300,000,000 Dollar Rehab for EPCOT


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Original Poster
You know what else I would like to see? I would like to see Figment and that old man outside their attraction. Whatever happened to those two?
One thing i hope they do is paint Spaceship Earth. Last time i was down there, over on the photo shop side there was paint peeling off one of the tiles on the ball


New Member
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid
One thing i hope they do is paint Spaceship Earth. Last time i was down there, over on the photo shop side there was paint peeling off one of the tiles on the ball

That's imposiible, since Spaceship Earth's tiles are unfinished Metal.

There is no paint on them to peel.


Speaking of SE, I think some of that $ should go to it. I agree with all the people who have talked about getting rid of that god-awful wand with the "Epcot" sign on it. Just thinking about that thing gives me a headche.
Whatever happened to Epcot being the "classy" park. I mean, it still is and it's still my favorite park, but it's not as amazing as it used to be. Here are a few more ideas:

Get rid of the whole Oddysey area. Just tear it down and use the space for something interesting... maybe the weather pavilion everyone keeps talking about could go there.

Open up the top of JIYI like it was in the old days. I remember going up there when I was a kid and having a ball. I read they use the area for CM training, but that's what backstage is for. They should use all that available space to entertain guests.

The Living Seas... OK, here's the deal. Out of all the pavilions in Epcot, the Living Seas has the most untapped potential. Nice score, good teaching possibilities, good ride possibilities. But, almost none of them are realized. A major refurb effort on every aspect of the attraction before Sea Base Alpha must be done. Heck, SBA could use a little sprucing up too.

Back to Spaceship Earth. I love everything about it except the dioramas at the end. The music is great, Jeremy Irons is great... the new beginning, where they tell guests the cars will be turning around is a little lame ... but, it's a great attraction that got short-changed in the last refurb. The beginning of the ride is good, they just have to make the end of the ride as good as the beginning.

As for WS... well. An indoor dragon-themed roollercoaster seems to be a no-brainer to me in Japan. And a razzing of the Outpost to put new countries is almost a necessity... I think Africa might be a good way to go. Or, perhaps Switzerland.

Anyway, just some random thoughts. Sorry I rambled.


Well-Known Member
You can't tear down Odyssey!!! Its being used for important things...like....office space....and stuff. But go ahead and mow down Horizons-Executive.
Originally posted by BradleyJ

That's imposiible, since Spaceship Earth's tiles are unfinished Metal.

There is no paint on them to peel.

Trust me it is peeling.. next time your under the ball, look up at the tiles on the camera store side.. it's there.. i almost took a picture of it..


Active Member
Originally posted by BradleyJ

That's imposiible, since Spaceship Earth's tiles are unfinished Metal.

There is no paint on them to peel.

I learned a long time ago not to say that anything is impossible...it is truly amazing what can happen in this world of ours! :)


You can't tear down Odyssey!!! Its being used for important things...like....office space....and stuff. But go ahead and mow down Horizons-Executive

Y'know, they tore down Horizons on my birthday. I was so bummed. I always thought that ride kind of signified what Future World is all about. Making a ride that will do something like that again would be a great way to spend that money. Obviously, they can't bring back Horizons, but making something similar might be a good idea.


New Member
Like I have said before, I would just like to see them build something new, without destroying something that was already there. Yes, old rides need to be updated (like the major updates to America, SE, Energy) recently, but do not destroy them please. They have plenty of land to build new, without destroying old.


I agree. tearing more things down is not the answer. Addition by subtraction doesn't work at theme parks, because then you have a big gaping hole of nothing where an attraction used to be. You can't afford to have too many of those at Epcot.
I think they should imporve all the attractions rather than tearing them down and starting fresh. All the attractions that are in Epcot would be fine if they were simply refurbished a bit, that's all. With that said, Odyssey isn't an attraction. It used to be a restaurant. Now it's just a space where I think they hold meetings and such. Honestly, I have no idea what they use it for anymore... kinda like the space above JIYI. They should get rid of it because it's taking up valuable ride/attraction space and put something cool there for the park guests to enjoy.


Well-Known Member
I was well aware that Odyssey is a restaurant, but it still takes up a lot of space and could be used for something else.

As for replacing rides, its just makes business sense. I don't agree with it sometimes, because business decisions tend to kill good dreams, but when you have an attraction that has been neglected by sponsors and the company itself and stands there for long periods of time, it just makes sense to start over from scratch. Creating new attractions means more staffing, more maintenance supplies and staff, etc. Instead of trying to renew interest in a long dead attraction, they'd rather create a new one with a good sponsership deal on top. Opening Mission Space in another part of Epcot while having Horizons sit untouched for god-knows-how many more years would not have been business practice.
I know what you're thinking. You're saying: "But Disney could have just reopened it to the public!". That's not how it works in business world sometimes. Businesses don't want to re-invest in advertising old attractions with no "classic" appeal. We all know Pirates of the Carribean and Cinderella's Castle without even seeing the ads. Ask anybody to name a Disney character and most of them would say Pooh more than Mr. Toad (granted, I never wanted Toad to go away in the first place)

I know that we all are devout fans of these rides, but sometimes Disney does not know what to do. They paint themselves into a corner and have to pull something to get out. Not every visitor has a dying need to get on Carousel of Progress, and sometimes the money being put into 20,000 Leagues outweighed its intake by capacity. Business Decisions are risky, but they happen.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid

Trust me it is peeling.. next time your under the ball, look up at the tiles on the camera store side.. it's there.. i almost took a picture of it..

Wow, you came to the right person to ask this one :)

(My company actually fabricated the "tiles" as you call them)

The "tiles" are a composite material. They will NOT peel! They ARE finished though...(it is not MILL finished metal). If you would like to know the actual company that "makes" the composite sheets it is a company called Alussuise (the material is called "Alucobond")

The material is made of 2 sheets of .02 aluminum with a polyethylene core (kind of like a sandwich).
The colored finish is all applied in one step...A "primer" is layed down, then the "color", and the "top seal" is all applied at the same time and then it is baked into the material...from there, it gets "quenched" (liquid cooled). From there, the finished side of the single .02 aluminum is then rolled out onto a "baking sheet" where the polyethylene core and the other sheet of .02 is applied.

I am not exactly positive of what color was used for Spaceship Earth (I could check though) but I believe it is "Silver Metallic"

This is probably a LOT more than you wanted to know but I just thought I'd clear it up.

Unless there is a MAJOR FLAW in the paneling itself, it will NOT peel.


I was well aware that Odyssey is a restaurant, but it still takes up a lot of space and could be used for something else.

uh... yeah. I just said that.

As for replacing rides, its just makes business sense. I don't agree with it sometimes, because business decisions tend to kill good dreams, but when you have an attraction that has been neglected by sponsors and the company itself and stands there for long periods of time, it just makes sense to start over from scratch. Creating new attractions means more staffing, more maintenance supplies and staff, etc. Instead of trying to renew interest in a long dead attraction, they'd rather create a new one with a good sponsership deal on top. Opening Mission Space in another part of Epcot while having Horizons sit untouched for god-knows-how many more years would not have been business practice.

to clarify... I'm not saying WDW shouldn't create new rides. I'm all about new rides. I'm just saying, they don't always have to tear down a building or completely change an existing ride to create a one.
Also, I never suggested that they should allow Horizons to sit around untouched. One of the things people who loved Horizons forget about the ride is it was in bad, bad shape.
I'm not saying it should have been allowed to continue its downward spiral. However, there should have been a refurb with a new sponsor. And the whole idea of Horizons would lend itself to getting a pretty good sponsor, if the ride was rehabed.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jrashadb

uh... yeah. I just said that.

to clarify... I'm not saying WDW shouldn't create new rides. I'm all about new rides.
Also, I never suggested that they should allow Horizons to sit around untouched. [/B]

I never said you said all that. The whole paragraph was from my observance of what Disney was doing. They did not want to do anything with it, so they knocked it down and built something new. It made sense to them, despite it not making sense to us.

As fro the Odyssey comment, I was just clarifying that I was aware, not trying to repeat you. Please don't take offense to that.


I'd just like to see a fresh coat of paint on everything myself--that would improve WoL, the Living Seas,the Odyssey, etc dramatically. Another ride in WS would be nice too.. .

Also, they can now probably remove those security booths to all the entrances of the park (yes, big thread drift, but I"m feeling lazy today :animwink: ). It's quite unlikely that Al-quaeda operatives are interested in bombing WDW at this point.


Originally posted by Sketch105

I never said you said all that. The whole paragraph was from my observance of what Disney was doing. They did not want to do anything with it, so they knocked it down and built something new. It made sense to them, despite it not making sense to us.

As fro the Odyssey comment, I was just clarifying that I was aware, not trying to repeat you. Please don't take offense to that.

Cool... no problem. I was grumpy that day. Sorry. :cool:
Yeah... it sucks that they tore it down. Like I said, the ride's last day was my birthday and it was one of my favorites. It just kina stung, y'know?


Originally posted by PuertoRekinSam
the problem was with the building it self. It was unstable for further construction.

What building? Odussey? Forget construction. Tear the damn thing down, build up the foundation and build something else on the site. Odyssey is a waste of space and it should go away. And soon.

As for the mickey hand over SE, it should be taken down too. it takez away from teh classiness of SE. The Mickey hand and the "Epcot" sign are both abominations that should be taken away.
Seriously, does anyone like the sign above SE. It's awful. :hurl:


New Member
Originally posted by Sketch105
Ask anybody to name a Disney character and most of them would say Pooh more than Mr. Toad

True since Mr toad was only featured in a few films, the adventures of Ichabod and Mr Toad(1949) and Wind in the Willows(1949) where as Pooh is more recent (1966) and has been in dozens of features and shorts as well as the several incarnations of a TV series.

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