A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes: A March 2011 Disney Wedding/Honeymoon Trip Report

It’s official! Brett and I are finally married and I couldn’t be more excited. We had the most perfect wedding day ever, at our most favorite place in the whole entire world. And of course, as expected, it went by all too quickly. I’m not going to lie, coming down off the high that was our Disney wedding/cruise/honeymoon has been tough. In fact, I'm hoping that writing up/posting this trip report will help me work through some of that. However, I’ve spent much of my spare time in the last few weeks staring at a blank word document... writer’s block? Never heard of it! :lol:

For the first time ever, in all my trip report writing, I did a pre-trip report. It lays out most of the wedding-related details, but for those of you out there who are like me and rarely read pre-trip reports, here’s a quick rundown of events:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: Drive down, check in offsite for the night
Thursday, March 17, 2011: Check-in, Disney’s Polynesian Resort
Friday, March 18, 2011: Wedding Day, Sunset Pointe
Sunday, March 20, 2011: Board Disney Dream for a 4 night Bahamas cruise
Thursday, March 24, 2011: Check-in, Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
Sunday, March 27, 2011: Check out and head home

We kind of saw this trip as having three legs: Wedding/Cruise/Disney!

A look back at our Disney trip reports: September 2008 (Contemporary), December 2008 (Old Key West), January 2009 (Port Orleans Riverside & Disney Marathon), July 2009 (Wilderness Lodge Villas/Animal Kingdom Lodge), December 2009 (Beach Club Villas), March 2010 (Pop Century & Princess Half), June 2010 (Coronado Springs), August 2010 (Polynesian & Engagement), December 2010 (Kidani Village)

This was our first time on DCL, however, we’ve cruised a handful of times before. So if anyone is interested, those trip reports can be found here: May 2009 (Carnival Liberty), December 2009 (Royal Caribbean Monarch of the Seas), May 2010 (Emerald Princess), June 2010 (Norwegian Sky)

Oh dear. I feel like I’m embarking on what will be the longest trip report EVER (and I’ve written some long ones). My apologies in advance, as it will likely take awhile to get this report up in its entirety. The good news though, is that I’ve completed the text all the way up through the wedding, so we’ll get to that part fairly quickly!

With all that said, let the memories begin...



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Holly! So classy all the time!

The updates to this TR make me so happy - and it's not even over yet! You should have three-leg TR's all the time.

My friend has that "nautical" Mickey shirt - I was so excited when I saw it on KD, and even moreso when I saw it on you. Beauty, and the perfect shirt for it!

Keep it coming, my looooove!


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Awww, I'm so sad this part of the trip is ending :( But let me say, the ship is gorgeous and you two obviously had a blast!! And I def have decided a cruise is in the future and it WILL be a Disney cruise!! :D

Woohoooo... glad I could help convince you to give it a try, Darolyn!

Ugh, I know. I brought it up yesterday and he was like "You could go on a cruise without me, you know..." But what fun would that be??? :mad:

Anyhoo, gotta read your updates now!

Boooo, Will! (maybe peer pressure will work :animwink:)

I thought the same thing! :lol:

So glad that Brett was feeling better...nothing worse than being sick on vacation!

Thanks for including all of the pictures of the art around the ship...LOVE the Ratatouille painting! And the Daisy/Donald one is adorable.

Great night shots of the ship!! As usual.

I totally know how you feel about getting bittersweet over the vacation ending before it's over. Hell, I was feeling like that BEFORE we left for our most recent trip. After so much planning and looking forward to it for so long, it's sad when a trip ends or is about to end.

And thanks for spoiling the end of "Believe" for me...GOSH! :lol:

I really need to upgrade my camera to one that provides better max ISO settings because it would definitely help with those night shots. Thanks!

Oh yeah... I totally get that way before trips, for sure. The last week leading up to a trip is so great, because of all that anticipation, but in the back of my mind I'm always thinking about how it will all be over too soon. That's one really great thing about writing trip reports... it kinda does prolong the vacation in it's own little way. That being said, I've prolonged this one to the point of just wanting it DONE! :lol: On a side note, oddly enough, my trip report is kinda following on the heels of yours right now (it's like my report is stalking your report :lol:)... my next posts are the Animal Kingdom (with a stop at FOTLK) and a Magic Kingdom morning (with breakfast at the Crystal Palace).

My apologies on "Believe!" :animwink:

Aw, I wish you were sailing in Feb! That would be awesome if we ended up on the same cruise

That would be fun. Unfortunately though, we probably won't be back on a ship until next May at the earliest. Boooooo.

Holly! So classy all the time!

The updates to this TR make me so happy - and it's not even over yet! You should have three-leg TR's all the time.

My friend has that "nautical" Mickey shirt - I was so excited when I saw it on KD, and even moreso when I saw it on you. Beauty, and the perfect shirt for it!

Keep it coming, my looooove!

Three-leg trip reports would mean three-leg trips all the time. Sounds good to me. Don't worry though, my dear, there are two additional reports waiting in the wings for the day when Part III finally comes to a close!

I rarely wear graphic tees (other than some super cool concert tees :D), but I just had to have that nautical Mickey one the moment I saw it.

More coming up tonight! (just for you my lovely).


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Part III. Woohoo… the finish line is in sight!

Thursday, March 24: Wilderness Lodge Check-in/Animal Kingdom

After one last night in the pure darkness of our interior stateroom, we woke up around 6:15am to finish packing and get ready for our departure. Just like leaving the Poly for the Dream, leaving the Dream for the Wilderness Lodge really helped me keep from getting too sad. We still had three more blissful days left at our favorite place on earth! In fact, we were so ready to get back to the World that we carried our stuff down to the atrium at 7:15am and walked right off the ship about 10 minutes later. We were through customs and in the car before 7:45am that morning. This is preferable to us. In fact, of all our cruises we have never done the normal baggage claim. We always carry our own stuff off. It makes getting through customs a breeze.

We were back on Disney property and at the Wilderness Lodge before 9am. Look at that, we were going to have a full day in the parks. Usually when we arrive at Disney, we’re bedraggled and tired from the trek, but in this case we were refreshed and ready to go!








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In July 2009 we stayed in the Villas at WL and while it was great, it only made me want to stay in the actual lodge all that much more. So this was our first trip truly staying there. The CM checking us in was super sweet. She informed us that our room was ready and then told me it was handicap accessible and wanted to change it for us. We were fine with this. She was having trouble finding us an available room, and I kept reiterating that we were okay with it not being ready yet (hoping that would get us a better view), She seemed so intent on upgrading us to a king, which was great, but I would’ve preferred the view. :D

Our room was on the sixth floor, right off the lobby, above Whispering Canyon. Being right off the lobby was really nice, it turned out to be a great location.


Considering we’d booked a standard room, the view wasn’t too bad. Looking out from the middle of the room, it was just “wilderness”:


To our left was the parking lot (and the Poly!):


And to our right was the Contemporary (looking down afforded a view of the restaurant service trucks and dumpsters, but no need to see that, huh?!):


Would you believe that I didn’t take any interior shots of the room?! :eek: I know, I know, I can’t believe it either. For shame.


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Shortly after we got into our room, bell services arrived with our luggage. We didn’t waste any time unpacking though, because we were getting hungry and there was too much fun to be had in the parks. A quick bite to eat at Roaring Fork seemed to be the best way to go, so we headed down there for a quick breakfast!



OMG! Best quick service breakfast ever... they had specialty Mickey waffles. Brett ordered the Wilderness Waffles, which were served with maple butter and candied pecans, and I had the Bananas Fosters Waffles, covered in bananas and a butter rum sauce. :slurp: :slurp:

Sooooo good!


Roaring Fork! Or maybe I should say, Fork Roaring!



Two thumbs up for Roaring Fork. Seriously... we loved breakfast so much that we even made a special trip over to the Wilderness Lodge for quick service on our most recent May trip. I really do wish there were more “specialty” items at the different resorts (through either quick service or table service, really).


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Seeing as how we didn’t make it to the Animal Kingdom during the first leg of our trip, it was any easy choice.

It was about 10am when we hopped on the tram. We were only an hour late for park opening; not bad, considering we’d debarked from the Dream, drove to WDW, checked in at the Lodge and had breakfast already.



Pluto was waiting for us (with no line) when we got to the entrance... he was trying to keep his “party animal” status under wraps!



First stop: Asia. We went ahead and picked up fastpasses for Expedition Everest.







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Terk and DiVine were hanging out on the path to Africa...



The safari had more a wait then we were willing to stand in, so we kept on wandering, right over to Camp Minnie Mickey.


We figured wandering around and meeting some characters was a better way to “wait” for the Festival of the Lion King than to actually stand in the queue. Goofy kept calling the chipmunks *crazy* and pointing at them. It was funny because you could tell Chip and Dale were helpless to do anything at the time because they were busy meeting and greeting.


In fact, during one of their meet and greets a little boy walked up to them with a muppet on his shirt: Animal. Dale pointed at the shirt and then started waving his hands around near his face, acting all crazy. The kid (nor the parents) were getting it. Dale didn’t let up though, he just kept pointing at the shirt and then making this crazy motion with his hands. It was hilarious! It’s hard to explain, but for the rest of the trip, we kept mimicking Dale’s Animal motion.

When the set was up, Dale busted out some karate moves on Goofy!


When they returned, Chip started lovin’ on me...


The CM chose this moment to tell him we had just gotten married. Chip, not missing a beat, jumped back in surprise!


Looks like he didn’t want trouble. :lol: Hands off, she’s spoken for!



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We wandered around a bit more before they started letting folks into the next showing of the Festival.





I really do love this show... this was our first time sitting with the lions. Having a different perspective is nice.






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This might sound strange, but I love to watch the tumble monkeys set up and break down their bars... I was a gym rat growing up, spending 16-20 hours a week training on a gymnastics team, and that part always takes me back.




When “Scar” came out, the kid beside us really started to freak out. Sometimes I forget how scary some of these shows can be.


It’s such a unique show, and I really love the whole *festival* feel, especially at the end when they let some kids get up and make their way around the set.




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For lunch we dropped in at the Rainforest to get a pie.




Unfortunately, they’ve taken the Brave New World off the menu (it’s the bbq chicken pizza). When we inquired about it, the server said she would see if they’d make us one, and they did! Woohooo. But unfortunately, with this option off the menu, we’ll probably frequent the Rainforest a whole lot less. We love the place, but if we’re not splitting a meal, we can get much better value for our dollar elsewhere on Disney property.

Sayonara, Brave New World, we’re going to miss you!


Back in the park we veered right towards Dinoland.



It really appears as if Aladar has lost his head:


Dinosaur was, well, Dinosaur: loud, dark, jarring and campy. The pre-show is my favorite part of the whole ride!


Hmmm... I'd say this is NOT my best mirror shot. :lol:



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We returned to the Himalayas for our journey to the forbidden mountain...




This was the absolute ONLY yeti we saw throughout the entire ride.


I realize it’s not news now, but there wasn’t even a B-mode yeti in the mountain when we rode through – instead it was entirely dark. Sigh.



When we exited the ride Brett commented that his boat was rockin’. This has become the standard phrase in our family for those post-cruise sensations when you’re just strolling along and all of a sudden you feel like there are waves moving the ground beneath your feet. You cruisers know what I mean, right?!

After the ride we met Baloo... he gave Brett a noogie. :ROFLOL:



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We were on our way to the Dawa Bar. Let me just say, one of the things on my to-do list for the past three or four trips, has been to have a drink at the Dawa Bar. We aren’t often at the Animal Kingdom in the afternoon, so I guess that’s why we never got around to it on past trips, but it was high time to make it happen! Seriously, you don’t know how excited I was. It’s the little things in life, right?! :lol:





We ordered a couple Safari Ambers and settled in to enjoy the ambiance and the musical stylings of, I believe, the Tam Tam Congo. I’ll have you know, our time spent at the Dawa Bar more than met my expectations and I have grand plans of returning! :D I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys taking a slower pace in World Showcase while sipping on an adult beverage – very similar feeling of relaxation.



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It was already 3pm, and we really wanted to see (OR try to get in :lookaroun) Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade before we left the park so we passed the time with a trek through the Pangani Forest Exploration trails. The trails are something we rarely do… I guess it’s just not our thing.

I think I was more enamored with the flora and fauna than I was the animals… because it appears that’s what I photographed mostly.


I did capture this picture of a hippo butt, but that was about it as far as animals go. :lol:




My favorite part of the trail is stone-faced Jafar!



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Off the trail, and back in Africa, we waited for the parade. I absolutely adore Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade. It's, by far, the best parade for potential character interactions. With such narrow pathways, and so many characters walking instead of riding… it’s perfect.

Brett concurs…


So do Baloo and Louie…



Chip and Dale are big fans, as well…


Especially because it provides them with ample opportunity to flirt with the ladies!





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Here comes everybody’s faaaaaaaaaaaavorite party animal!



After the Mouse passed through, we hopped behind the final banner and followed him out of the park. If you’ve never followed him out, you should sometime. He makes sure he pays attention to the folks behind him, as well.


As we were approaching the turnstiles, a CM asked if we wouldn’t mind filling out a dining survey. Sure thing! I don’t know if we’ve ever said no to the surveys… they’re quick and easy, and an opportunity to provide some feedback to Disney at a time when they’re looking for it.


On our way back to the room we stopped in the Wilderness Lodge Mercantile for another plush purchase.


How can you say no to Frontier Pluto? Seriously, he’s got everything you need if you decide to trek out into the wilderness.


It was about 5:15pm when we got back to the room. We relaxed a bit and unpacked before getting ready for dinner. Actually, we didn’t unpack. By this point I was kinda getting sick of packing and unpacking, so we just pulled a few things out of the suitcases, and left the rest.


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We had 7pm dinner reservations for what I probably consider to be the BEST signature restaurant on property: The Flying Fish Café! There is just something about this place. We always have the best meals here, and I’m not just talking about the food. It's a total package restaurant for us. The food, wine, service, ambiance, and conversation never disappoint. Sure, we’ve had “date nights” at all the signature restaurants, but there’s just something about the Flying Fish that makes for the most romantic evenings. It could simply be because our first meal there hit on absolutely all cylinders and was nothing short of amazing, putting it into a different category from the get-go. Whatever the reason, I’ll take it.

Gotta love the Boardwalk…




We checked in right around 6:45pm and were seated immediately.



I love Disney magic… our server, Didi, appeared at the table out of nowhere with a bottle of champagne and two flutes. He introduced himself and commented on the exquisiteness of marriage as he poured us each a glass, compliments of the Flying Fish. Ahhh… the perfect way to start an exceptional meal. Well played, Didi.





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One of the things I love about the Flying Fish is that the menu is constantly changing, something somewhat rare for a Disney restaurant. I love the fact that I can’t check the menu out online ahead of time. :lol:

We started off with an appetizer - the sesame calamari with papaya and vegetable julienne and an Asian-inspired dipping sauce. Didi even had them split the plates for us so we each had our own. Score two more points for Didi, as this meant Brett couldn’t eat more than his share. :animwink: :lol:


ZOMG! Best calamari I’ve ever had. It wasn’t so much because of the actual calamari, as it was the dipping sauce. We both agreed, the sauce made the dish. I wish they would bottle it and sell it to me!

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, or if you’ve noticed it in previous reports, but we have a rule: we never order the same meal at signature restaurants (or most any restaurant). No matter how much one thing jumps off the menu (I’m looking at you, Jiko filet with mac & cheese), we always make sure we get different entrees. The thing that always jumps off the menu at the Flying Fish is the scallop dish, whatever version it may be. One of us always gets it, and Brett staked claim to it first on this particular night. They were oak-grilled with prosciutto cracklins, accompanied by an English pea, pecorino, basil and mascarpone-laced risotto. Scallops and risotto are always a winning combination!


This left me with a decision to make, as nothing else was shouting out so strongly as the scallops. :lookaroun I went with the Chef’s special (never a bad idea), which was a brioche and herb crusted striped bass (from the Land). It was paired with a mushroom and spring vegetable fricassee with a meyer lemon emulsion. Honestly, it was the meyer lemon that sold it for me! And it did not disappoint. I’m so glad I ordered it because it was one of the best meals I’ve had at Disney.


Each of our meals was delicious, but we both ended up enjoying the striped bass more than the scallops. Proof that our dining rule stands with good reason! I really do appreciate the ever-changing menu, as both our meals were like “spring” on a plate – so seasonal and delicious. We have every intention of doing the Chef’s Table at the Flying Fish the next time we have something to celebrate.


Didi offered us dessert, but we were just too full. After yet another delicious meal there, the Flying Fish Café has a strong hold on its top spot among signature restaurants in my book.

We considered going into a park for a little bit after dinner, but inevitably decided to go back to the Wilderness Lodge and relax. We booked a deluxe for a reason, why not utilize it?! We swam for a bit and spent some time in the hot tub. Honestly, as far as ranking the hot tubs around property, this one may be at the very top. The view looking across Silver Creek Springs and back at the lodge is absolutely perfect. Sorry, no pictures, you’ll just have to take my word for it!

Next… we don our wedding ears and go to the Kingdom! Plus, Victoria and Albert’s. :sohappy:


New Member
Loving the review. I am really looking forward to the Victoria and Albert part. I did not know Flying Fish did a "Chef's Table"...we'll have to look into that. After trying the one on Carnival, my husband's interest in Chef's Tables is peaked!

I hope you post the cruise portion on Cruise Critic...I know people would love to read it there too! Thanks for the lovely and detailed review!



Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm very impressed how fast you got off the Dream and arrived at the Wilderness Lodge AND hit a theme park. I mean, wow girl!

*sigh* You pictures make me want to stay at the WL again. We were going to book it for this December (yay!) but opted for Riverside instead (couldn't swing the deluxe this time around.) The shot you have of the walkway heading down to Roaring Fork brought back soooooo many memories for me. Our room was down the hallway that was right off the lobby, near the Mercantile. I loved walking across and heading down and around the bend to grab food. Hold up...Mickey waffles with maple butter and candied pecans? Bananas foster waffles?! Oh man...I need to go back and check that out! :slurp: And that picture of Brett with the fork? Hi-larious! While still on the subject of the WL I totally agree with you about the hot tub there, especially at night. The view of the lodge is exquisite and it's so relaxing. I also like how it's tucked in the corner and sits a little higher than the pool deck. I'd give anything to be there right now!

The character meets look like fun at Camp Minnie-Mickey. Brandon and I haven't visited that section yet, mainly because I was worried about the character queues being *way* long. But we have checked out FOTLK and we can't wait to see it again!

I don't even have to tell you how I feel about Flying Fish, my friend. ;) That place is simply...tops!

I can't wait to hear about Victoria & Albert's!

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