Trip Report 6 In 1!!

Tuesday, August 10th-Tuesday, August 17th

WHERE: Saratoga Springs 2 Bedroom Villa

WHO: Myself, E, JSR & J

Thursday, September 23rd-Saturday, September 25th

WHERE: Saratoga Springs 1 Bedroom Villa
I figured a pic isn't necessary since there's the one above!!

WHO: E & myself(no J--gasp!!)

Thursday, October 7th-Saturday, October 9th

WHERE: Walt Disney World Swan

WHO: Me, myself & I

Thursday, October 28th-Tuesday, November 2nd

WHERE: Saratoga Springs 2 Bedroom Villa
Again, no pic needed

WHO: My niece M, J, my sister B(M's mom), E & myself

Thursday, November 11th-Saturday, November 13th

WHERE: Animal Kingdom Lodge

I was traveling solo again

Thursday, December 2nd-Saturday, December 4th

WHERE: Home❤️

WHO: 3rd go around alone!!

So, I had lots of mixed feelings as if I even wanted to do TR's on these trips. Other than the 2 longer ones the other 4 were really just to visit with a dear friend who had just moved there(I mentioned that in my last TR). She moved from Pittsburgh to about 1/2 hour from Disney. When visiting her I chose to stay at Disney b/c for the most part I was by myself so I felt safer. Also, in my down time when I wasn't visiting her I could go to the parks "for free", so to speak, since I have an AP. I looked at that as a "free" source of entertainment.

Since I really didn't plan on doing TR's for these I don't have great notes. Most of what is going to trigger my memories will be my pictures!!

As always, a huge welcome to all who will be following along!!😘


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As I am also!! Thank you!!
A new @riverside TR? What a great day!
You're too kind!! Thanks!!
I'm always in for a @riverside trip report!
Thanks!! Glad you're here!! 😊
Oh my gosh, I may be too excited for this!
Friends Tv Reaction GIF by Nick At Nite
So many different trips, resorts etc!
Thanks!! Yes--there is a bit of variety in them. A lot of short trips but I managed to make the most of them!
Here! Very happy to follow along.
Thank you!! Very happy you're here!!
Excited Love It GIF by Wolf Entertainment

I’m in!
Thank you!! I had to do it this way--I'm not creative enough to come up with 6 different titles!!🤣

6 In 1!!​

Awesome, can't wait to read all about (them)!
Thank you!! As always, glad you're here friend!!
Can’t wait!
Thanks & welcome!!
I'm in 😀, followed most/all of your TRs since joining the forum. Glad to hear you are back "home" for one too. Travel from the UK/covid etc being kind to me I (+10 others) should be over in WDW for trip no. 4 & 5, (10/28 - 11/17)and will keep upto date with your travels.
Awww, thank you!! Yes, I was very excited to go "home" also. For that trip I had found a super good rate for one of the All Stars & I was trying to budget but.....I couldn't resist going to Riverside!
I really hope it works out. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!🤞
Oh yea ! I'm still trying to finish a trip report, but I'm jumping on board with yours !
Thanks!! I've been following yours(which I am enjoying!!). I really haven't commented b/c I barely have time to read them let alone comment!!
Originally, I thought it was going to be 3 in 1 but lots of things changed all that!
At one point I was traveling to Florida so much that some of my coworkers joked that the real reason I was going so much is b/c I was up to illegal things!!🤣
Count me in!
Will do!! Glad you're here!!
Hooray another Riverside TR. Been reading your past TR’s and enjoying your adventures and it’s like we are watching J grow up in front of our eyes. Thankyou for sharing
Thanks so much!! It's amazing how much he has changed over the years & how he's so much more willing to do things now that he wouldn't for so long!!
Thanks for following!!
Tommy Boy Great Moments GIF by Paramount Network

In for all of this!!
Yes--there were a lot of them!!
Glad you're here!!
I’m here! I’m going to need to take notes to keep things straight.
Haha!! I'll do my best to keep things as uncomplicated as possible!! These won't be as confusing as our big family trips where there's 8 or 9 of us!! I promise!!
One of my favorites!!
Wow! Looking forward to the latest edition! :joyfull:

Thank you!!😊 Glad you're here!!
:):):) Thank you!!
O yessss! 6 in 1!
It was a very hectic 4 months!! Welcome!
6 ?

I would like to have the half dozen of the other!!

Jane Lynch You Are The Weakest Link GIF by NBC

Following (as always)

You're too much Max!! Glad you're here!! I'm looking forward to your witty comments!!
6?!?!?! OMG I'm so ready to read!!

happy disney GIF
Welcome!! I better start posting then, huh?
A 6 in 1! Woo hoo! We were there during your time in December, wish we could have gotten together! One day I hope!
Oh, wow!! That was one of my brief trips but that would have been so nice!! I hope so too!!
I'm here and looking forward to reading!
Thanks!! Glad you're here!!
Hey girl!! I guess I better start writing then!!
I'm in! Can't wait to hear about each of the six trips! I especially can't wait to hear your thoughts on Animal Kingdom Lodge!
Thanks so much!! I love everything about that resort--except the price!!🤣 I stayed there b/c it was the cheapest resort available!!o_O

Wow!! That is a lot going on, but I am definitely along for the ride.
It definitely was a lot!! Great--glad you're here!
Red Sox Magic Number GIF by NBC Sports Boston

Woohooo!! I'm in!
Yay!! Glad you're here!!
Wow! You're going to give @Tuvalu a run for her money!
Speaking of money.....Disney got way too much of mine over those 4 months!!
6 trips?!? It might be easier to TR about the times you aren't at But seriously, I am just jealous!
You're probably right but that would be boring!!
I can sum up my non Disney times in a few sentences--
I either work 7-4 or 1-10. My schedule & days off are not consistent so I'm all over the place when it comes to my schedule.
I exercise on mornings when I'm off or work late.
Regardless of what shift I work I go out for dinner after b/c I don't cook. I'm a frequent flyer at Applebee's b/c they are about the only restaurant still open when I work the late shift. Consequently, like the commercial, everybody does know my name!!
The End.

Glad you're here!!


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Our flight was scheduled to leave around 12:15 so we had lunch at one of our(more often than not) go to's--Penn Brewery!!


J's still big on the whole "cheers" thing!!

Excited to go!!

I had a reuben & fries.

E got the greek salad that she normally gets & J got the pretzels, which are his usual also.

Then this happened.....

They still lined everyone up for boarding....

....even though the skies looked like this!!
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In no time at all we were experiencing typical Pittsburgh weather.


And the best was yet to come:arghh:

While on the plane the flight continued to be delayed over & over & over

BTW--looking at this pic I just noticed that the flight was scheduled for 12:50 not 12:15.


We were sitting there so long that the flight attendants started passing out waters.

They kept us on the plane & didn't take off until the storm passed. We had dinner reservations that evening that I modified 4 different times b/c I knew we would never make them.

After this I stopped taking screen shots b/c I was getting more & more irritated. I didn't understand why they would have us board when they knew we couldn't take off!!

Keep in mind our original arrival time was scheduled for 3:05. Look what time we finally got there!!

We were on that plane for almost 5 hours!! It's only a 2 hour flight to begin with!!

Yes, we were irritated but I felt bad for our driver. I'm sure it totally screws up the companies schedules when flights are out of whack!!


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After what felt like the longest day EVER we finally arrived!!

Anyone else bummed about these going away??

I really, really am!!😢

Our home for this trip!!

It was getting dark when we arrived. Even though I kept modifying our reservation for later & later we still risked being late for it so we left our luggage with bell services & took off to dinner.

We were breaking the rules(🤫) by being on the path at that hour!!

While we had to endure the loooong walk J took the easy way out!!

It was nice to be back at OKW!!

Hey, weren't we just here?? Why yes, we were. Our last meal on our previous trip was here also--except it was breakfast!!

At this point we were all starving!!


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For the life of me I can't remember what kind of soup it was the JSR got(it's not on the menu) but he absolutely loved it!!

E & I split a bottle of wine.

I got the Southernmost Buttermilk Chicken. It was excellent!! I can't comment on the biscuit though. I don't care for them so I didn't try it.

J got chicken tenders. E got a ceasar salad.

E had tried JSR's soup & liked it so much that she got a bowl also!!

We never got a room ready text. We finally looked at the app at 8:30 & saw where we were.

Not wanting to break the rules again by walking the path back in the pitch dark we took an Uber back to SSR. We got our luggage & groceries from bell services & asked them to take us to our room. When the CM asked what are room number was he said that we must be mistaken b/c they weren't using that section & haven't used it in the year since they reopened. Boy, he wasn't kidding. We did not see a single person or car in The Carousel section for the first 5 days we were there. It was actually kind of creepy. Here was my thing, if no one else was in the section why did they feel the need to put us on the 4th floor??🤔

When I told my friend, @Darstarr what section we were in she asked me who we ****** off to get stuck there!!



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Not much commentary here but in case you want to see what a 2BR looks like......

This is where I stayed.

First bathroom

Still part of the first bathroom

2nd bathroom

2nd bedroom

How cute!!


Coffee lids but no cups:rolleyes:

Our view. That is a WDW truck there. It didn't move all week!!


Well-Known Member
Following along.

Our worst flight was in 2012 when we flew to Orlando for Easter break.
Flying with Virgin Atlantic they boarded us then kept us on the plane for over 4 hours due to a fault.
Then our flight was 8 and a half hours from the UK. 😭

Thank goodness we had 3 weeks of Disney to recover 😂

Can’t wait to read more about your 6 trips. ❤️


Well-Known Member
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Following along.

Our worst flight was in 2012 when we flew to Orlando for Easter break.
Flying with Virgin Atlantic they boarded us then kept us on the plane for over 4 hours due to a fault.
Then our flight was 8 and a half hours from the UK. 😭

Thank goodness we had 3 weeks of Disney to recover 😂

Can’t wait to read more about your 6 trips. ❤️
I only "loved" your post b/c you had 3 weeks!!
Otherwise......ugh!! So sorry that happened to you. But I guess you feel my pain, right?
Don't keep people on the plane!! I would rather have sat at Penn Brewery & had a few more beers instead of
sitting on a plane with my mask on!!
Thank you for reading!!


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I headed out on my morning walk & encountered no signs of life in our neck of the woods.

We trudged our way down from the 4th floor with no signs of humanity around also!!

The Carousel stop(obviously) was the closest stop to us. And even though we were staying in no man's land the bus stop was really close!!

Oh's never good when you see "use bus"!!

But within a few minutes one was there!!👏

J decided he didn't want to be on the back of the bus that day!!🤣

I took this & sent it to R. You know how he loves his golf!!

Hello!! My favorite site at MK!!

Absolutely love the fall decorations!!

Perfect timing!! We got to see Mickey first thing!!:)

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