Trip Report A Collection of Things that are No More: November 2011

Okay, so I am currently Disney deprived, and I am going bonkers!! Somebody send for help! I just recently came across my 2011 Disney World pictures; they were in a folder on my ancient computer that is about to blow up. Not kidding! I began clicking through them and started feeling nostalgic. The memories came flooding back, has it really been four years??? Along with my insane amount of photos and my OCD note-taking skills, I felt like I could relive this trip moment to moment. I thought to myself, what is a better way to save these photos and memories than on the internet in a trip report?? YOU FEEL ME??

In all honesty, I reallyyyyyyy want to have a new trip planned to lovely Walt Disney World, but have finally moved out of my parent’s lovely abode and am becoming a real life adult. Disney does not look doable for 2015 but maybe next year? PLEASE?? 2016 hopefully brings me Rivers of Light, Frozen, and a new trip! I have been torturing myself looking at dining menus, and construction photos, and I think it’s about time I get a life! What’s a girl to do with no trip to plan? I’ve got it! In the meantime, I bring you a trip from the past.


For those who don’t know me, I’m Nicole. I am a DISNEY FREAK. Ask anyone. I am a full-grown child, and it’s only getting worse. Oh, and Ariel is my favorite. Been in love since 1989.

Once upon a time, wayyyyyyyy long ago, I took a trip to WDW in November 2011. This trip is unusual because it was not with my best friend! OH THE HORROR. It was with my boyfriend! I know, I know... this is not what you are used too! We went to the world from November 7th to November 12th, 2011. 2011 was a rough year for us… My boyfriend’s younger sister passed away unexpectedly and we both needed to get away from everyday life. Sometimes you just have to splurge and take that vacation; you never know what life is going to throw at you.

We stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort because I wanted to stay somewhere it seemed tropical! November is usually pretty cold in the Northeast, so a Caribbean escape to Florida seemed like a wonderful alternative.

The very week before my trip, a freak snowstorm hit NJ, and since there were still leaves on all the trees, it wreaked havoc all over the state. Branches fell, roofs caved in, power was out for over a week, and Halloween was cancelled. CANCELLED. I was legit packing up my clothes for Florida by candlelight. I had an unrequested weeklong vacation from work before my scheduled Disney vacation… It was like a vacation to the 1800s. Verdict? Don’t ever go.

Left work early, and had to get pushed out of the parking lot.


Forget the Tower of Terror… this is true fear!


My mom's poor Halloween decorations!



Got a little stir crazy!



Social media by candlelight!


The pole that saved the day, power is restored!


Back to the point though, as I reminisced through these old photos, I figured why not share? And it truly surprises me how much of this DOES NOT EXIST anymore. Now, I complain as much as the next Disney fanatic when I say I want new attractions, new shows, new restaurants, new experiences, etc, etc., but looking back into the past, it’s crazy to see how much really HAS changed.

Join me in my time machine.


We flew out of Newark airport and took an early morning flight… the only way I travel. I need all the time I can get in the World!


Here we come!

The airport was uneventful, and thankfully my boyfriend is not directionally challenged like myself, and was able to read the map like a true intelligent human being. Me, I still don’t know my left from right.

Hopped aboard the Magical Express, watched the welcome show, and drove through those glorious gates. I was HERE!!!! I was HOME!!

We pulled in to our resort and I just remember being instantly transported. The music on the bus was jammin’ (we in Jamaica mon!), and the bright colors just brought out the allure of the Caribbean. It definitely didn’t feel like a snowpocalyse anymore! This resort was properly themed; you don’t feel like you’re in Florida anymore!


This trip was long before the days of Magic Bands, and maybe even online check-in. If not, I was an amateur back then and had not discovered the incredibly informative forums! We had to go to the desk, get our welcome packet and find out where our room was located. My how times have changed! Wow, I sound like an old pro!



The Cast Member assisting us said we could take the internal resort shuttle to our room which was located in Jamaica. YEAH MON! This was my first time at a moderate resort, and I was in complete awe! A BUS THAT TAKES YOU ALL AROUND? WHAT IS THIS LIFE? The detail and the themeing cannot be justified in words. Descriptions I read online cannot compare to my memories.

We were over the bridge in room 4629, and I personally loved our location. I do agree that this resort is large, but it is beautiful. We didn’t have to walk far at all to the bus, and to get to the dining area and pool we simply had to cross the bridge. As mentioned before, the resort also offers an internal bus shuttle. This option seemed like heaven after walking the parks all day!

It was nice to wander around the tropical plants, and circle the lake, and simply be away from the usual “hustle and bustle”. I was accustomed to the All Stars, and though I love them dearly, you could definitely tell you were at a moderate. I thought the entire resort was peaceful and I would sincerely recommend the Caribbean Beach resort to anyone traveling to WDW. You get so caught up with the “go, go, go” mentality and I think this resort offers an element of true relaxation. It’s a nice change of pace when travelling to the World. Heck, there even was a beach a few feet from our door!







Our room was immaculate, and it felt wonderfully cool. Just a few hours ago I was freezing my tush off waiting for my power and heat to come back on, and now I was thankful for air conditioning! We didn’t stay inside for very long though! There were places to go! Where would I take my “never been to Disney before” boyfriend first? Could I convince him to love Disney as much as I did?[/url][/url]


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More great pictures--the fun never ends! :joyfull: I wanted to comment about your interest in Shirley Temple, as I also have enjoyed her childhood movies. I think that Heidi and the Little Princess were probably my favorites. (I'm not a collector, but I do have a small, blue glass pitcher with her picture on it. My grandmother bought it ages ago, and I'm thinking it's probably a collector's item at this point.) Regardless of the value, it's very special to me.

I know exactly what pitcher you are talking about! I have a magazine with a cereal advertisement from the 30s showing that you could send in and get the cobalt blue glassware with an image of Shirley on it. What a great memory and item to have! I love The Little Princess and my all time favorite is Bright Eyes.. "On the Good Ship Lollipop!"
Thank you so much for following along :)


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It's sad to see all the attractions and icons that no longer exist, but you are right, it makes room for better and newer things to explore...I think that's what Walt himself would have wanted.
I must say I agree with you. Walt would constantly be looking at new technology, and ride systems... he would welcome change. It's nice to look back on memories, but it's fun to imagine what the future holds!

Same here! She's a little out there, but I still like her :) My friend and I still try to do the hoedown throwdown when we get together :p

HAHA! Gotta love that! I never quite learned all the moves LOL

Enjoying your look back in time.

Thank you :)

Yes, it is time to watch Star Wars. :)

My friend and I just said we are going to have a Star Wars movie marathon one weekend in the fall. Let's hope we get into them! :)

I have literally been waiting for each new day to be posted! You have me hooked, i love your attitude about everything :) your report is so fun to read!

Ahhh... thank you! I am glad you like reading! Didn't know if anyone would care about a trip from so long ago!


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I remember after the Backlot Tour, in the little end of the attraction store, I bought my dad a Mickey Mouse award trophy statue. It was gold and it said “World’s Best Dad.” He was soooo freaking happy with that gift! He has it on display in my parents’ kitchen, and every time I’m home I get a good laugh out of it. :) That thing weighed at least 10 pounds and I, like a genius, decided to carry it around the rest of the day!

My dad also has my family in Disney stick figures on the back of his truck window. My dad is an extremely stubborn, macho man who thinks I’m utterly crazy when it comes to Disney World. It’s pretty ironic that he loves all the random nonsense I bring home to him! He has never been to the world, so I tell him he cannot judge me! He would always make fun of me when I would come home from work and hop right on the forums to check the status of the parking garage construction, or to look at a new food offering. If only he knew what he was missing!

Had to stop by and photograph my favorite fountain! None other than the mermaid fountain!


And of course had to get one of me posing! And look, there’s my ten pound bag! The things you do for love!


We began our trek over to Hollywood Boulevard, it was time for a fantastic journey into the movies!


Another one of my favorites, the classic Great Movie Ride! LA LA LA LA LA HOLLYWOOD! LA LA LA LA HOLLYWOOD!


I will miss this sign! How could you describe this spectacular journey into the movies in any other way?!




The best scene is munchkin land! When I was a child, I always wanted to travel along the yellow brick road and dance and sing with the munchkins. This is as close to my childhood fantasy as I’ll ever get! Let me out! Let me join in!




I’ve since learned that the final film no longer features Shirley Temple… and for this I am sad. :( This whole attraction just screams 1930s Golden Hollywood era to me, when going to the movies was a major event. With the Great Depression and economic hardships, people all over the country needed a means of escape. The movies offered a place for people to forget their troubles, a place for people to laugh and enter a world of fantasy. I like to compare going to the movie theater in the 1930s to going to a Disney park in present day. This element of escapism holds true for both instances. Back to the Great Movie Ride though, I am holding all further judgment on the changes of this ride until I actually go on it.

We wandered around the Streets of America. Looking back at the order that we visited attractions, our feet must have been very sore! I don’t recall ever being tired of walking, so maybe all the back and forth did not matter at the time! As you know, I can’t read a map, and it was my boyfriend’s first time in the park, so we wandered around a lot.


We stopped and visited with the Muppets, gotta love those old guys! I hope this attraction is another one that stays.


Caught a glimpse of the Osborne Lights in daytime! Better than nothing, right? One day I will go to Disney around Christmas time, and I will experience all the Christmas shows! MARK MY WORDS!


San fran


Again, we must have walked some more and headed towards Hollywood Boulevard. Man, I wish FitBit existed back then! My step count would have been killer!

Hello, Hat!


Does this fountain still exist? I don’t remember it on my last visit but was so overwhelmed with Frozen I may have just missed it!


We caught a performance of Mulch, Sweat and Shears and jammed out to some hardcore “rake and roll!”
Though I do not know what a hatless Hollywood Studios looks like, I do wish it had a distinct icon. I eventually want to print our four canvas prints of my boyfriend and I standing in front of all the parks icons (castle, ball, tree, hat) and hang them up… been saying this for four years now! I would love to have a wall that has these displayed along with prints from a newer trip (2016?) :p:p. I think the comparison aspect would be cool… but what do we stand in front of now at DHS?

...And we wandered some more.It was nice to just appreciate the scenery, and take a leisurely stroll down Hollywood Boulevard. We stopped in some shops, and enjoyed in the simple pleasure of strolling by the hat. Sometimes the best moments at Disney occur when you are just living in the moment, not following a plan. With Fastpass Plus, it’s sometimes harder to find these moments, but they are there… remember to enjoy them. ;););)


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Mulch, Sweat and Shears must have been following us, or were we following them? Haha… I guess we became groupies!


It had been quite awhile since lunch, and a girl’s gotta eat! I was super excited to take my boyfriend to our next dining experience. Where oh where could it be? Heading down Commissary Lane….

We were eating at the impeccably themed Sci-Fi dine in! The Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater Restaurant always gets mixed reviews, but if you ask me, it gets five stars! :) There is no other restaurant experience quite like it! Sitting in a convertible car, being served by carhops on roller skates, and watching sci-fi film clips from the 50s, you feel like you were actually taken back in time. Classic diner food can be found on the menu which rounds out the theme perfectly. Disney and their themeing, I am forever in love. I absolutely love the ambiance of this restaurant… and it’s like I said before, Disney makes outside indoors better than the real outside.


The flash in the dark made us look a little creepy... guess we fit right in with the Sci-Fi~!






I had a chicken sandwich and fries, don’t know why I didn’t save my burger eating for dinner! I think the menu’s changed slightly since I’ve been there, I must go back! I also can’t remember what my boyfriend ate, but this was his favorite meal and restaurant of the trip, so whatever it was, it must have been good!


And the best part of the meal? A hot fudge sundae! Mmmmmmmmmm! We all scream for ice-cream!


I guess all that walking finally caught up with us, and it was time to leave my dear Hollywood Studios. We were both in a food coma, so a rest back at the resort was much needed!

The moon was bright in the sky, and I’ve always considered myself a “moonchild” so I had to capture the moment. I love the moon so much, and I love this quote, “Somehow knowing we’re under the same moon makes Disney feel so much closer.” I know it’s corny, but this quote keeps me going in between trips. Disney World is out there, and people are creating wonderful memories at this very moment. It’s nice to contemplate.


Snapped this for my boyfriend’s grandma again, how cute is this old fashioned themed coke machine? I was definitely born in the wrong time period!


We got back to the resort and I think I laid on the bed for maybe a max of five minutes. I did discover this hidden Mickey during my short-lived rest!


I really must not have been resting up, because I took a bunch of random photos of the bed details!


It turned out all that walking really was no big feat! We still had energy coursing through our bones. The night was young! We did a quick outfit change and prepared for the night ahead!


Where should we go???

The only place we could go was....... Epcot! Animal Kingdom was closed, Hollywood Studios was closing, and Magic Kingdom had the Christmas party going on. Again, regret… I did not know this existed!

We still had yet to catch Illuminations, so off to Epcot we went!

Our sights were set on one thing, finding a good viewing place for fireworks, oh and a good beverage! We split the grey goose slushie and the grand mariner slushie. Trust me, these things are GOOD! I would not shell out 14 bucks again if it was only mediocre!

The lights dimmed, and we found a perfect spot in France. Guess the third time really is the charm, we finally got to see Illuminations: Reflections of Earth!


I must share this part of the script again; it makes me cry every time just reading it. Illuminations: Reflections of Earth is hands down my favorite night time show, and I was experiencing it with someone I loved and cared about. We had survived one of the toughest years yet, and we were now closer than ever. Tragedy brings people together and allows for the heart and soul to truly connect to another being. Standing next to World Showcase Lagoon, watching the globe spin round, and fireworks light up the sky, we could only hope that things would get better and that we would heal together. Seeing my boyfriend genuinely happy and in awe was the best part of this whole trip. Disney offers the promise hope and I cannot thank them enough.

“Good evening, and welcome. We've gathered here tonight, around the fire, as people of all lands have gathered for thousands and thousands of years before us, to share the light and to share a story an amazing story, as old as time itself but still being written. And though we each of us have our own individual stories to tell a true adventure emerges when we bring them all together as one. I hope you enjoy our story tonight - Reflections of Earth."


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="prfctlyximprct, . I hope you enjoy our story tonight - Reflections of Earth."[/QUOTE]
Whoooooo. (That's my attempt at what happens next when the flames get blown out!) We have to do that every time not show how you write the blowing out! Lol
Love your moon quote


Premium Member
I’ve since learned that the final film no longer features Shirley Temple… and for this I am sad. :( This whole attraction just screams 1930s Golden Hollywood era to me, when going to the movies was a major event. With the Great Depression and economic hardships, people all over the country needed a means of escape. The movies offered a place for people to forget their troubles, a place for people to laugh and enter a world of fantasy. I like to compare going to the movie theater in the 1930s to going to a Disney park in present day. This element of escapism holds true for both instances. Back to the Great Movie Ride though, I am holding all further judgment on the changes of this ride until I actually go on it.

I really like how you framed your thoughts about the Great Movie Ride; this really struck a chord with me.

Enjoyed your most recent batch of pictures, too! :)


Well-Known Member
I was in Disneyworld this past November and the fountain was still there in Hollywood Studios.
I love your quote about sharing the same moon with Disney. Sometimes I stop and picture all these families enjoying their time and making memories in Disney and it makes me happy to know even if I'm not there that at least someone is enjoying it.


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You will be happy to know that the only change to this sign post-refurb is a small TCM logo at the bottom. Otherwise it is the same!

But what is the picture! I hope you are right!!!!



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Still great to see 2011 pics :) Off course with the big hat ;) For us the countdown is still ticking :) Thanks again for sharing!
Thank you :) And I am soooooooo jealous of you! Can I come?!

Whoooooo. (That's my attempt at what happens next when the flames get blown out!) We have to do that every time not show how you write the blowing out! Lol
Love your moon quote

Wonderful attempt at blowing out those flames! LOL Gosh I love Reflections of Earth!

I really like how you framed your thoughts about the Great Movie Ride; this really struck a chord with me.

Enjoyed your most recent batch of pictures, too! :)

Thank you sooo much :)

I was in Disneyworld this past November and the fountain was still there in Hollywood Studios.
I love your quote about sharing the same moon with Disney. Sometimes I stop and picture all these families enjoying their time and making memories in Disney and it makes me happy to know even if I'm not there that at least someone is enjoying it.

I do the same! And thank you for your info about the fountain, I couldn't remember seeing it when I was last there. Good to hear it still stands.. but for how long?!


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Now that I’m all emotional, I will simply provide you with photos!




And look at that! A happy face in the sky, reminding us all to take a step back and be happy! “Happiness is only real when shared!”





We felt accomplished, we finally saw Illuminations! Thank goodness we had the park hopper this trip! My boyfriend loved it almost as much as I did, and he even recorded some video on his phone. I like joke around now that I would LOVE to be proposed to during this show… but I’ll take what I can get! Muahaha!

Stopped and watched the miniature train in Germany for a bit! Like much of Disney’s magic, you must pay attention to the little details! Walt Disney would be proud, I’m sure he’d love this train set!



Couldn’t pause in Germany without stopping in Karamell Kuche! I got a caramel apple , how cliché… And OH MY GOODNESS, I can almost smell the sweet savory aroma through my computer screen. Can someone make a candle scented like this store? I’d pay TOP DOLLAR.


My camera must have died on the way out, or maybe I was just too consumed in my late-night snack choice, but we headed out of Epcot to our Caribbean home. This night has been preserved forever in my long term memory, and I am thankful I can return to these memories whenever I’m feeling blue. Our final night at Epcot provided the much needed magic that can only be found on a Walt Disney World vacation.

We were up with the sun and ready for a new day! Our last park day! :( :( The grand finale of our trip was spent at Magic Kingdom!

Sleepy souls… where’s the coffee?
Up first on the agenda was the Town Square Theater. Now which one of us could have wanted to go there!?
Two blonde princesses, posing like pros!
I love Beauty and the Beast, so I talked up a storm with Belle! I was not used to conversing with the characters just yet, I was so shy!
I love that I held her hand for an awkwardly long time, way to go Nicole, way to go!
The last princess was none other than my best friend’s favorite! I was so excited; I couldn’t wait to tell her! Sleeping Beauty kept asking if my boyfriend was my Prince Charming… I was blushing like crazy. He’s not my Prince Charming, he’s my Prince Eric!
I love the liveliness of Main Street, USA in the morning! The hustle and bustle, the music, the friendliness… Why can’t the rest of the world be so happy in those early hours?

It was going to be another beautiful day. Just look at those blue skies!
“May Walt Disney World bring joy and inspiration and new knowledge to all who come to this happy place… a Magic Kingdom where the young at heart of all ages can laugh and play and learn- together.” Roy Disney


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Yes, that is the new marquee. I didn't even realize the new words were different! I thought you were worried that the marquee was gone completely. Sorry if I misled you. :oops:

It's okay.. when I look side by side I guess it's not as different as I thought. I just loved the words Spectacular Journey! :(

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