A Bad day at work (yes this is WDW related)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
LouDisney said:
Hello to you!
Of course I have had some lately, always in my fridge :D
to think that the sad chaps on this site (99.9% of them) havent ever had the sinful pleasure of that tea.

maybe we need to go extreme here................ tie her down to her desk chair, tape her eyelids open, and take her page by page through the wdwmagic site............ by then she will love it, or be brainwashed into it. , it is a big site.......... :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
and give her that pleasure?? I wouldnt bother personally. There are a very few people out there who just are happy being miserable. Yes I know it is odd, but it is also true. I notice that the people who criticize are also the people who havent ever gone any where on their vacations except maybe to a local beach. I have been to the islands, Vegas, and a few other places in between although I havent gotten into Europe yet ( I am working on that!!) But to me Disney will always be my happy place. Some people will just never understand. Let them go, we cant save everyone after all!!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
sounds like she has a case of the mondays...

she is probably not happy with her life, and putting others down makes her feel better about herself.
i have some family members that aren't quite as strong as this woman, but feel like it's a waste of my time, and money... none of them have been there, but they probably wouldn't appreciate it anyway.
to enjoy wdw, you have to realize that you can't take life seriously, and know that you still are a child, trapped in an adult's body.
when i was on the cp, i loved to see a grown man or woman, you you could just tell was a serious business person, or a huge stick in the mud outside of the parks... but the minute they came into wdw, they were carefree children again.
some people just don't get it. i'm glad she doesn't go to wdw, because she would only talk negative about it to others who have never been, and there is no room for that... LOL!


New Member
Some people have no manners--for example, people who ask how much $ you are taking on vacation.

Now me, whenever someone mentions WDW, I'm that rude person that starts begging to go with them :rolleyes:


New Member
You think it's bad for Adults, it's much worse for teens, all my friends bash me for liking Disney World so much. (teens love thrills, the main problem is they have no imagination) I don't care, I have made alot of WDW fans in my day so it's all worth it :)


New Member
That wasn't very nice of her...I know that people are free to have their own opinions but I don't think that people realize that WDW is not just a 'kiddie' park. Just because you like it doesn't mean you still believe Mickey Mouse is real and you're childish or anything. It's SO much more than just some kiddie theme park and it's certainly not just for children! It's for all ages, it's one of the most popular vacation destinations in all the world, and it has something for everyone!


Well-Known Member
This time last year I was taking my breaks at work at 5:55am cst, so that I could make reservations for the restraunts we were going to be eating at, especially the elusive Cindy's Breakfast. I would take 3-4 Disney books with me and read them whenever I had a chance at work. My boss asked me why I was going outside for those 5:55 breaks so I told her. She told me how she thought I was crazy, then she asked about the restraunts and when I got to V&A's she really thought we were nuts for spending that kind of money on food. She told me that the hotels outside the parks were so much cheaper than the AKL where we were staying. Needless to say she went on and on. Two weeks ago, she called me at home (I'm on maternity leave). She wanted to "Pick my brain" about Disney! HAHAHAHAHA! After I had my "OH Your not really going to spend that kind of money on a vacation??" fun with her, I took her some of my Disney books. We talked about all her options and I convinced her that staying inside the park was sooooooooo much better. It was just such sweet satisfaction.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
natalia1681 said:
Some people have no manners--for example, people who ask how much $ you are taking on vacation.

Now me, whenever someone mentions WDW, I'm that rude person that starts begging to go with them :rolleyes:

in this occasion........ repeat after me (nun-ya) nunya' business! man, let me tell you how bad that upsets people that think it is their business to know everything

oh, BTW, welcome to the boards!!


Well-Known Member
Some times its just Jealousy. I would not be surprised if its that. But who knows some people are just so sad in life that they must put everything around them down. I have friends like that. Just let it go in one ear and out the other. That is what I had to learn.


Just a quick post - boss is back :zipit: . I may have missed it racin' through the thread, but do you know where she would go for vacation, if we cared:rolleyes:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Chase24 said:
Just a quick post - boss is back :zipit: . I may have missed it racin' through the thread, but do you know where she would go for vacation, if we cared:rolleyes:
probably new york for the theater, so. cal for a wine/ cheese tour, marthas vinyard for fall yachting, or hilton head for a lovely weekend of tennis.

you know the sophisticated vacations............................ :snore:


jmaxwell007 said:
probably new york for the theater, so. cal for a wine/ cheese tour, marthas vinyard for fall yachting, or hilton head for a lovely weekend of tennis.

you know the sophisticated vacations............................ :snore:
but....but...but... Disney Has Theater - Disney Play House:goodnevil , Disney Has Wine and Cheese - Epcots Wine and Food Fest, Disney has Boats - I love the Mouse Boats, and I know there has to be a Tennis Court at one of the Resorts.


New Member
People at my work always wonder why I go to WDW about every other month...........

I tell them, that everytime I go to WDW, I see something different, eat at a different restaurant, stay at a different resort, and so forth.

BUT, I am starting a revolution at my workplace. Couple of my managers went to Disney and started to LOVE it. So talked them into getting Seasonal Passes, and they got hooked. They are now Passholders, and the Disney-fever is catching throughout my workplace.

We need to spread the Disney-fever throughout the world, and maybe there will be peace in our world, because people are happy because of WDW (I know, it's a stretch). :)
I used to get some snide remarks (we go every year--for 8 years now--for the first full week in December), especially because we take our 3 kids out of school for the week, but our response was, generally, "Don't knock it until you've tried it." Then we would go off on our merry way, come home relaxed with a slew of great pictures and wonderful stories about what we did, and our kids (who had a more educational experience than they would have had in school--shhhhh) talk about what they learned, and over time those who made snide remarks now are mostly quiet and some have come asking questions about their own WDW trip planning.

But what's this about Mickey and Minnie being people dressed in costumes?!?!?! Gee, if someone believes that, then there is no magic in their lives.

Gail Hayden

New Member
We need to spread the Disney-fever throughout the world, and maybe there will be peace in our world, because people are happy because of WDW (I know, it's a stretch). :)

Might be a stretch, but it is a GREAT thought. :)


Well-Known Member
figmentfan said:
People at my work always wonder why I go to WDW about every other month...........

I tell them, that everytime I go to WDW, I see something different, eat at a different restaurant, stay at a different resort, and so forth.

BUT, I am starting a revolution at my workplace. Couple of my managers went to Disney and started to LOVE it. So talked them into getting Seasonal Passes, and they got hooked. They are now Passholders, and the Disney-fever is catching throughout my workplace.

We need to spread the Disney-fever throughout the world, and maybe there will be peace in our world, because people are happy because of WDW (I know, it's a stretch). :)
Can I come to work for your company?? :lol: :lol: :lol: Actually my office puts up with me pretty well and the staff humour me so it is all good!!! Belle

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