Trip Report A Collection of Things that are No More: November 2011

Okay, so I am currently Disney deprived, and I am going bonkers!! Somebody send for help! I just recently came across my 2011 Disney World pictures; they were in a folder on my ancient computer that is about to blow up. Not kidding! I began clicking through them and started feeling nostalgic. The memories came flooding back, has it really been four years??? Along with my insane amount of photos and my OCD note-taking skills, I felt like I could relive this trip moment to moment. I thought to myself, what is a better way to save these photos and memories than on the internet in a trip report?? YOU FEEL ME??

In all honesty, I reallyyyyyyy want to have a new trip planned to lovely Walt Disney World, but have finally moved out of my parent’s lovely abode and am becoming a real life adult. Disney does not look doable for 2015 but maybe next year? PLEASE?? 2016 hopefully brings me Rivers of Light, Frozen, and a new trip! I have been torturing myself looking at dining menus, and construction photos, and I think it’s about time I get a life! What’s a girl to do with no trip to plan? I’ve got it! In the meantime, I bring you a trip from the past.


For those who don’t know me, I’m Nicole. I am a DISNEY FREAK. Ask anyone. I am a full-grown child, and it’s only getting worse. Oh, and Ariel is my favorite. Been in love since 1989.

Once upon a time, wayyyyyyyy long ago, I took a trip to WDW in November 2011. This trip is unusual because it was not with my best friend! OH THE HORROR. It was with my boyfriend! I know, I know... this is not what you are used too! We went to the world from November 7th to November 12th, 2011. 2011 was a rough year for us… My boyfriend’s younger sister passed away unexpectedly and we both needed to get away from everyday life. Sometimes you just have to splurge and take that vacation; you never know what life is going to throw at you.

We stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort because I wanted to stay somewhere it seemed tropical! November is usually pretty cold in the Northeast, so a Caribbean escape to Florida seemed like a wonderful alternative.

The very week before my trip, a freak snowstorm hit NJ, and since there were still leaves on all the trees, it wreaked havoc all over the state. Branches fell, roofs caved in, power was out for over a week, and Halloween was cancelled. CANCELLED. I was legit packing up my clothes for Florida by candlelight. I had an unrequested weeklong vacation from work before my scheduled Disney vacation… It was like a vacation to the 1800s. Verdict? Don’t ever go.

Left work early, and had to get pushed out of the parking lot.


Forget the Tower of Terror… this is true fear!


My mom's poor Halloween decorations!



Got a little stir crazy!



Social media by candlelight!


The pole that saved the day, power is restored!


Back to the point though, as I reminisced through these old photos, I figured why not share? And it truly surprises me how much of this DOES NOT EXIST anymore. Now, I complain as much as the next Disney fanatic when I say I want new attractions, new shows, new restaurants, new experiences, etc, etc., but looking back into the past, it’s crazy to see how much really HAS changed.

Join me in my time machine.


We flew out of Newark airport and took an early morning flight… the only way I travel. I need all the time I can get in the World!


Here we come!

The airport was uneventful, and thankfully my boyfriend is not directionally challenged like myself, and was able to read the map like a true intelligent human being. Me, I still don’t know my left from right.

Hopped aboard the Magical Express, watched the welcome show, and drove through those glorious gates. I was HERE!!!! I was HOME!!

We pulled in to our resort and I just remember being instantly transported. The music on the bus was jammin’ (we in Jamaica mon!), and the bright colors just brought out the allure of the Caribbean. It definitely didn’t feel like a snowpocalyse anymore! This resort was properly themed; you don’t feel like you’re in Florida anymore!


This trip was long before the days of Magic Bands, and maybe even online check-in. If not, I was an amateur back then and had not discovered the incredibly informative forums! We had to go to the desk, get our welcome packet and find out where our room was located. My how times have changed! Wow, I sound like an old pro!



The Cast Member assisting us said we could take the internal resort shuttle to our room which was located in Jamaica. YEAH MON! This was my first time at a moderate resort, and I was in complete awe! A BUS THAT TAKES YOU ALL AROUND? WHAT IS THIS LIFE? The detail and the themeing cannot be justified in words. Descriptions I read online cannot compare to my memories.

We were over the bridge in room 4629, and I personally loved our location. I do agree that this resort is large, but it is beautiful. We didn’t have to walk far at all to the bus, and to get to the dining area and pool we simply had to cross the bridge. As mentioned before, the resort also offers an internal bus shuttle. This option seemed like heaven after walking the parks all day!

It was nice to wander around the tropical plants, and circle the lake, and simply be away from the usual “hustle and bustle”. I was accustomed to the All Stars, and though I love them dearly, you could definitely tell you were at a moderate. I thought the entire resort was peaceful and I would sincerely recommend the Caribbean Beach resort to anyone traveling to WDW. You get so caught up with the “go, go, go” mentality and I think this resort offers an element of true relaxation. It’s a nice change of pace when travelling to the World. Heck, there even was a beach a few feet from our door!







Our room was immaculate, and it felt wonderfully cool. Just a few hours ago I was freezing my tush off waiting for my power and heat to come back on, and now I was thankful for air conditioning! We didn’t stay inside for very long though! There were places to go! Where would I take my “never been to Disney before” boyfriend first? Could I convince him to love Disney as much as I did?[/url][/url]


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  1. Your TR is not quite as old as mine is, a matter of fact you are not as old as the origin of my TR. You are obviously a young Disney Girl at heart but you possess grown up communication skills. Whether we all realize it or not we do pick up little tidbits of information from other’s experiences. Your post is no exception. It was a joy to read and view.
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Another spontaneous event occurred and we paused to watch the Jammitors! I just love these guys. They are my favorite custodians :)




"I don't wanna work, I just wanna bang pots and pans all day!" That's not how it goes... oops!

What did we bump into next? A Cranberry Bog! The International Food and Wine Festival was happening while we were at Disney, and I had no idea what it even was. Who was I? Just goes to show how much the average guest does not realize! I so wish I would have done more while this event was occurring! Just means I must go back! :p:p

We learned some interesting things about cranberries, and the bog at Epcot holds over 500 pounds of them! It was crazy to see people standing inside of it wearing huge rubber boots! I thought cranberries grew in the water, but was informed that the plants are flooded in order to be harvested. Once the area is flooded, the berries float to the top. Who knew?

I loved witnessing this, maybe one day I can get inside? I would love to stand in that bog! Disney bucket list?



We then went and watched Captain EO. I had never seen it before and my boyfriend loves Michael Jackson so he was excited! On my two previous trips, Honey I Shrunk the Audience was playing. I really loved that show so I wasn’t sure if Captain EO could live up to my expectations. My boyfriend enjoyed it, I HATED IT. Now, to be fair, I am not a fan of Michael Jackson at all. But this attraction? IT’S THE PITS. It’s so outdated and strange… I don’t think I could ever sit through this again if you paid me. I would rather ride Stitch 300 million times than watch this again. Ah, it makes me sad how negative I feel about something in my beloved Disney World, but just NO. Please refurbish this into ANYTHING ELSE. Please!!!!!!!!! I AM BEGGING YOU.

Why I didn’t ride Figment, I’ll never know! But we did get this awesome picture at the upside down waterfall.



We then took a spin on Test Track, the old version. Another thing that is gone forever! We rode throughout the test facility, testing our car in different elements and situations. Basically, it was a simulated safety test. Man does the brake check hurt! In this version, you felt as though you were a real life test dummy. I kept waiting to be thrown against a wall or have an airbag come out in my face.

Also, the queue was so different, it was like a car repair shop with smashed up vehicles and dummies being tested on. I remember there was this music, if you can even call it that, it was just the sounds of tools. It legit sounded like hammers hammering and screws being turned and had weird clicking noises to background music. I am glad that song is no more. :banghead:

If you watch this, you can hear it!!


While I enjoyed the old version immensely, I must say the new version is better. I think its flow is enhanced, and it is much more thrilling. And definitely more Disney. You feel like an actual person on an attraction, not a test dummy. I especially like the new preshow where you design your own vehicle. It’s fun to see how you car ends up in the final results. And the queue, that has improved a million percent. It’s sleek and modern, and no more tools!!!!!

We ended up asking the right stranger to take our picture, he was a professional photographer. I remember thinking how awesome this was. Why did I not know about Photopass? Man, amateur!


One thing I did read about before our adventure was Club Cool! I wanted to make my boyfriend try the Beverly! I secretly wanted to try as well and see what all the fuss was about. Could it really be so bad??
I must admit, it is pretty nasty! We both spit it out right away! It was funny to watch each others facial expressions as we tried it. . Next time I’m taking a video. :D:D! We then washed away the taste with some VegitaBeta and were on our way!

Headed over to World Showcase, and snapped a picture of the beautifully decorated Christmas tree!


Oh, hello Duffy! Nice to see you! I swear this bear is always walking away from me!
First up in our journey around the world was Mexico! I love this pavilion, and want to say it’s my favorite, but I could easily say that about each and every one. Each pavilion is unique, and I could stay at each one for hours if there wasn’t the promise of a new country to explore just a few feet away. We went inside the pyramid and enjoyed the outdoor market. My boyfriend was amazed! I swear, Disney makes the outdoors inside better than the true outdoors!

We explored all the small little trinkets, marveling at the wooden animal sculptures. It felt like a real Mexican market! I love the exclusive items found only in each pavilion, the different restaurant options with food native to each country, and the opportunity to experience each culture firsthand. Where else can you walk a few feet and be in a whole new land? The World Showcase offers a glimpse of the world as if we lived in a utopia. Immersing yourself in different cultures allows for a deeper understanding of the world we live in, and a connection to other humans in a way that cannot be duplicated. Can you tell I love the World Showcase???



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Love the info about the fountain! Thanks for sharing that.
I loved reading all about it, so I am glad you enjoyed! Crazy all the little Disney details that I still have yet to learn about!

I remember how blown away I was when first learning the "giant ball" had a ride inside.
Still amazes me!
And me! I would love to ride with the lights on one time, just to figure out how the heck it works!

Your TR is not quite as old as mines; as a matter of fact you are not as old as the origin of my TR. You are obviously a young Disney Girl at heart but you possess grown up communication skills. Whether we all realize it or not we do pick up little tidbits of information from other’s experiences. Your post is no exception. It was a joy to read and view.

I am blushing. Thank you so much for your kind comment. I am glad people are reading, thought everyone would bypass a report form 2011! I agree that we take away something new and interesting from other people's reports and experiences. Whether it be a new restaurant to try, a hidden Disney secret, or even a brand new perspective, sharing the Disney love helps us to better appreciate our memories and time spent there. I thank you again!


Well-Known Member
I will try to be more like you and use my imagination as much as possible! Sometimes I lay in bed and pretend I'm laying in bed at POFQ or Wilderness Lodge.. is that strange?! LOL.. and hopefully being a real adult just means being a big kid! :)

Imagination will bright up your live as a real adult ;) LOL. And is that strange? Well I pretend to be in WDW almost 350 days a year whaha so that's even more strange! And you are totally right. Being a real adult means nothing more than being a big kid..... and the time you are in WDW means even younger...... I always say the as soon as I walk in a Disney park it feels like being 10 years again :)


Well-Known Member
I also prefer the new Test Track. "More Disney" was a great way to put it.
I loathe Captain EO as well.
It truly is an embarrassment to Epcot. And I actually own a couple Michael Jackson albums.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree re Captain EO - went, saw, never going back to that again!
We liked the cranberry bog too - and Chris loved the free packets of cranberries - we always had to get some on our way past so he could eat while we walked around the world!


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Didn't think I could write after that whirlwind weekend of stalking the D23 discussions! WHO'S EXCITED?! I AM!!!! :geek::geek::geek::geek:

Okay, back to my trip...

We took a Gran Fiesta Tour with the three caballeros… The ambiance of this ride is what I adore. Floating next to the pyramid with the starry night sky in the background just transports you to another time and place. It’s like you actually are floating down a river outdoors. This ride reminds me of It’s a Small World with its vibrant colors, catchy music, and relaxing pace. A nice break from walking around the world!


Poor Donald!


We must get back out into the light!

This was my first time in Disney past the legal drinking age, so why not celebrate! My first alcoholic beverage in the World EVER was a margarita! A frozen strawberry margarita to be precise, and man was that thing strong! Sipping a frozen alcoholic beverage, in the happiest place on earth, life just does not get any better.

Hammin' it up :)


The next stop on our world tour was the stunning country of Norway. Pre-Frozen Norway? How did we ever live in a world where Frozen did not exist?


Look at Maelstrom in the background! Be still my broken heart.



This photo makes me want to cry, do you think this water feature will survive the Frozen overlay? I hope so, this picture is gorgeous.


We strolled through the shops, and I posed with an old friend. I miss you dear little troll, hope to see you soon!


I’m torn 50/50 with the new addition of Frozen. Frozen Ever After is sure to be a hit, but I will miss the charm of my “old-world” Norway pavilion. I hope it remains just as picturesque as it was. I know it will be overloaded with guests, so I hope they planned for this in the queue. I also hope the buildings take in the country’s true architecture. I love Frozen as much as the next Disney princess, but I still think the placement of this ride should have been rethought. Hollywood Studios offers the Frozen Summer event, why didn’t they incorporate this ride into that expansion? I never saw Maelstrom with a short wait time, so I am still a little confused on why it must be replaced. I put my trust in Disney though, and will save my judgment until after I experience the final product first hand.

The next country we visited was China! This pavilion is very serene, with the green gardens and the Temple of Heaven as the centerpiece. We relaxingly strolled through this beauty.

Oops, forgot to add.. my boyfriend got a beer from Norway! Not sure what the name is!
We checked out the Tomb Warriors exhibit, and stopped to appreciate the small details. Rushing though the world is so easy to do, time is so limited in Disney World. Especially now, with fastpass and ADRS... It’s nice to slow down and appreciate the little things.
All my pictures are leaning a littttttttttle to the left... thinking I was maybe leaning that way too? Hey.. I was younger then!DSC00481

We checked out the variety of merchandise offered in the stores and even tried on some hats!

Got a good chuckle out of these puppets…There used to be this TV show on where people would prank call other people, but the calls were shown on TV with puppets that looked like this!

The China pavilion is visually pleasing, and the intricacy of the details is a feast for the eyes. It offers a feeling of peace amidst a busy theme park. Can you feel my love? When will my reflection show, who I am inside????

Sorry, I had to throw that in... love me some Mulan!



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China is gorgeous; oops did I say that already??


Snapped this photo from across the lagoon, it’s a tad blurry thanks to my incredibly strong margarita, and the fact that I was an extreme light weight, but it’s beautiful. Epcot is beautiful, Epcot at night, there are no words.

We had late dinner reservations at Via Napoli so off to Italy we traveled!
Love this fountain, and this picture. I need to go back with my boyfriend so I can recreate all these photo moments again…
Now as you know, I did not know about the forums way back when. WISH I DID! I don’t know why we didn’t order pizza, but being from North Jersey, I didn’t think it would compare. Looking at photos and videos and reading reviews now, I wish we had known to order a pie. Oh well, just another reason to return!

I had the paccheri all crema con pollo, which was a macaroni noodle with chicken in a white sauce. It was really yummy, but I do wish I had known about the pizza!
My boyfriend had piattu alla parmiginana- pollo, which was basically a chicken parm with roasted potatoes. He loved his meal, and I sampled a bite and loved it too. I eat the most in this relationship, and that's why it works! Haha… DSC00499[/url

I tried to capture the beauty inside this restaurant, but my photos do not do it justice. That’s the way with everything from a Disney vacation. Nothing compares to your memories.

Snapped a “selfie” while we waited for our dessert. I don’t think this term existed in 2011!
For dessert, I had the coppa brutti ma buoni, or an amarena cherry and vanilla gelato sundae. It was delish, and I felt like I was going to burst! My boyfriend had pistachio gelato, I don’t see it on the menu now, not sure if he asked for this specifically. He enjoyed as well, and again I sampled. See this pattern??.. muhaha.
Rolled our way to America, we were so stuffed! America the Beautiful! And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!
Had this random photo of my legs, don’t know where the heck I was standing!

We didn’t say in America very long, we had to travel to the westernmost tip of Africa. Hello Morocco!
…it is not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside that counts. A young man, who, like the lamp the changed the course of his life, was more than he seemed, a diamond in the rough.

Again, Disney has outdone itself with the detail. Morocco takes my breath away. The tile work alone makes this pavilion a “must-do.” Help! I’m turning into Stacey. :)


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Here I sit, alone in Morocco, but I couldn’t be happier! :) Aladdin, where you at?


This area is so pretty!

Even the camel is getting in on the costumes, check out those dreads!
The next stop on our voyage was France.

“Be Our Guest , Be Our Guest, put our service to the test! Tie you napkin round you neck, Cherie and we’ll provide the rest. Soup du jour, hot hors d’oeuveres , why , we only live to serve! Try the grey stuff it’s delicious! Don’t’ believe me? Ask the dishes! They can sing, they can dance, after all, miss, this is France!”

We whizzed through France because I started to not feel so well. Not sure if I was too full or a weak margarita drinker, but we decided it was best we skip Illuminations for the night. We chose to go rest up at the room and save this firework spectacular for another night.
Zipped through the United Kingdom, people were starting to stake out their spots for the show. I felt terrible that we were leaving, but thankful we had gotten park hoppers. We could come back any other night of the trip!
Had a few moments to drop by the phone booth, I miss when they used to ring! I used to sit home in Jersey and call the parks sometimes… did anyone else ever do this?

My solitary photo of the night from Canada… at least I have evidence we walked through every country! The lighting in the pavilion reminds me of a Thomas Kinkade painting, so breathtakingly beautiful.
One last photo of Spaceship Earth. “Like a grand and miraculous spaceship, our planet has sailed through the universe of time, and for a brief moment, we have been among its passengers. But where are we going? And what kind of future will we discover there?”

Goodnight Epcot!

Came home to a new little friend… Sometimes I wonder if the bunnies at the WDW resorts are an added touch by the company. You feel like a true Disney princess, with friendly animals right outside your door. I love the quote, “I don’t care about Disney lying about my Prince Charming, I’m more upset about forest creatures and their unwillingness to clean my house!” I feel like that about sums up my disappointment with Disney films!

We wished our new friend sweet dreams, and flashed a camera in his face. Sorry little buddy!!
Of course, as soon as we were back, I felt fine and was actually hungry again! We ventured out to Old Port Royale, and I picked up this yummy little snack and refilled my mug.
There's nothing like a late night rice-krispie treat!

Day two of our trip was coming to a close, but it proved to be another memorable day that we would cherish forever. Life is full of good days and bad days, and Disney trips ensure you have an abundance of really great days. :)


We were up exceptionally early after having an early night’s sleep. Day three was our Animal Kingdom day!

Of course I had to rock the animal print!DSC00534
I think this is the day I fell head over heels in love with Animal Kingdom. We had the chance to explore the park at a slower pace, and really take in our surroundings. This park is absolutely gorgeous. I like to think of Animal Kingdom as my favorite park, but as you know, my mind changes daily. The atmosphere is something I cannot explain in words, and I believe the Imagineers truly outdid themselves with the creation of this park.

The Tree of Life Icon almost gives me the same goosebumpy, emotional sap feeling as Cinderella Castle… and that is a feat all in its own.

Hello Parrots! How are you today?

The first ride of the day? Expedition Everest! I love my Disco Yeti!
Again, my boyfriend was blown away by this attraction. This is becoming a common theme! The detail, the thrill… there truly is a Disney difference. Having only experienced Six Flags, and Dorney Park, my boyfriend was beginning to understand my Disney obsession. And as you all know, in order for this relationship to work, a love for Disney is a must. I mean, I am the ultimate Disney princess after all!

Don't cha agree?!


New Member
Oh my gosh! I am only seeing this now, but better late than never! I am so happy you are reminiscing and sharing it with us all! Looking forward to following and reading along :happy: My next trip will be May 2016, and I'll be taking my boyfriend who has never been before, either! He insists my love for the World is crazy, but I'm positive I will convince him otherwise, and hopefully he'll even enjoy it enough to start visiting with me yearly!


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Petition to have @prfctlyximprct be the next host for Must Do Disney.

YES!!! YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY. Stacey really does have the best job... how did she get that gig?!

Oh my gosh! I am only seeing this now, but better late than never! I am so happy you are reminiscing and sharing it with us all! Looking forward to following and reading along :happy: My next trip will be May 2016, and I'll be taking my boyfriend who has never been before, either! He insists my love for the World is crazy, but I'm positive I will convince him otherwise, and hopefully he'll even enjoy it enough to start visiting with me yearly!
I have total faith that he will be converted! Going to Disney with a first-timer really is an experience all in it's own! So excited for your upcoming trip :) And thanks for commenting and reading!!! We are two crazy Disney addicts!

Life is too short to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't appreciate Walt Disney World.
They need to be given a chance.......and then JETTISONED if they don't like it.

I like the way you think. :) Muhaha.. Life is short, go to Disney!

I loveeee your trip reports! Following along faithfully (even if it is 2011!)

Thank you sooooo much! Glad you are still enjoying even though this is old!! :)


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Even though it was November, it was still in the 80s, so we were up for a ride on Kali River Rapids. We ended up staying pretty dry, the other side of our raft got soaked! That’s one of the thrills I love about this ride, you never know who the culprit will be!


We then stopped to watch the monkeys in Asia. They are so cute! I loved catching them swinging and jumping, they put on quite a show! I think we spent a good twenty minutes just gazing out at these cuties! This is one of the reasons why I love Animal Kingdom. You never know what animal encounters you will have, or what entertaining thing the animals will do!

We headed over to Dinosaur, and prepared to blast back in time 65 million years. This ride is the scariest ride EVER in my opinion! Those dang dinos always make me scream! My boyfriend was cracking up at how frightened I was! No matter how many times you ride, there’s still that element of surprise!


We took a spin on Primeval Whirl, and though I’ve read a lot of complaining about the abrupt stops and the jerkiness, this ride doesn’t have anything on the crazy mouse coaster down the shore. This ride had us laughing our heads off; it’s truly like a tilt-a-whirl combined with a roller coaster. We kept leaning side to side, trying to make it spin faster. We are a crazy pair!
I just had to take this wonderfully cheesy photo of me going to Dinoland! Can you tell I love this land? Add an e-ticket roller coaster and it would be the place of dreams. I took a dinosaur course in college, so I was even more excited being around these extinct creatures. NERD STATUS, WHAT UP!
The Tree of Life looked so gorgeous as the sun was reaching higher in the sky, and these photos make me smile. Big, cheesy, ear to ear face hurting smile. Oh Animal Kingdom, how I love thee!
We started our journey cross continent, and saw an Okapi! Of course my photo is of its rear end. Way to go, Nicole! I think we were on the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail, because these animals seem to fit in the park map’s description. Don’t have good notes from today so we will go with that!
Look at the humongous bullfrog! Is this my true prince? C'mere and let me KISS YOU.:inlove:

Some nice little tortoises.

My boyfriend used to have lizards while we were in college, he doesn’t anymore thank goodness, and I can remember them eating crickets all the time. He was in heaven watching this lizard! Me? Let's move on! :)

More colorful fish were next!

If you look closely you can see a hippo underwater checking us out! HOW COOL IS THAT?
Spent a good amount of time watching the meerkats… They were so adorable foraging for food. I think I watched the show Meerkat Manor around this time, so it made it especially exciting to watch them in person.
Ahh, Animal Kingdom. The park where you can truly stop and smell the roses…or the animals in this case. Animal Kingdom owns my soul. :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:

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