3D Preshow Feature at E.E.?


New Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
I too can confirm this and say that there was indeed 3D glasses to be found in the hands of upper management. I'm thinking they were doing testing for it with Joe there to see if he likes how it turned out.

ummm.. and that pic u attached is who and what?


Well-Known Member
djronnieb said:
ummm.. and that pic u attached is who and what?

I don't remember what her name is, but she's a manager there. And she's holding the 3D glasses in the picture. Like stated earlier, she was almost trying to hide them, so it was hard to get a decent picture.


Well-Known Member
Hate to be a naysayer, but do those look like normal sun glasses, or is it just me? :hammer:
I can almost hear Joe now...."And at no time will we be stooping to any cheap 3-D tricks....." ( a DAK manager comes up) "Did you say cheap 3-D tricks!?!?" rofl:lol:


Account Suspended
A thought -

Anyone in the park who sees a Guest with 3D glasses is supposed to ask for them back. They're not supposed to leave the theater, but folks take them anyways. This could be a manager or what have you who just happened to still be holding onto the glasses. It's like picking up trash - something that the good VIP's still do despite what "official" business they're up to.

But, a second note - she's wearing a nametag with Denim. Isn't that so far out of Disney Look that it's almost obscene?


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member

what's to say she's not a WDW manager, but a TWDC, WDI, ESPN, or any other manager for any of the other TWDC BU's operating in Central Florida.


Account Suspended
mkt said:

what's to say she's not a WDW manager, but a TWDC, WDI, ESPN, or any other manager for any of the other TWDC BU's operating in Central Florida.

True - but denim and a nametag? *cringes*

Either way, anyone who would end up in the park probably knows to retrieve the glasses.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
mousermerf said:
True - but denim and a nametag? *cringes*

Either way, anyone who would end up in the park probably knows to retrieve the glasses.
merf, there's no accounting for taste...

anyway, perhaps the glasses were for something else. Maybe they're using them as very cheap and not at all safe safety goggles.


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goldenstate5 said:
...those are ITTBAB glasses. Looking at them, I'm 99 percent sure of it...

And in my opinion, taken from a Guest or found and on their way to being returned. :)

This time of year particularly i'd think this was the case - in the past they've always posted reminders for the cast around the holidays that the glasses at the 3D shows need to be confiscated and returned.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
mousermerf said:
And in my opinion, taken from a Guest or found and on their way to being returned. :)

This time of year particularly i'd think this was the case - in the past they've always posted reminders for the cast around the holidays that the glasses at the 3D shows need to be confiscated and returned.
other people were found holding them. I highly doubt Joe Rohde could care less about a pair of ITTBAB glasses floating around the parks. He works for WDI, not WDW


Account Suspended
mkt said:
merf, there's no accounting for taste...

anyway, perhaps the glasses were for something else. Maybe they're using them as very cheap and not at all safe safety goggles.

True - they could also be her own personal safety goggles if she's in design/fabrication. They make lots of styles, not all of which are "stylish."

Or, she has poor taste in sun glasses. The photo isn't clear enough to tell, but i'm still voting for Bug glasses on their way home.


Account Suspended
mkt said:
other people were found holding them. I highly doubt Joe Rohde could care less about a pair of ITTBAB glasses floating around the parks. He works for WDI, not WDW

What other people? This is a new point to consider then :)

I spent yesterday hanging out with an old-timer (opened MK) who then became WDI and he still picks trash off the ground when he's there for fun.


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Corrus said:
Or they wear them just to create a gossip!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It could of been an overall tour too - and they needed the glasses to see Bugs but probably didn't go in the front entrance, thus everyone was given the glasses at the start.

I guess in short - i doubt everest has a 3D preshow or anything. As for folks saying you cant make a 3d bouncey ride - go read up on Spiderman at IOA.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
mousermerf said:
I spent yesterday hanging out with an old-timer (opened MK) who then became WDI and he still picks trash off the ground when he's there for fun.
you never lose the instincts you learn if you started in the parks ;)

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