Trip Report A Collection of Things that are No More: November 2011

Okay, so I am currently Disney deprived, and I am going bonkers!! Somebody send for help! I just recently came across my 2011 Disney World pictures; they were in a folder on my ancient computer that is about to blow up. Not kidding! I began clicking through them and started feeling nostalgic. The memories came flooding back, has it really been four years??? Along with my insane amount of photos and my OCD note-taking skills, I felt like I could relive this trip moment to moment. I thought to myself, what is a better way to save these photos and memories than on the internet in a trip report?? YOU FEEL ME??

In all honesty, I reallyyyyyyy want to have a new trip planned to lovely Walt Disney World, but have finally moved out of my parent’s lovely abode and am becoming a real life adult. Disney does not look doable for 2015 but maybe next year? PLEASE?? 2016 hopefully brings me Rivers of Light, Frozen, and a new trip! I have been torturing myself looking at dining menus, and construction photos, and I think it’s about time I get a life! What’s a girl to do with no trip to plan? I’ve got it! In the meantime, I bring you a trip from the past.


For those who don’t know me, I’m Nicole. I am a DISNEY FREAK. Ask anyone. I am a full-grown child, and it’s only getting worse. Oh, and Ariel is my favorite. Been in love since 1989.

Once upon a time, wayyyyyyyy long ago, I took a trip to WDW in November 2011. This trip is unusual because it was not with my best friend! OH THE HORROR. It was with my boyfriend! I know, I know... this is not what you are used too! We went to the world from November 7th to November 12th, 2011. 2011 was a rough year for us… My boyfriend’s younger sister passed away unexpectedly and we both needed to get away from everyday life. Sometimes you just have to splurge and take that vacation; you never know what life is going to throw at you.

We stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort because I wanted to stay somewhere it seemed tropical! November is usually pretty cold in the Northeast, so a Caribbean escape to Florida seemed like a wonderful alternative.

The very week before my trip, a freak snowstorm hit NJ, and since there were still leaves on all the trees, it wreaked havoc all over the state. Branches fell, roofs caved in, power was out for over a week, and Halloween was cancelled. CANCELLED. I was legit packing up my clothes for Florida by candlelight. I had an unrequested weeklong vacation from work before my scheduled Disney vacation… It was like a vacation to the 1800s. Verdict? Don’t ever go.

Left work early, and had to get pushed out of the parking lot.


Forget the Tower of Terror… this is true fear!


My mom's poor Halloween decorations!



Got a little stir crazy!



Social media by candlelight!


The pole that saved the day, power is restored!


Back to the point though, as I reminisced through these old photos, I figured why not share? And it truly surprises me how much of this DOES NOT EXIST anymore. Now, I complain as much as the next Disney fanatic when I say I want new attractions, new shows, new restaurants, new experiences, etc, etc., but looking back into the past, it’s crazy to see how much really HAS changed.

Join me in my time machine.


We flew out of Newark airport and took an early morning flight… the only way I travel. I need all the time I can get in the World!


Here we come!

The airport was uneventful, and thankfully my boyfriend is not directionally challenged like myself, and was able to read the map like a true intelligent human being. Me, I still don’t know my left from right.

Hopped aboard the Magical Express, watched the welcome show, and drove through those glorious gates. I was HERE!!!! I was HOME!!

We pulled in to our resort and I just remember being instantly transported. The music on the bus was jammin’ (we in Jamaica mon!), and the bright colors just brought out the allure of the Caribbean. It definitely didn’t feel like a snowpocalyse anymore! This resort was properly themed; you don’t feel like you’re in Florida anymore!


This trip was long before the days of Magic Bands, and maybe even online check-in. If not, I was an amateur back then and had not discovered the incredibly informative forums! We had to go to the desk, get our welcome packet and find out where our room was located. My how times have changed! Wow, I sound like an old pro!



The Cast Member assisting us said we could take the internal resort shuttle to our room which was located in Jamaica. YEAH MON! This was my first time at a moderate resort, and I was in complete awe! A BUS THAT TAKES YOU ALL AROUND? WHAT IS THIS LIFE? The detail and the themeing cannot be justified in words. Descriptions I read online cannot compare to my memories.

We were over the bridge in room 4629, and I personally loved our location. I do agree that this resort is large, but it is beautiful. We didn’t have to walk far at all to the bus, and to get to the dining area and pool we simply had to cross the bridge. As mentioned before, the resort also offers an internal bus shuttle. This option seemed like heaven after walking the parks all day!

It was nice to wander around the tropical plants, and circle the lake, and simply be away from the usual “hustle and bustle”. I was accustomed to the All Stars, and though I love them dearly, you could definitely tell you were at a moderate. I thought the entire resort was peaceful and I would sincerely recommend the Caribbean Beach resort to anyone traveling to WDW. You get so caught up with the “go, go, go” mentality and I think this resort offers an element of true relaxation. It’s a nice change of pace when travelling to the World. Heck, there even was a beach a few feet from our door!







Our room was immaculate, and it felt wonderfully cool. Just a few hours ago I was freezing my tush off waiting for my power and heat to come back on, and now I was thankful for air conditioning! We didn’t stay inside for very long though! There were places to go! Where would I take my “never been to Disney before” boyfriend first? Could I convince him to love Disney as much as I did?[/url][/url]


Well-Known Member
TRYING so hard to get my boyfriend on board for 2016... he knows I want a rock so we shall see how this progresses LOL

HAHAHA. You and I are so much alike it's ridiculous. :hilarious: I suppose he's buying himself some time since I have this trip to read about, but once it's over he'd better get on board for 2016 and FAST. A rock at Disney? Yes please. :angelic: Two birds with one stone and all that…


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Continued my love affair with the meerkats, my boyfriend had to eventually drag me away.

Spotted a gerenuk in the distance, and I only know that name thanks to researching it! This is a long-necked species of antelope that can be found in Africa. They are sometimes referred to as “the giraffe necked antelope”. It was so cute! I wish it would have come closer! And look at Animal Kingdom, helping me learn something new even while I’m back home reminiscing!


My heart melted when I saw the sleeping gorilla. HOW CUTE ARE YOU?! I want to give him a hug!


We took turns placing our hands in the molds, such a classic Disney AK photo!



The gorilla must have woken up in the mean time, so we got to watch him wide awake! Good morning! Look at those muscles, he must work out. :p




This forest trail is a fantastic attraction. The walking tour allows you to move at your own pace, and you never know what you will see! Animals are so unpredictable, and watching them is something I could never tire of. It’s nice to just wander; you begin to forget the face that you are in a large theme park. I highly recommend taking a break from your fast-paced Disney vacation to stop and admire the scenery.

Our next attraction was none other than Kilimanjaro Safaris! Who wants to be whisked away on an African adventure? I DO!


Prepare for an overabundance of animal photos. I get so “snap happy” and it’s not every day you get to see animals living in as close to their natural habitat as possible. Animal Kingdom is definitely “nahtazu” (not a zoo). Traveling over this African style savanna, watching animals roam freely is an experience that cannot be beat.





Check out those crocs sunbathing! Maybe in a past life I was a crocodile, I love the warmth of the sun beating down on me. SPF is a must!




Giraffes are such beautiful creatures. I love their patterns and their graceful nature. I also love the fact that they are herbivores. They seem like gentle giants to me, although I have witnessed them “necking” or fighting with their necks! That fact has not altered my view on them.

Check out this ankole, having horns this large on my head would give me a headache! (Sorry, I feel so educated after researching!)

Kilimanjaro safaris is incredibly realistic, are you sure Disney has not created simply a portal to an African savanna? One never does know with those Imagineers!


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One is the loneliest number…


I’ve always been particularly fond of elephants; I blame my mother for making me watch “The Elephant Show” throughout my childhood. The love has stuck, and I was overjoyed to see them on the safari!






I loved looking for flamingoes standing on one leg, and my boyfriend and I kept count! We soon lost track as you travel by them too fast!



Proof that Kilimanjaro Safaris is different every time, I had never seen the cheetah awake before! November must have been a good time to ride, we got some great views of animals up and about.


Found out this is called a dama gazelle, and it is critically endangered! Due to hunting and habitat loss, this species is disappearing. Look at you buddy, safe in Disney World! If only the rest of the world could be more like Disney…


The last animal I snapped pictures of was this wrinkly rhino! The zebras were not on safari yet, which is something I am glad Disney has added! Watching the rhino eat made my own belly rumble.



After our bouncy ride through the lush safari, it was time for lunch!

We just happened upon Flame Tree BBQ, and man was that one of the best things to have happened! This is now my all time favorite quick service restaurant. I am so happy it’s stayed the same through it’s refurbishment!

I had the ½ chicken and my boyfriend had the ribs and chicken combo. Our stomachs were not growling anymore after this FEAST. BEST QUICK SERVE EVER. CAN I EAT MY SCREEN?
Up next was It’s Tough to be a Bug! The queue to this attraction makes waiting in line almost as enjoyable as the show itself! There is so much to look at. The details blow me away.

The Tree of Life is home to over 325 animal carvings, all incredibly detailed. I’ve read that this park symbol portrays the interconnectedness of all earth’s many creatures. We are all on this planet together, and we must remember that we are all connected in some way. This massive tree proudly towers over Animal Kingdom, celebrating all living things.

If that doesn’t tug at your heartstrings, then I don’t know what will. Favorite park?? Today I'm definitely going with AK!


Well-Known Member
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HAHAHA. You and I are so much alike it's ridiculous. :hilarious: I suppose he's buying himself some time since I have this trip to read about, but once it's over he'd better get on board for 2016 and FAST. A rock at Disney? Yes please. :angelic: Two birds with one stone and all that…

We need to be best friends! And don't tell Prince Eric! He's my only hope at ever living in a castle on the beach!


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We continued our stroll around the Discovery Island Trails and saw some familiar friends!



One legged beauties!


I loved the color scheme of this lamp, and had to capture it! The vivid colors of this park just make you happy!



Caught these cute little kangaroos digging a hole to nap in! They must have known they were being photographed, look at them posing!


I really could stare at this tree all day. How much do you think it would cost to construct this in my own backyard? 145 foot tall? My neighbors would LOVE IT.
Flik was meeting, and while I didn’t get in line, I got this awesome shot of his rear end! Way to go, Nicole.
For some reason, I love looking out at this green goo. I try to look at it every trip! It looks like the slime they use in the Kids Choice Awards on Nickelodeon. I looked up what it was immediately after coming home, and found out it is a type of algae. Florida’s natural wildlife depends on this “goo” so it would be wrong for Disney to clear it up. I also was informed that this type of slime usually occurs in water that has very little movement. Ya learn something new every day! Can’t wait to pass on my slime knowledge next time I’m at Animal Kingdom!
Now that I think about it, that slime was when you crossed the bridge to Camp Minnie-Mickey. OH MY GOODNESS, PLEASE DON’T TAKE AWAY MY GOO. I know Camp Minnie-Mickey is forever gone, but what about the slime?

Our first character encounter was with Goofy! He was really tall!
Next, Minnie Mouse! She looked so high fashion in her safari attire! Girl, can I raid your closet?
While we waited for the mouse that started it all, we caught a glimpse of two little chipmunks. Hello Chip and Dale!
And last, drum roll please, the moment I had been waiting for! My one true love, Mickey Mouse! Shhh.. don’t let my boyfriend know!

All dressed up in safari gear just like Minnie! It breaks my heart to know these outfits are no more. :(
After meeting with my fabulous friends, we listened to Guitar Dan serenade a family. He then asked where we were from and sang us a song about traveling all the way from NJ. It was hilarious and I wish I recorded it. I also wish my memory served me better and I could remember some of the lyrics. I just remember blushing, blushing A LOT.

We explored the area some more before setting off on our way!



Next time I must get a drink here!

We set off towards Rafiki’s Planet Watch, it was something I had never done before and wanted to check out. As you can see, we wandered all around the park multiple times, but in my case I enjoyed it. I know there are times when planning your attractions strategically are worth it, but then there are times when you must be spontaneous! Animal Kingdom is a park that makes aimless wandering fun; there’s so much to look at! Who knew what we were in store for next!


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YES. :D And because of this, I'll keep your secret from Prince Eric. I feel you.. I profess my love for multiple Disney men a day and don't want it getting back to any of them that they aren't my one and only. :rolleyes:

We are the same person lol. I love Prince Eric, but also have a thing for Beast. Oh, and Kristoff is kind of sexy. Talk reindeer to me!

Wow, I love the TR! I can't believe it's from 2011!

AK is my favourite park (which I wasn't expecting, but I just LOVED IT) so I am really enjoying your most recent post! :D :D

Mine too!!! I love it sooooooooooooooo much!!!

Love, love, love your AK pics!! I absolutely love that park! We can easily spend 2 full days there every trip, and still feel like we didn't get to see everything.

Love Animal Kingdom! It has my heart forever. Me + AK = 4-ever. LOL!


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We hopped abroad the train, gotta love those train rides!


Hello there, Rafiki!

As soon as you step foot off the train, you start seeing animals!
This guy scared me a bit! Not a fan of snakes! Recently read Harry Potter and am glad to know I am not a parseltongue. Imagine if this snake broke loose! Sorry.. HARRY POTTER REFERENCE!

I loved this mural and wanted it painted in my bedroom. I kind of still do...Any really good artists on the forums!


We came upon Affection Section, which is a petting yard featuring different domesticated breeds from around the world. My boyfriend and I spent a goooooood amount of time here. It was awesome; what a great thing to stumble upon!

Donkeys! And now prepare for another overabundance of animal pictures. Can’t say I didn’t warn ya!
Look at this sweet little face!DSC00651

My cousin has a weird obsession with llamas, so I made sure to take a bunch of pictures for her. She was going to be so jealous!

I loved petting all the animals, I think I may have been in heaven.


When I first joined the forums, this was my picture! Oh so long ago! I am so grateful to be a part of a community that shares a mutual love for all things Disney. I look forward to checking the forums every night, reading the news and rumours, speculating on what's to come, and checking out those food pictures! I honestly feel like I’ve made awesome connections by joining WDWmagic. I thank you all for always being so kind, and for allowing me to share my adventures with you. I enjoy reading everyone else’s trip reports, and wish I wasn’t a lurker for so long!


I remember people commenting that my avatar looked like I was doing dirty things to this poor little goat! Now you can see full size that I am simply petting it! :p

Now that I’ve turned into an emotional wreck over being a member on a Disney forum, it is time I move on!

We left Affection Section and listened to these drummers for awhile. The upbeat African rhythms transported us to another world, and it made me want to get up and dance. This music brings strangers together, dancing in the middle of a busy theme park. The language of music is universal and I love the fact that it can transcend cultures. What else can bring perfect strangers together to dance in friendship other than music? Oh yeah, that’s right maybe Disney! But Disney and music wrapped in one, that’s a perfect combination!

This day was turning into my favorite, and we hadn’t even experienced what I was most looking forward to!



Well-Known Member
I was so excited to stumble upon this today! A rock at Disney would be fabulous. Then again, a rock followed by a Disneymoon would be super awesome too! I wish I could remember my former trips with as much accuracy as you!


New Member
Animal Kingdom is definitely “nahtazu” (not a zoo).

NAHTAZU! I totally remember that from one of the Disney Vacation Planning DVDs, either 2005 or 2006! And yeah, even though I already know how to book and what we plan on doing during our WDW trips, my brother and I have been ordering the DVDs every single year for as long as I could remember. Ha!

But goodness, I am LOVING these Animal Kingdom pictures, they are gorgeous! Everything looks so beautiful, I'm dying to be there right now! I can hear the beating of the drums as I'm reading, it's so nostalgic! And the little lessons about the animals here and there are so fun, I love learning about the animals! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
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I was so excited to stumble upon this today! A rock at Disney would be fabulous. Then again, a rock followed by a Disneymoon would be super awesome too! I wish I could remember my former trips with as much accuracy as you!

You bring up an awesome point, a Disney moon would be super awesome!!!!!!!! I am glad you are reading!!! :)

NAHTAZU! I totally remember that from one of the Disney Vacation Planning DVDs, either 2005 or 2006! And yeah, even though I already know how to book and what we plan on doing during our WDW trips, my brother and I have been ordering the DVDs every single year for as long as I could remember. Ha!

But goodness, I am LOVING these Animal Kingdom pictures, they are gorgeous! Everything looks so beautiful, I'm dying to be there right now! I can hear the beating of the drums as I'm reading, it's so nostalgic! And the little lessons about the animals here and there are so fun, I love learning about the animals! :joyfull:

I loved that "nahtazu" marketing campaign! I wish I had planning DVDs from that far back! I was such an amateur! And I totally feel you on wanting to be there right now! Wanting to hope on a plane right about now for Orlando! :)


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I continue this trip report with a broken heart. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade was my favorite parade to ever exist. EVER. The day they announced it was leaving, I experienced all the emotions one does with such a great loss. I was angry, I was upset, and then I was numb. BONE CHILLINGLY NUMB. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME DISNEY? HOW COULD YOU TAKE AWAY MY BELOVED PARADE? WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO DESERVE THIS?

Okay, maybe I’m a little over dramatic, but I was extremelyyyyyyyyyyyy upset. I am so thankful I have these photos, and my memories, and my Disney “Magic in the Streets” parade CD. This parade will forever live on!! Sometimes, I close my eyes and I am back on the streets of AK, waving to this passing parade, humming along to the music.

And without further ado, another thing that sadly does not exist anymore. :arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh:




“I am you and you are me, we walk down the street and we swing from a tree, we all belong and we all got to see, we’re just one great big family. So sing it out… (and bark and growl and screech and roar and..) And dance along… ( and stomp and jump and leap and soar and….) Join the adventure the party’s begun. We’re jammin’ in the jungle to the rhythm of one!”




Why wasn't I picked to be in this?! HELLO?!


Just look at Chip and Dale grooving to the beat!



This was my favorite part! When Minnie sings “Pata Pata Pata Pata Yi Yo Mama, yiyo mama, Yi Yo Mama, Pata Pata Pata a mi” Okay, now I look like a crazy fool, but that is the gist of the lyrics! I drive home to this song on full blast sometimes. Don't judge me.




Ah look at this cute little monkey! So happy and adorable! These floats were some of the best. So unique and intricate, I loved the pop of bright color among Animal Kingdom’s signature greenery. The floats are reminiscent of The Lion King on Broadway, so over the top and stunning. Disney’s attention to detail shone through with the choice of ride vehicles (safari jeeps!) as well as the costuming!



And my beloved jungle Goofy! Hey, Mister, we just met! :)

“Mas que nada, mas mas que nada, samba, samba, mas que nada”

“Don’t you just love that beat? C’mon everybody dance with us! We’re having SOME swinging safari, huh?!”


I spy Donald!!


Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade ended on May 31st, 2014, as it hindered the way for construction vehicles in the creation of Avatar land. Avatar land has huge shoes to fill, by cancelling my ALL TIME favorite parade I have extremely high expectations for this new area. YOU BETTER WOW ME, MISTER JAMES CAMERON. The Jammin’ Jungle Parade had fun, catchy music, and colorfully themed costumes, and it is a loss I do not know if I will ever get over.



Well-Known Member
Great report on AK! I'm glad somebody enjoys the Green Goo. I on the other hand wish for some magical way to turn the water clear.

Rafiki's planet watch is way underrated! Glad you made it there!

Sorry about the loss of your parade - I would wager that the new addition will make up for it.:)


Premium Member
So many wonderful pictures and commentary you've shared! This is really pleasant. :happy:

I do share your loss over Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Parade, though. I loved that, too, and was sad when they eliminated it. :(


Active Member
[QUOTE="prfctlyximprct, post: 6857675, member: 84657"
Had a few moments to drop by the phone booth, I miss when they used to ring! I used to sit home in Jersey and call the parks sometimes… did anyone else ever do this?
Yes! I pranked my son by telling him to go to one of the booths and I called from my cell. I had him going for a while. Another parent was curious how I did it so I shared the numbers. We were visiting about two weeks after your trip. So cool to see the same Christmas decorations. They have changed them a bit since then. Thanks for sharing! Better late than never.


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Great report on AK! I'm glad somebody enjoys the Green Goo. I on the other hand wish for some magical way to turn the water clear.

Rafiki's planet watch is way underrated! Glad you made it there!

Sorry about the loss of your parade - I would wager that the new addition will make up for it.:)

I like to think Avatarland will sew my split heart back together. And I do agree about Rafiki's planet watch! It's an awesome area! I feel like people do not know about it! Or at least, I didn't!

So many wonderful pictures and commentary you've shared! This is really pleasant. :happy:

I do share your loss over Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Parade, though. I loved that, too, and was sad when they eliminated it. :(

Glad I am not alone in my mourning! It was an awesome parade, such a shame they did away with it. It makes me sad that at one point in time all the parks had a parade, and now there is only one. :(

[QUOTE="prfctlyximprct, post: 6857675, member: 84657"
Yes! I pranked my son by telling him to go to one of the booths and I called from my cell. I had him going for a while. Another parent was curious how I did it so I shared the numbers. We were visiting about two weeks after your trip. So cool to see the same Christmas decorations. They have changed them a bit since then. Thanks for sharing! Better late than never.

Thanks for following along! I loved the phones, would love to see your son's face! I miss the little "Disney secret" of the phone numbers. Thanks for sharing your story! Would have been laughing hysterical if I was there!


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My tribute to the greatest parade that ever floated by continues,


My favorite duck, Donald!

“Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now… Iko iko un day, jockomo feeno ah na nay, jockomo feena nay
My grandma and your grandma sitting by the fire”


Look at Pluto, what a cutie! Sorry Goofy, Pluto may be my favorite Disney dog!



Still bitter this isn't me. Definitely want a Disney Safari-ears hat!


And the finale to my favorite parade, my animal crush :p… Mickey Mouse!

“So sing it out...(and bark and growl and screech and roar and hmm...) And dance along...(and stomp and jump and leap and soar and oh...) Join the adventure the party's begun. We're jammin' in the jungle to the rhythm of one!”

“We’re all one world, we're all one voice… it’s all one future, it's all one choice. Living together, together as one, sharing a journey under the same sun!”



“Huh huh, oh boy! Gosh! Hey, everybody thanks for joining us on our jammin’ jungle expedition! We’ve had so much fun! Remember life’s an adventure with new horizons every day, and that my friends is a reason to celebrate!”

RIP Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

The greatest parade that ever is, and ever was. My heart mends with time, but it will forever be scarred. Do you want me to get over it yet?! :p

After all that excitement, it was time to rest up back at the room. Back to our tropical island resort we went! It had been a busy day!




My boyfriend never understands why I must take SO MANY photos, but he happily walked around with me! And I like looking back on my memories, hence this trip report, so there!


We strolled the white sand beaches, and gazed out at the peaceful lake. The Caribbean beach resort offers such a relaxed atmosphere, it was nice to come back and unwind. :inlove:



From the brightly colored buildings, to lush tropical plants, it was easy to become immersed in the true spirit of the islands.

We found the pool! It was hot enough to swim, but we were too beat! Posed for a picture, really regretting not jumping in!




We wandered over to Old Port Royale to fill up our mugs and grab a quick snack. We had a few leisurely hours before our dinner reservation, so we took advantage of the much needed break. This Disney trip was a lot more laid back and relaxing, and I loved it! A Disney vacation can be anything you want it to be, it's all how you decide to take it on.





The Caribbean Beach resort offers tranquility, and is such a change of pace from the usual Disney World vacation. I fell completely in love with this resort, as I do with all Disney resorts. I cannot pick a favorite, they all are unique and special. Every Disney vacation I've been on, I've loved the resort for all different reasons. They have attributed to my overall trip experiences. One day, I hope to stay at EVERY Disney resort. Disney will forever hold the key to my heart!


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