300,000,000 Dollar Rehab for EPCOT


New Member
Ahhhh 300 Million Dollars for Epcot. It's about time

Now lets just hope Disney doesn't sit around and wait for a sponsor to come around to help fund a new attraction in Future world, and let's hope that a sponsor steps up to help with a new country now that disney is interested in fixing the park up a bit. I'm thinking around the lines of a South Africa (cause weren't there companies in the 80s from that country that wanted to sponsor a pavilion, but were turned down because of the barbaric apartheid practices). But even a country such as India, Australia, or Russia should be brought in to spare us from another western European country ( i mean Switzerland is basically a mix Germany, Italy, and France). But anything there would be a vast improvement, and im sure a company will step up to build something for their country (Japan is crawling with corporations that would love to get their name out to an American public), because Disney is not going to put money into a country that will help the country get more exposure to people without the help of some company.

Enough with the ranting, now Future World

Living Seas will probably get a facelift, but there isnt much that can be dont because the world's largest aquarium tank is right smack in the way, and would probably take 300 million just to configure differently.
Wonders of Life will maybe get a change, but I think the major renovations will be in Innoventions, as that area seems to be lacking something big and maybe Disney wants to just improve on that.
Oh, and a few rehabs on the older attractions (The Land, SSE, UoE, a new movie for Canada, as well as some cosmetic makeovers for future world.
And now I just can't wait to see what really will happen!:zipit:


New Member
>>>Living Seas will probably get a facelift, but there isnt much that can be dont because the world's largest aquarium tank is right smack in the way, and would probably take 300 million just to configure differently. <<<

Don't be so sure. There is plenty of room if you know how to use the existing layout to route to an adjacent show building, and finally tell the "middle of the story" that's been missing since 1986.

At least that's how Tony Baxter explained it to me a few years ago, as we chatted in front of The Living Seas on a brisk January day...


Well-Known Member
Those acrobats in Future world are called the Kristos, they've been there since at least 2000.

I would love to see more intrest put in to the park. I think "the land" could be divided into so many smaller (meaning focused, not size) more indepth pavilions based on the types of lands. Something on Rain forest, something on the deserts, ect


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by durhay
$300 million seems like a lot of money to remove the Wand, remove Leave a Legacy, and bring back the fountain. :animwink:

Then they'll have to pay the $300 Million to all the guests who bought those tiles;)


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know that there was a proposed Rhine River attraction to be built behind Germany, and that there is a proposed entrance in the pavilion itself that is currently blocked?

Its a story I heard once, but can anyone confirm its existence?

Anyway, as for the whole Epcot Rehab, I hope they had some more attractions to the pavilions. Preferably Dark rides where we can learns something. Doesn't matter if its full of thrills or not. I love the Maelstrom and its theming!

Oh, and update the Rio Del Tiempo. and maybe the animatronics for UoE?


New Member
hey sketch did you just say they were making a Rhine River atraction in Germany, will it be a rapids ride, is this a rumor or did you just make this up.


New Member
Here is my EPCOT wishlist

1. A weather pavilion with stormrider and a weather darkride.

2. Soarin Over Japan

3. Wonders of Life Rehab, maybe a shoot em up atraction like Buzz lightyear where you are a white blood cell killing germs

4. Living Seas rehab, take out seabase alpha and make a new cutting edge new technology dark ride.

5. Switzerland, with a new version of Matterhorn Bobsleds

6. A river raft ride in the Land

7. Rehab in UofE, get rid of Ellen

8. A Pompei thrill ride in Italy

thats all folks what do you think?


New Member
Originally posted by james4023464
hey sketch did you just say they were making a Rhine River atraction in Germany, will it be a rapids ride, is this a rumor or did you just make this up.

There was supposed to be an attraction at the German Pavilion at one time, But for reasions I don't know they never built it when EPCOT was built, So Germany is just shops and a nice Resturant that I liked very much even thou I'm not a lover of traditional German food.


Well-Known Member

This is pretty cool that Epcot is getting this! I never really have been a big lover of Epcot but after riding and experiencing some of the latest attractions i think its a pretty cool park. And with that much money i'm sure they'll do somethin good with it.

I'l love to see a bit of a re-hab of spaceship earth too. It a bit old now and needs updating a little. Not being replaced by a new ride but having little things changed like the speed e.t.c

I'd also like to see something done with the living sea's as much as i love it it does say very 80's/70's style and design. We need something more curvyer and slick like the future. Like mission space's design.

As much as i could say thats all i probably would like changing exept little things around the park like features like fountains and sparkley paths etc.

Big Pooh

New Member
And where were they could put another country...unless the take down World Showplace, which works very well for convetions.

I'm looking at my Passporter and there is a large space between China and Germany with only the Outpost in between. Forgive my ignorance, but it's been awhile since I've been there. What exactly is the Outpost? Could it be moved? If so, I know there's enough space there for another country. Is there enough space for two countrys?



New Member
Originally posted by Sketch105
Does anybody know that there was a proposed Rhine River attraction to be built behind Germany, and that there is a proposed entrance in the pavilion itself that is currently blocked?

Its a story I heard once, but can anyone confirm its existence?

Well, I can't comment of this having EVER been planned, but there is nowhere for it to go NOW. There is quite a bit of backstage that would have to be relocated... obviously not impossible, but unlikely.

Please expand on this "proposed entrance" that is "currently blocked". I don't understand that, but maybe I could clear it up if I had more to go on.
As long as they put more of those fiberoptic concrete panels in the paths so I can laugh at kids trying to stomp on them I'm all for it!

Oh, and more of the water areas for the little kids as well. That's just great free entertainment!

But on the other hand, some steam cleaning of some of the carpets in the Land would be nice and cheap too. Maybe they should just replace it with astroturf. Much easier to clean and harder to stain...



Well-Known Member
As noted at hiddenmickeys.org:
A Rhine River attraction was originally planned for the Germany pavilion. A building was even built for it, but the attraction was never constructed. A pair of massive wooden doors at the rear of the Sommerfest outdoor cafe is the only indication of the show building behind the stone castle wall. (Taken from "Since the World Began")

I believe this is where I heard of it too.


Originally posted by Big Pooh

I'm looking at my Passporter and there is a large space between China and Germany with only the Outpost in between. Forgive my ignorance, but it's been awhile since I've been there. What exactly is the Outpost? Could it be moved? If so, I know there's enough space there for another country. Is there enough space for two countrys?


Besides the Outpost being there, the China bridge is there which is the canal that they float all the Illuminations barges to and from the lagoon. That can obviously not be moved or relocated, and to move outpost, it seems like a lot of work, to move a well located ice cream stand.


New Member
Originally posted by Big Pooh

I'm looking at my Passporter and there is a large space between China and Germany with only the Outpost in between. Forgive my ignorance, but it's been awhile since I've been there. What exactly is the Outpost? Could it be moved? If so, I know there's enough space there for another country. Is there enough space for two countrys?


Your right , That area was proposed for two countries. The area between china and germany closest to the canal was originally proposed for africa but they never got it together enough to get the pavilion going so they droped out. the out post is a shop. there would be no problem with removeing it.


New Member
Originally posted by stale32441

Besides the Outpost being there, the China bridge is there which is the canal that they float all the Illuminations barges to and from the lagoon. That can obviously not be moved or relocated, and to move outpost, it seems like a lot of work, to move a well located ice cream stand.

they wouldn't not have to do anything to the china canal. there is enough room for two pavilions between Germany and china one was proposed for africa at one time. the outpost would be removed if there were a need to . I'm not shure if it would need to unless it was in the middle of the parcel. also Disney does what they want not considering if it is well served or placed if it is in the way it will go.

look at Horizions/MS as an example


New Member
Epcot 300 million is Not Gonna Happen

You're all living in a fantasy world. There's no way, under Eisner and Pressler, that Disney is going to spend that kind of money. Just look at the number of attractions (Beastly Kingdom, Fire Mountain) that have been squashed for being too expensive.

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