A Fifth Park?

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So, we've been hearing a lot about new things at Disney; Avatarland, SDMT, Disney Springs, etc. Obviously these things are very exciting and are contributing to the growth of Disney, although not everyone may like them or agree with them.

But, one thing we haven't heard much about, if anything, is a fifth theme park. This is wholly understandable, what with all Disney has on their plate at the moment.

The real question here is: When do you think we will see a fifth gate appear? The next ten years? Less, more? Or will there even be one?

Another thing about this hypothetical park is it's theme. I think Disney has pretty much all the bases covered when it comes to this, so what's left for this theme park?

Do you believe the theme park will increase Disney's annual attendance while lowering individual park attendance?

I'd just like to hear your thoughts and opinions on all this, is think it's interesting to wonder about.
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Well-Known Member
I think one day there will definitely be a fifth gate, But I am almost certain it won't come in the next 10 years. Probably not in the next 20. My biggest hope is that far down the road they reacquire theme park rights to Marvel and build a slightly more thrill driven park with Marvel properties, Tron, etc. Thats my Disney theme park dream!


Active Member
I think an eventual 5th park is inevitable. I agree with you Avenger117 that a full on Marvel park should and could be done in awesome fashion. Another idea I've thought about is to somehow connect the existing parks without the need for so much bus hopping, while at the same time creating new things en route that one would be able to engage in. New themed lands connecting the parks, for example. I think a monorail heavy transportation system with a mega fleet could effectively do this. Alas, I know, I dream a lot.

Oh, and one other thing....I've never been to Universal down there and never plan to, but there is no denying they made an ace move with the Harry Potter thing. Disney has a multitude of top tier properties, and with the acquisition of Star Wars, I think they could blow Universal out of the water.
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Well-Known Member
Alright everyone who has been on this board long enough say it with me..


Active Member
But, one thing we haven't heard much about, if anything, is a fifth theme park. This is wholly understandable, what with all Disney has on their plate at the moment.
Another thing about this hypothetical park is it's theme. I think Disney has pretty much all the bases covered when it comes to this, so what's left for this theme park?

Has this topic been driven into the ground multiple times?

Do you have any idea how refreshing it is to hear a Disney-forum fan post, of their own free will, that we probably won't get a "fifth park"? :D
It was THE FANBOY MANTRA during the early 00's--Specifically, this was around the time everyone thought we'd get something, quote-fingers, "better" than Animal Kingdom, and Paul Pressler was trying to ram the Villains down our throats at the Studios because he was convinced adults "hated" the parks.
If "Frozen ride?" drives you out of your skull, try being around in '02-'03, and trying to shout down "No, we will not get 'A fifth park all about the Villains'!"

...Gee, I feel old. :oops:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Not the most novel sentiment around these parts, but if they were to build a fifth park before the current parks are not enhanced to the point that they all generally and genuinely feel like full day parks, I'd consider it shameful.


Well-Known Member
Not the most novel sentiment around these parts, but if they were to build a fifth park before the current parks are not enhanced to the point that they all generally and genuinely feel like full day parks, I'd consider it shameful.

Agreed, It is fun to imagine a fifth gate but while HWS and Epcot sit with emplty show buildings it's just not going to happen. Plus Universal's Theme park division is dead set on hurting Disney. They will never relinquish the Marvel rights in Florida. Given that Disney is making money for them with the Movies. If my son wants to see Marvel charecters quess where we have to go?
Marvel park maybe in California.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Ignore them. Some people think spending years on a message board so they know every single topic discussed is something to be smug about.

I like this thread, it's making me wonder what the theme could be :)
And others simply use the Search function....

I'm indifferent to the thread myself (primarily because it's exceptionally doubtful to come to fruition), but there shouldn't be surprise or condemnation at certain reactions to it....


Active Member
And others simply use the Search function....

I'm indifferent to the thread myself (primarily because it's exceptionally doubtful to come to fruition), but there shouldn't be surprise or condemnation at certain reactions to it....

This is not aimed at you as you weren't rude however....

Maybe conversations would be more free flowing if newbies weren't bombarded by ar**holes being sarcastic and ruining their threads putting them off wanting to post again.

If they don't want to discuss it then don't look in the thread. The forum isn't limited on space. They can create a thread they do want to contribute to.


Well-Known Member
Never will happen, it will not make Disney any money. It'll just spread people out more across another park and cost more to operate. They need to focus on the crowds at the current parks and expand those. If they increase attendance across all 4 parks to add an additional 30,000 guests a day then maybe. But it would still be more cost effective to make it so that each park can handle an additional 8000 guests a day by expanding the current parks.
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