Ohhh, boy, this layoff stuff is very depressing. I dunno, maybe if Iger hadn't spent so much company money buying up IP the company didn't need, then Walt's babies wouldn't have to suffer so much. Never hurts to have a rainy day fund, after all (DOES Disney have one? Or is all the company cash tied up with loans etc.?)
Maybe we should just, you know, grow up a bit about this virus - which has reportedly a recovery rate of around 90% for uncompromised individuals - and admit that it's simply something we're going to have to learn to live with.
A vaccine, you say? Excellent! But any vaccine will no doubt NOT cover every form of COVID - just like flu shots, which also don't cover every form of the flu. I should know, because I got a flu shot last year, and I got the flu anyway.
This has gotten ridiculous. What do we do when another pandemic occurs? Shut down the country/world again? Talk about the perfect biological weapon. This whole attempt to "contain" COVID has gotten political and inept and needs to STOP.