. Kevin and I weren't originally going to make it to disney this year because of money, but we really cut out a lot of costs, things that were really, really tough for us to let go of, and made it work. A lot of decisions for things we are doing on this trip are compromising for money.

-I really wanted to go to WDW (You can't travel all the way from the top of the US east coast to the bottom without going to WDW!), but taking as much time as we wanted to take there would have ended up making the trip cost double! MK is our favorite park and with the FLE we decided to compromise and just do one day at MK, no hopper, just one day.

-It might seem odd that we are staying 2 nights at All Star Sports, considering you would THINK we could save money by only staying 1 night, but it was actually CHEAPER to stay 2!! How? You might ask... Well, the flights we were looking at were over $100 extra combined for the 2 of us on Nov 3, but we found a great deal on a flight on Nov 2 which saved us over $100, so we just spent only $87 on an extra night at the hotel! It'll be much more relaxed that way, too. I have a tendency to feel the need to rush when there's a time limit, so this will help me not do that.

-Why a cruise instead of a cheaper WDW vacation? Well, we are huge fans of the WDWradio show and feel a huge sense of community with fellow "box people." Kevin and I aren't very social people and I think a new experience like this one will really help us get excited about connecting with others with similar likes. The fish extender gift exchange is the best thing I've ever heard about in my life, so I am pumped for that!

On with the Firsts!

I promised earlier I would elaborate on my firsts, so here we go!
-Using a travel agency (mousefantravel)- We were actually required to do this in order to be part of the group, which I completely understand since they will be sponsoring a good chunk of what we are doing. I have to admit, I probably would never have done this if it wasn't required, but after figuring things out with our now-agent, Debra, I'm really glad I did it!! I feel like I can just ask all of my questions to one person instead of trying to call Disney a million times and talk to a million different people. I feel very taken care of. And it helps that she's AMAZING!
-taking a Disney cruise!!- I already described why we are doing this, to be with the wdwradio group!
-planning a vacation last minute- we didn't think we were going to be able to afford a big vacation this year, but after cutting lots of costs, we made it work!
-traveling in a group (WDWradio!)- Other than traveling with my family of about 10 once during a Norwegian cruise to Bermuda, I haven't done much social traveling. This will be a whole new world for Kevin and me!

Well, that's it! Hope you all stay tuned for my upcoming Trip Report! I am planning on taking a notebook with me to take lots of notes this time so I can remember what to write for the TR!!!


Active Member
Is the travel agency planning the FE for you guys? That's cool! Somehow I have had the honor of organizing the last two I have been involved with (our cruise this past May, and the one coming up in October). Loved the group from May, and miss chattering away with them tremendously. The October group? Not such a chatty group at all. Hopefully whatever is put together for you guys is a blast!


Active Member
Original Poster
Is the travel agency planning the FE for you guys? That's cool! Somehow I have had the honor of organizing the last two I have been involved with (our cruise this past May, and the one coming up in October). Loved the group from May, and miss chattering away with them tremendously. The October group? Not such a chatty group at all. Hopefully whatever is put together for you guys is a blast!

Yes that's exactly what's happening! Some of the group members know each other from meets with the wdwradio show, but we ALL "know" each other from a weekly chat we have online every Wednesday, so I'm assuming everyone will be as talkative as they are on Wednesday nights! Are you doing a FE this trip?


Active Member
Yes that's exactly what's happening! Some of the group members know each other from meets with the wdwradio show, but we ALL "know" each other from a weekly chat we have online every Wednesday, so I'm assuming everyone will be as talkative as they are on Wednesday nights! Are you doing a FE this trip?
Cool! It will be nice to finally put faces to names, I'm sure!

Yes, we are doing an FE in October. Small group this time around (so far). I have been trying to get a meet together, but even that is stopping dead in the water. Only one other person seems interested, and we will most likely meet each other at the DVC member gathering on embarkation day. *sigh*


Active Member
Yes, I'm very excited!!!

FEs made for us. The first one we ever participated in I did try my hand at a non-sewn one, but it was a total mess! Since then I have had two made - the one DH and I use, and the one for my upcoming cruise with one of my BFFs. I will post that one as soon as it arrives - which should be any day now since I received an email this morning saying it had shipped!

This is the one we have used on the past few cruises

I love the paper bag scrapbooks! We received one on our cruise two years ago and it was just perfect! It fit right in with the large scrapbook I made for our cruise! I like the idea of Minnie hair bows - so cute. For the boys in our current FE group (the youngest is 5, the oldest is 9) I picked up hacky sack type balls with Mickey on them (they were 10 for $7 at our Party Store)...actually, I may give those to the girl as well since our total FE group as only 12 kiddos (two of the girls are 3, so I would not give them those). I also picked up some very inexpensive Disney (Mickey) Pirate tattoos the other weekend when we were at WDW. The Disney outlet in Orlando had Pirates of the Caribbean pens on clearance super inexpensive, so the kidlets will get those as well.

As for gifts in the past, my Mom and I were on a cruise about a month and a half before Christmas one year. After checking with the group about thoughts on Christmas-themed gifts (and getting the go-ahead) we made ornaments for each family. (Threw in candy for the kiddos.) Another cruise I purchased adorable luggage tags, and then made charms to put on them. That was another one for each family. We also gave pens to everyone (we had just short of 100 people in our FE, and I ended up find an awesome deal on personalized pens - 100 for 27.00, free shipping). I think that cruise, there was also candy tossed in for the kiddos.

The charms (one girl ended up using hers as a zipper pull!)

The pens

Our last cruise, I made notepad holders and had post-it notepads with our cruise deets made through Vista Print (I get awesome offers from them all the time, which makes ordering FE gifts a breeze!). Those were one for each couple, along with Key Lime Coconut patties made here in FL. The kids in this group were such a wide range of ages, so I made up several different goodie bags that were age appropriate, and contained things such as Pirate tattoos, pens, notepads, hand sanitizer, etc. Oh, and everyone received personalized postcards (again through Vista Print with an awesome deal) - the front side had a picture I took during my May 2008 cruise of Mickey at the Pirates Party, which I added "Hello from the Disney Magic" to; the back side included our cruise deets.


I so cannot wait to post the crafty gift for the upcoming cruise - it totally is 1000% better than anything I have crafted before - and was the easiest thing I have ever made, which makes me want to whack my head that I did not think of it before the last cruise! And to top it off, the cost factor was a fraction also!

I'm having a bit of a difficult time figuring out what the men will get, but I do have a few ideas, and hopefully tomorrow it will be in my hands (making a trip to a local touristy spot in the hopes they have what I am looking for!).
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