Trip Report A Collection of Things that are No More: November 2011

Okay, so I am currently Disney deprived, and I am going bonkers!! Somebody send for help! I just recently came across my 2011 Disney World pictures; they were in a folder on my ancient computer that is about to blow up. Not kidding! I began clicking through them and started feeling nostalgic. The memories came flooding back, has it really been four years??? Along with my insane amount of photos and my OCD note-taking skills, I felt like I could relive this trip moment to moment. I thought to myself, what is a better way to save these photos and memories than on the internet in a trip report?? YOU FEEL ME??

In all honesty, I reallyyyyyyy want to have a new trip planned to lovely Walt Disney World, but have finally moved out of my parent’s lovely abode and am becoming a real life adult. Disney does not look doable for 2015 but maybe next year? PLEASE?? 2016 hopefully brings me Rivers of Light, Frozen, and a new trip! I have been torturing myself looking at dining menus, and construction photos, and I think it’s about time I get a life! What’s a girl to do with no trip to plan? I’ve got it! In the meantime, I bring you a trip from the past.


For those who don’t know me, I’m Nicole. I am a DISNEY FREAK. Ask anyone. I am a full-grown child, and it’s only getting worse. Oh, and Ariel is my favorite. Been in love since 1989.

Once upon a time, wayyyyyyyy long ago, I took a trip to WDW in November 2011. This trip is unusual because it was not with my best friend! OH THE HORROR. It was with my boyfriend! I know, I know... this is not what you are used too! We went to the world from November 7th to November 12th, 2011. 2011 was a rough year for us… My boyfriend’s younger sister passed away unexpectedly and we both needed to get away from everyday life. Sometimes you just have to splurge and take that vacation; you never know what life is going to throw at you.

We stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort because I wanted to stay somewhere it seemed tropical! November is usually pretty cold in the Northeast, so a Caribbean escape to Florida seemed like a wonderful alternative.

The very week before my trip, a freak snowstorm hit NJ, and since there were still leaves on all the trees, it wreaked havoc all over the state. Branches fell, roofs caved in, power was out for over a week, and Halloween was cancelled. CANCELLED. I was legit packing up my clothes for Florida by candlelight. I had an unrequested weeklong vacation from work before my scheduled Disney vacation… It was like a vacation to the 1800s. Verdict? Don’t ever go.

Left work early, and had to get pushed out of the parking lot.


Forget the Tower of Terror… this is true fear!


My mom's poor Halloween decorations!



Got a little stir crazy!



Social media by candlelight!


The pole that saved the day, power is restored!


Back to the point though, as I reminisced through these old photos, I figured why not share? And it truly surprises me how much of this DOES NOT EXIST anymore. Now, I complain as much as the next Disney fanatic when I say I want new attractions, new shows, new restaurants, new experiences, etc, etc., but looking back into the past, it’s crazy to see how much really HAS changed.

Join me in my time machine.


We flew out of Newark airport and took an early morning flight… the only way I travel. I need all the time I can get in the World!


Here we come!

The airport was uneventful, and thankfully my boyfriend is not directionally challenged like myself, and was able to read the map like a true intelligent human being. Me, I still don’t know my left from right.

Hopped aboard the Magical Express, watched the welcome show, and drove through those glorious gates. I was HERE!!!! I was HOME!!

We pulled in to our resort and I just remember being instantly transported. The music on the bus was jammin’ (we in Jamaica mon!), and the bright colors just brought out the allure of the Caribbean. It definitely didn’t feel like a snowpocalyse anymore! This resort was properly themed; you don’t feel like you’re in Florida anymore!


This trip was long before the days of Magic Bands, and maybe even online check-in. If not, I was an amateur back then and had not discovered the incredibly informative forums! We had to go to the desk, get our welcome packet and find out where our room was located. My how times have changed! Wow, I sound like an old pro!



The Cast Member assisting us said we could take the internal resort shuttle to our room which was located in Jamaica. YEAH MON! This was my first time at a moderate resort, and I was in complete awe! A BUS THAT TAKES YOU ALL AROUND? WHAT IS THIS LIFE? The detail and the themeing cannot be justified in words. Descriptions I read online cannot compare to my memories.

We were over the bridge in room 4629, and I personally loved our location. I do agree that this resort is large, but it is beautiful. We didn’t have to walk far at all to the bus, and to get to the dining area and pool we simply had to cross the bridge. As mentioned before, the resort also offers an internal bus shuttle. This option seemed like heaven after walking the parks all day!

It was nice to wander around the tropical plants, and circle the lake, and simply be away from the usual “hustle and bustle”. I was accustomed to the All Stars, and though I love them dearly, you could definitely tell you were at a moderate. I thought the entire resort was peaceful and I would sincerely recommend the Caribbean Beach resort to anyone traveling to WDW. You get so caught up with the “go, go, go” mentality and I think this resort offers an element of true relaxation. It’s a nice change of pace when travelling to the World. Heck, there even was a beach a few feet from our door!







Our room was immaculate, and it felt wonderfully cool. Just a few hours ago I was freezing my tush off waiting for my power and heat to come back on, and now I was thankful for air conditioning! We didn’t stay inside for very long though! There were places to go! Where would I take my “never been to Disney before” boyfriend first? Could I convince him to love Disney as much as I did?[/url][/url]


Premium Member
A Disney vacation can be anything you want it to be, it's all how you decide to take it on.

Your sentiment captured the wide array of activities available at WDW. A vacation there can be such an enjoyable time for so many guests of all ages, with varied interests, energy levels, etc. When you stop to think about this, you realize that there aren't a lot of places that offer such a wide-based appeal, to so many.


Well-Known Member
Another fabulous report so far! I love how you write with so much enthusiasm and love for Disney. I have only been to Disney with my hubby and 2 daughters and I would love to go with just my hubby to enjoy Disney at a different pace, but I think I would have to keep it a secret from my girls. How do you remember from that far back in lots of detail?! Looking forward to more


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your sentiment captured the wide array of activities available at WDW. A vacation there can be such an enjoyable time for so many guests of all ages, with varied interests, energy levels, etc. When you stop to think about this, you realize that there aren't a lot of places that offer such a wide-based appeal, to so many.

I AGREE WITH YOU! Disney vacations are for people of all ages, with all different interests and perspectives. You can tackle the parks at a fast pace, you can move slower and take rests at your resort, you can enjoy the fine dining, or you can skip eating large meals altogether. Disney takes into account everyone's different vacation situations, and they will do all they can to accommodate you. Wanna go the beach? Stay at Caribbean Beach Resort. Wanna experience to Pacific Northwest? Stay at Wilderness Lodge. Disney does it all. :)

Another fabulous report so far! I love how you write with so much enthusiasm and love for Disney. I have only been to Disney with my hubby and 2 daughters and I would love to go with just my hubby to enjoy Disney at a different pace, but I think I would have to keep it a secret from my girls. How do you remember from that far back in lots of detail?! Looking forward to more

Thank you sooooooooo much for following along! My pictures were saved in order, so from that and my brief notes that I wrote down, it's fairly easy to recall this trip. We had such a great time, and I'm glad these happy memories overshadow a lot of my sad memories from 2011. Thank you again for following along, and if you can ever keep a secret from your girls... GO TO DISNEY!! :)


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As usual, my descriptions will never do this resort justice, so I will provide you with waaaaaayyy too many photos. So breathtakingly beautiful, you must see it to believe it.






Ended our mid day stroll back at lovely room 4629, and we were greeted by this attractive sight. Why hello there bed! Don’t mind if I do! It was a perfect time for a mid-day nap! (Is there ever really a bad time for a nap? You be the judge.) We put Stacey on mute and dreamed of what magic was yet to come.


Before entering dreamland, I took a “selfie”, one of my only ones from this trip! Who knew, in years to come, I’d be taking one each and every morning ?


We had a good two hour nap before getting ready for the night! You must not oversleep in Disney!



But where would this night take us??

It was another night at lovely Epcot! Hello again, Spaceship Earth! Looking exquisite, as always.


We zoomed through Future World in order to make it to World Showcase in time to ride an attraction before our dining reservation.

Saw the tree all lit up! How exciting!
The pre-dinner attraction was none other than Maelstrom! Another attraction, gone forever! And all I have to show for it are these few blurry photos. Why, Nicole, WHY!

Must say these shots of the wall mural aren’t so bad. Red-headed Viking man, I will miss you.

And take a look at those creepy eyes!
We both enjoyed seeking the true spirit of Norway. The narrator’s voice warned us, that although we would find adventure, we would also find peril! We both loved the backwards part, I didn’t remember this being such a thrill ride! I do admit this dark boat ride was kind of creepy, but I adored it. Polar bears, fjords, oil rigs, and trolls! What else could you want? “Norway, a land where trolls still prowl the water’s edge.”

I will forever miss this magnificent attraction. I will miss the educational concept of the ride, teaching riders about the history and culture of Norway. I hope Epcot’s World Showcase stays true to its original intent, showcasing different cultures from around the globe and teaching guests the history of others. I love Frozen, but think the attraction placement is demeaning to my beloved World Showcase. I was one of those people on Twitter who constantly hash-tagged #savemaelstrom. I sat glued to my computer on October 5th, 2014 as I watched guests ride for the last time. I saw the wait time climb over two hours. Truly was an end of an era. I place my trust in Disney yet again, please let Frozen Ever After be worth it. I love Anna and Elsa, and hope their boat ride into Arendelle can thaw a frozen heart. For now, I must “Let it Go.”

We still had some time before our dining reservation, so we hiked on over to France and shared a grey goose slushie. YUM. It’s worth the 14 bucks.
Our stomachs were grumbling, and I was feeling the effects of alcohol. One drink on an empty belly, man, I was a lightweight! Was it time to eat yet? I saw our dining host country in the distance… FOOD! Here I come!



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Dinner was in Japan, at Teppan Edo. We had a late reservation, and were seated right away!




My boyfriend and I both ordered the same thing, the filet mignon. It was delicious! Our cook was very entertaining; he made an onion volcano and then a Mickey head which led to a communal “Awwwwww”. You sit at a table with other guests, and we chatted with a family from Ohio. Everyone is always so friendly in Disney! They were telling us this was their third trip this year (so jealous!)… and my boyfriend informed them that this was his first trip ever. They enjoyed hearing his opinion on everything we’d experienced so far… guess it is interesting to hear about Disney through the eyes of a first timer! People just love to hear about the Disney magic taking hold!


Final plate after the chef filled it with my filet!

Do I recommend Teppan Edo? YES. If you want a fun atmosphere, delicious Disney food, and conversation with fellow Disney lovers, this is the place for you! My belly was full, my heart was bursting, and we had made new friends. Could you really expect anything else from a Disney dinner?

Illuminations ended up occurring while we ate, so it was another night we missed it! Would we ever get to see this nighttime spectacular? We said good-bye to our new friends, and ventured out into a closed for the night Epcot!

The park was empty when we got out of dinner, completely and strangely empty!

Posed in Italy, happy as a clam.

It was neat to see the countries without people, it felt so surreal. We were worried we were going to miss the buses, so we didn’t linger as long as I would have liked. The pavilions looked so welcoming, like villages I wished I could live in. How I would have loved to go upstairs in China and live in an apartment there.

The Epcot countries at night remind me a of the Christmas village decorations you see out for the holidays. So perfect and peaceful, a dream world you wish you could live in.

Quickly strolled through Mexico, we had a bus to catch!

Goodnight Spaceship Earth! “So here’s to the next 30,000 years on Spaceship Earth. While no one knows for sure what we’ll see or do, I do know it will be quite an adventure, an adventure that we’ll take and make together. See you in the future!”


We made it time! The bus was waiting for us! And we were one of the few people on board. Back to our tropical home we traveled.

I wasn’t too sleepy, and took photos of my two new pairs of ears that I had gotten on this trip. That’s the only downside of visiting Disney in November, all the parks closed relatively early.
Also, I lied before when I said I only took one selfie! Found two more lovely photos of myself, right before I changed into jammies and passed out!

Another day came to a close; we were halfway through our trip already! I didn’t want it to ever end, but tried to think of the great big beautiful tomorrow I would wake up too. Time flies in Disney World!


Well-Known Member
Loving your trip report Nicole! I finally got myself all caught up with your virtual step back in "Disney time!" You are taking Walt's words to heart by leaving the world of today and entering the World of yesterday ... He would be so proud of you, especially since you are unabashedly dreaming of the World of tomorrow and fantasy!! I, like another poster above, sincerely hope you get that tomorrow in Disney while wearing a fantastical ring, er ... ahem ...Rock!

Your pictures are wonderful, even the couple of tipsy ones hanging over to the left (not saying you were, but your camera may have had one too many!)

It looks like you and your BF had a great time, and I cannot wait to see more!


Well-Known Member
Thank you sooooooooo much for following along! My pictures were saved in order, so from that and my brief notes that I wrote down, it's fairly easy to recall this trip. We had such a great time, and I'm glad these happy memories overshadow a lot of my sad memories from 2011. Thank you again for following along, and if you can ever keep a secret from your girls... GO TO DISNEY!! :)[/QUOTE]

I don't know if I could ever go without them...I think I would feel too guilty for going to our most favourite place on earth. But, for sure when they are older, I will definately go!!!


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Original Poster
Loving your trip report Nicole! I finally got myself all caught up with your virtual step back in "Disney time!" You are taking Walt's words to heart by leaving the world of today and entering the World of yesterday ... He would be so proud of you, especially since you are unabashedly dreaming of the World of tomorrow and fantasy!! I, like another poster above, sincerely hope you get that tomorrow in Disney while wearing a fantastical ring, er ... ahem ...Rock!

Your pictures are wonderful, even the couple of tipsy ones hanging over to the left (not saying you were, but your camera may have had one too many!)

It looks like you and your BF had a great time, and I cannot wait to see more!
Thank you for your reply that made me blush! I love Walt and all that his theme parks stand for! And I hope I one day get my rock in Disney! LOL

Glad you noticed it was my camera that was acting up! Muahah! Thanks for much for following along on my trip down memory lane.

Thank you sooooooooo much for following along! My pictures were saved in order, so from that and my brief notes that I wrote down, it's fairly easy to recall this trip. We had such a great time, and I'm glad these happy memories overshadow a lot of my sad memories from 2011. Thank you again for following along, and if you can ever keep a secret from your girls... GO TO DISNEY!! :)

I don't know if I could ever go without them...I think I would feel too guilty for going to our most favourite place on earth. But, for sure when they are older, I will definately go!!![/QUOTE]

Yes, I think I would feel too guilty as well! Enjoy your trips with them.. it will come around way too soon when you will travel without them! Thanks sooo much for reading, and I glad we share our most favorite place on earth!


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Our fourth magical day in the world! We were up and at ‘em, and although we look pretty cranky in the photos, I swear we had a good night’s sleep!




We were wide awake and had breakfast to boot before the parks even started opening. Where would we head to today? Hollywood Studios!

Spotted another Christmas tree as we made our way into DHS!


Again, with the lean. I swear I was not drinking for breakfast!

Welcome to the park dedicated to showbiz, the Golden Age of Hollywood! Hello, Mister Happy hands!


Oooh! And look! Another thing that is no more; the Sorcerer’s Hat!
I only know of a Hollywood Studios with the hat, so I am anxious to see it without. Pictures never do anything justice, so I must wait until I visit in person! The hat seemed very much hated, but I liked it. :jawdrop::jawdrop: I guess you cannot long for something you have never witnessed. Pictures of the Chinese theater front and center do look stunning, but I am saddened they built the huge metal stage right away. I cannot wait to see what it looks like with the Chinese theater alone. If I say I kind of miss the hat, will I be forced from the forums?!

We joined in on the running; we had to get to Toy Story Midway Mania! What a rush, running with the masses to get to a ride! Thankfully, we’re both pretty athletic, and we were able to grab a fastpass AND get in line with only a 30 minute wait. I think we visited right before they changed the opening ceremony, and I’m glad they did! It was really dangerous running with a mob of fellow guests! Especially guests with strollers, if you're not careful they will run you right off the road! It’s definitely an experience I’ll remember forever… This was a time when I wished Fastpass Plus existed!
I think this attraction has one of the greatest queues in all of WDW. You feel like a toy on a child’s messy floor, everything is larger than life! It brought back my childhood, I like to think Andy and I both grew up in the 90s. And to think, Toy Story Playland will only further this feeling... ahh I can't wait!

Check us out! Yay 3D glasses!

If memory serves me right, I lost by a long shot. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Our paper fastpass was ready right after, and we went on again! No surprise, my boyfriend won yet again! He must have been cheating! We must go back and rematch!

We then made our way down Sunset Boulevard and checked in to a new hotel! My boyfriend was a little leery on staying here, it looked deserted!

They really need to dust in here!
Tower of Terror is hands down one of my favorite attractions, and I was so excited my boyfriend felt the same way. We grabbed a fast pass as soon as we exited, so we could ride again later! :happy::happy:

“You unlock the door with the key of imagination, beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… The Twilight Zone.”

Our fast pass wasn’t usable for another hour, so we headed over to Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster to catch a limo ride with Aerosmith!

What a way to start your day, three e-tickets right in a row! Battling it out with carnival games, traveling 13 stories into the sky, and joining a rock band in their limo, could the day get any better?



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The queue to Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster is pretty awesome if you stop and notice the little details! I loved this door with marbles! I always have to run my hand along it… All you people obsessed over germs, keep quiet! Lol… love running my hand them regardless!


Look who it is! My fellow Jersey native, Bruce Springsteen! “Cause nothing matters in the whole wide world when you’re in love with a Jersey girl!”


My boyfriend found another favorite attraction! We agree on Disney rides! Woo! This relationship can work, haha! Our road trip through Tinseltown was one to be remembered! We rocked out and sang along with Steven Tyler. “Dream onnnnnnnnnn, Dream until your dreams come true! “ All my dreams were already coming true because I was in Walt Disney World!

Our fast pass was ready to travel back into the twilight zone. I love Rod Serling, and grew up watching Twilight Zone episodes with my mom on holidays. There’s an episode where a store mannequin comes to life and gets sent to the 13th floor and it always creeped me out. I partially blame my mom for my Tower of Terror obsession. I love the preshow as much as I love the ride!

“One stormy night long ago, five people stepped in the door of an elevator and into a nightmare. That door is opening once again and this time, it’s opening for you.”

Oooooh, I'm in the dark!
I am the happiest person in the World. :):):):)

We had a pretty intense morning, so it was time to go do something more low key.

Stopped for a quick photo with this taxi! Don’t take me anywhere, Mr. Taxi-driver, I’m in my happy place!

“A big yellow taxi took my girl away. Don’t it always seems to go, that you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone?”
What will this sign say next?!

We went inside One man’s dream and checked out all the exhibits. This museum-like attraction celebrates the man who was Walt Disney. If this leaves, I will be devastated. I love you, Walt. I’m hoping this is one of those instances where they simply relocate an attraction, and not get rid of it. But then again, I know change must happen and if they do things right and make amazing attractions and experiences, I know dear old Walt would be proud.

"When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the secret of his popularity." Walt Disney
I have been a Shirley Temple lover and collector for years, and I love finding her in my favorite place in the world. Love that she presented Walt with an Oscar. My two favorite people in a photo together… how I would love to jump in the picture and hug you both!
We loved the models of the park icons… I kept trying to tell my boyfriend he needed to build me one of these!

"Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world." Sleeping beauty castle
"Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland...the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine."


"But the most exciting and by far the most important part of our Florida fact, the heart of everything we'll be doing in Disney World...will be our Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow! We call it EPCOT."

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

“Why do we have to grow up? I know more adults who have the children’s approach to life. They’re people who don’t give a hang what the Joneses do. You see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to be delighted with simple pleasures, and they have a degree of contentment with what life has brought – sometimes it isn’t much, either.” Walt Disney
Oh Mister Disney, how I love you. :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:


Well-Known Member
The queue to Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster is pretty awesome if you stop and notice the little details! I loved this door with marbles! I always have to run my hand along it… All you people obsessed over germs, keep quiet! Lol… love running my hand them regardless!


Look who it is! My fellow Jersey native, Bruce Springsteen! “Cause nothing matters in the whole wide world when you’re in love with a Jersey girl!”


My boyfriend found another favorite attraction! We agree on Disney rides! Woo! This relationship can work, haha! Our road trip through Tinseltown was one to be remembered! We rocked out and sang along with Steven Tyler. “Dream onnnnnnnnnn, Dream until your dreams come true! “ All my dreams were already coming true because I was in Walt Disney World!

Our fast pass was ready to travel back into the twilight zone. I love Rod Serling, and grew up watching Twilight Zone episodes with my mom on holidays. There’s an episode where a store mannequin comes to life and gets sent to the 13th floor and it always creeped me out. I partially blame my mom for my Tower of Terror obsession. I love the preshow as much as I love the ride!

“One stormy night long ago, five people stepped in the door of an elevator and into a nightmare. That door is opening once again and this time, it’s opening for you.”

Oooooh, I'm in the dark!
I am the happiest person in the World. :):):):)

We had a pretty intense morning, so it was time to go do something more low key.

Stopped for a quick photo with this taxi! Don’t take me anywhere, Mr. Taxi-driver, I’m in my happy place!

“A big yellow taxi took my girl away. Don’t it always seems to go, that you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone?”
What will this sign say next?!

We went inside One man’s dream and checked out all the exhibits. This museum-like attraction celebrates the man who was Walt Disney. If this leaves, I will be devastated. I love you, Walt. I’m hoping this is one of those instances where they simply relocate an attraction, and not get rid of it. But then again, I know change must happen and if they do things right and make amazing attractions and experiences, I know dear old Walt would be proud.

"When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the secret of his popularity." Walt Disney
I have been a Shirley Temple lover and collector for years, and I love finding her in my favorite place in the world. Love that she presented Walt with an Oscar. My two favorite people in a photo together… how I would love to jump in the picture and hug you both!
We loved the models of the park icons… I kept trying to tell my boyfriend he needed to build me one of these!

"Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world." Sleeping beauty castle
"Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland...the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine."


"But the most exciting and by far the most important part of our Florida fact, the heart of everything we'll be doing in Disney World...will be our Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow! We call it EPCOT."

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

“Why do we have to grow up? I know more adults who have the children’s approach to life. They’re people who don’t give a hang what the Joneses do. You see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to be delighted with simple pleasures, and they have a degree of contentment with what life has brought – sometimes it isn’t much, either.” Walt Disney
Oh Mister Disney, how I love you. :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
If it's at all possible, you should really try and get out to California to see Disneyland. I think you'd really enjoy the level of Walt Disney history and overall classic "Disneyness" that is in that park. :)


Well-Known Member
Oooh! And look! Another thing that is no more; the Sorcerer’s Hat! [URL='' said:
I only know of a Hollywood Studios with the hat, so I am anxious to see it without. Pictures never do anything justice, so I must wait until I visit in person! The hat seemed very much hated, but I liked it. :jawdrop::jawdrop: I guess you cannot long for something you have never witnessed. Pictures of the Chinese theater front and center do look stunning, but I am saddened they built the huge metal stage right away. I cannot wait to see what it looks like with the Chinese theater alone. If I say I kind of miss the hat, will I be forced from the forums?!

I too only know the Studios with the hat and have not yet seen what it looks like without it. It does seem a little crappy to replace something they made to be an icon (for ill or naught) with a metal stage, oh wait a view of the Chinese Theater. If the stage is so temporary and movable, why is it always there!?! It's in everybody's pictures; I haven't one without it yet! If that's what they were going to do, they should have just left the hat.
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Well-Known Member
I will be extremely sad too if One Man's Dream is gone forever. I admire Mr Walt Disney very much and every time I step into DisneyWorld or even watch any Disney movie, I say a quiet "thank you Walt".


Well-Known Member
I love your TRs, everytime one comes up on the forums I know I am in for a treat. I really love the fact you are able to take such different trips each time. My husband and I are more recent disney fanatics, and all our family and co workers think we are crazy. o_O It is so nice to see your posts and know that in fact we are the normal ones. :D We are actually planning a trip to see Disneyland after the very sudden and much too soon passing of my husband's mother. Honestly, Disney got us through that time. We would talk about the things we liked there or relive our happy memories.

I love the fact you grew up on Twilight Zone, I was literally the only person I knew who even had an inkiling of what the show was growing up. I love that show. As always, great trip report, hope you get to go again real soon! Oh, and I agree being an adult stinks, although I do prefer the fact I get to choose when I go to Disney.


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Original Poster
If it's at all possible, you should really try and get out to California to see Disneyland. I think you'd really enjoy the level of Walt Disney history and overall classic "Disneyness" that is in that park. :)

I am planning on it! My best friend and I have talked about going to the West Coast to visit Disneyland, then take an Alaskan Disney cruise. I know, totally far apart but we think we could swing it!! I must get out there!

I too only know the Studios with the hat and have not yet seen what it looks like without it. It does seem a little crappy to replace something they made to be an icon (for ill or naught) with a metal stage, oh wait a view of the Chinese Theater. If the stage is so temporary and movable, why is it always there!?! It's in everybody's pictures; I haven't one without it yet! If that's what they were going to do, they should have just left the hat.

I totally agree with you. I hope the stage is only temporary, if they want to change the icon and have some sort of stage incorporated, I think I would rather that then what they have done now. It's just not pretty looking! Who knows with all the changes coming to Hollywood Studios what will even be the entrance of the park. Is it 2020 yet?? :)

I will be extremely sad too if One Man's Dream is gone forever. I admire Mr Walt Disney very much and every time I step into DisneyWorld or even watch any Disney movie, I say a quiet "thank you Walt".

I feel you! Ten years ago I was a lost little rebellious teenager, and going to Disney just made me exuberantly happy. I think my first trip was so over the top magical, that I was instantly hooked. I thank Mister Disney every chance I get, for making movies to take you away, and theme parks as a means of an escape from the harsh real world. :)

I love your TRs, everytime one comes up on the forums I know I am in for a treat. I really love the fact you are able to take such different trips each time. My husband and I are more recent disney fanatics, and all our family and co workers think we are crazy. o_O It is so nice to see your posts and know that in fact we are the normal ones. :D We are actually planning a trip to see Disneyland after the very sudden and much too soon passing of my husband's mother. Honestly, Disney got us through that time. We would talk about the things we liked there or relive our happy memories.

I love the fact you grew up on Twilight Zone, I was literally the only person I knew who even had an inkiling of what the show was growing up. I love that show. As always, great trip report, hope you get to go again real soon! Oh, and I agree being an adult stinks, although I do prefer the fact I get to choose when I go to Disney.

I am glad you are another one of the "normal ones"... People who don't get Disney are SO WEIRD!!! Muhaha.. Enjoy Disneyland! You will have to let me know all about it! It's on my bucket list to get out there... I hope I can go there soon! I would love to compare the LAND to the WORLD!

Disney was just what my boyfriend and I needed after his sister passed away. Every day was so depressing, and getting out of the real world and being immersed in this happy magical bubble really helped. I am sorry to hear about your husband's mother and will keep you in my thoughts!

I loveeeeeeee the Twilight Zone, even though I may have stayed up numerous nights begging my mom to let me sleep in her bed after watching a few episodes with her.. I love when it's on for holidays, like New Year's Eve! I always say I am going to buy the whole collection on DVD... One day I will!! :)


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We continued gazing over all the exhibits at One Man’s Dream. This one is my favorite!


And the icing on the cake, I found this beautiful painting! Can I have this for my house? I NEED IT! I want to recreate the Little Mermaid wedding when I ever eventually get married; make my Dad dress up like King Triton...maybe this is why my boyfriend won’t propose?! :p:p

Next on our lazy time agenda, was The Voyage of the Little Mermaid! I keep hearing mixed things about this attraction, will it stay or will it go? What is safe in DHS anymore?? What is on the chopping block?? I hope it stays, but I do understand the need for new offerings. :cry::cry:

Little Mermaid does have a pretty large presence in the parks, especially now with New Fantasyland in MK. I can’t help but use the quote from the movie Mean Girls, “I can’t help it that I’m so popular.” (I AM THE REAL ARIEL!) She is my favorite, so I will never get enough, but I do understand the need to represent Tiana, and Merida, and my long blonde hair friend, Rapunzel. I would love :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove: a Tangled show, but it would be extremely hard to part with my girl Ariel! Can't we get the best of both worlds?!

After our journey under the sea, it was time to eat! It was almost midday, and we were starving! I can’t believe that back in 2011 I didn’t even own a smart phone! We just picked a random location off the map and headed there for lunch! Who knew, in a few short years, all the menus would be available at the touch of a button on the My Disney Experience App! I kind of miss the days of the blind leading the blind, not having any idea what each quick serve had to offer, besides the brief description on the park maps. It was exciting to walk in to a new place and read the menu for the first time. Now, here I sit, looking at menus on my app here at home! Where is the spontaneity!?

Maybe, I’m just TOO OBSESSED. But is that even possible? :D:D

We chose to eat at Studio Catering Company; I had never been there before. I had a burger and fries, man I was boring! I did dip my French Fries into ranch dressing, that’s pretty exciting I guess? Pretty gross, now that I think about it!


After lunch, we headed over to Star Tours: The Adventure Continues. The ride was just redone, and it was awesome! I keep saying one day I will sit and watch the Star Wars movies… one day just never comes!

Guess I better get on my movie marathon skills, now that Star Wars Land is coming. I want to feel to the excitement all the Star Wars fan feel! I am sooo excited about new offerings, even though I have no idea what the background is. Feel the same about Avatar though... and I've tried to sit through that movie but couldn't do it... maybe Star Wars will hook me??
May the force be with us! I didn’t expect the ride to be so lifelike! We were weaving in and out of obstacles throughout space! It was a bumpy ride and probably not the best idea after a huge lunch! I don’t remember liking Star Tours as much as I did after this go around! What an amazing attraction! My boyfriend and I both loved it.

We got off the ride just in time to catch the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular! This was another first for me, and I was excited! It’s crazy with each and every Disney trip you take, there is always something new to try!
Flames, explosions, fights, and of course, running from the huge rolling boulder… we were on the edge of our seats the whole show! It was remarkable to see all the effort that goes into certain stunts, and certain scenes of a movie! We loved watching the guests who were chosen to be a part of the show. The jokes were cheesy, but in my opinion, those are the best kind! :p

This show made me long for the good ole days of movies, before computer-generated imagery (CGI) based scenes. Watching these hard-working stuntmen and women, you really become drawn into the suspense. There’s no thrill quite like it. You hold your breath at moments, you sigh relief when everything works out okay… there’s nothing like live human entertainment. I really enjoyed Indy, and will miss it if it leaves! :arghh::arghh::arghh:

As if one stunt show wasn’t enough, we headed over to Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show next!

Who doesn’t love an awesome car chase? And when you discover the “secret” of how the stunt vehicle drives so well in reverse, you are completely shocked! We enjoyed this stunt show just as much as Indy, and again I will miss it if it leaves. I can only hope Disney has better things yet to come. (Please let DHS become an awesome park.. it used to be one of my favorites) ((shhhhh.. every park is one of my favorites))

Left the Extreme Stunt Show feeling newly energized, that show sure wakes you up! Adrenaline in check, you don't need a coffee after that attraction!

My boyfriend’s grandmother loves Coca-Cola, so we made sure to snap a photo of this beauty! If this were filled with real soda, she would be in heaven!
We were having such an action-packed day, I was loving every minute of it. My boyfriend was converted, I was in my happy place, what else could a girl want? :happy:


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True life: I’m short! Or maybe this Coke bottle is just really tall? You be the judge!


We were so close to another attraction that unfortunately has met its demise. Yep, you guessed it, the one and only Backlot Tour!






I want to watch a video of what this ride used to be like, when Hollywood Studios was actually a working studio. I loved the current version, so I’m sure it will just increase my admiration. My boyfriend and I were laughing so hard at the preshow; I love attractions that get the guests involved. The guests’ facial expressions and level of participation can really make or break your whole experience. Luckily, everyone involved was super hysterical and we hopped abroad the tram with aching sides.

Of course, I freaked out at the Hannah Montana house. My boyfriend instructed me to breath, I must calm down! It was so exciting to see in person! I loved Hannah Montana, and I still love Miley Cyrus… no lectures please! Muahaha... Besides, in 2011 she was still normal!



Since I was hyperventilating, my boyfriend snapped most of these shots. Usually I can’t capture a thing, so I’m glad he had the camera! These are memories that I will always cherish! It’s crazy to think that my one day future children will never know of a ride called the Backlot Tour. Please, Disney, I beg you, have some good plans in mind! Toy Story Playland and Star Wars land just do not seem like enough. I want MORE. I want more Pixar attractions.. give me the Ratatouille ride, the Monster Coaster, an Incredibles attraction and Carsland and I'll be satisfied. Is this asking too much??



Ah, the Earful tower! I remember reading rumors that this was to be moved and would become the parks icon. Haven’t head too much about that anymore!
We both adored Catastrophe Canyon! What’s not to love! It breaks my heart to think of it sitting there abandoned, just like River Country! Please do not be rotting away! I hope Catastrophe Canyon is somehow resurrected in the new Disney Hollywood Studios. This was an awesome feature! You felt the fire, you felt the mist, you grabbed on to whomever you were traveling with in fear of what was to come! This special effects canyon was the highlight of the tour! It is missed dearly.
After the rush from Catastrophe Canyon, our tram rolled by Disney’s plane. Where is this plane now?? Can I have it?

We finished out our tour with a look at some intricate costumes… I want to say these are from the Chronicles of Narnia?? Another attraction that is no more, Journey into Narnia!

I know Hollywood Studios has recently come into an identity crisis, but I feel the park is really moving away from its original intent to portray the “heyday of Hollywood”. From the once on location studio, to celebrating the movies, to now celebrating Frozen, and hosting Star Wars events, Hollywood Studios feels like a mish mash of random themes. Ever since the name change from MGM to Hollywood in 2008, I feel like this park has lost its way. I can only hope Disney rebrands this once amazing theme park to encompass all that it is, and all that it will become. I hope that they do not lose the essence of old Hollywood, and the golden age of movies, and the old fashioned charm that once made this my favorite Disney park. I can only hope Star Wars and Toy Story are just the tip of the iceberg. This park needs help. :(

“We welcome you to a Hollywood that never was—and always will be.” Michel Eisner.



Premium Member
More great pictures--the fun never ends! :joyfull: I wanted to comment about your interest in Shirley Temple, as I also have enjoyed her childhood movies. I think that Heidi and the Little Princess were probably my favorites. (I'm not a collector, but I do have a small, blue glass pitcher with her picture on it. My grandmother bought it ages ago, and I'm thinking it's probably a collector's item at this point.) Regardless of the value, it's very special to me.

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