1st Timer needs help


New Member
OK, I'll admit it, this is our first time to WDW. We're taking the whole family including kids and grandkids. There will be 9 of us from June 6-11 at CBR. I have a few questions. Actually I'm overwhelmed but just a few questions for now: One son has to use a sleep (breathing) machine. Can we buy the distilled water for it at the resort or anywhere in WDW? Do the resorts have ice machines, like hotels do? What's the best way to get from CBR to DTD and MK?


Not old, just vintage.
OK, I'll admit it, this is our first time to WDW. We're taking the whole family including kids and grandkids. There will be 9 of us from June 6-11 at CBR. I have a few questions. Actually I'm overwhelmed but just a few questions for now: One son has to use a sleep (breathing) machine. Can we buy the distilled water for it at the resort or anywhere in WDW? Do the resorts have ice machines, like hotels do? What's the best way to get from CBR to DTD and MK?

As far as I know, there is no place to purchase distilled water on property. However, I know there are a few members here who use an apnea machine and could probably offer you some advice. (Do a search and you will probably find some previous threads)

All the resorts have several ice machines. Usually one on each floor. CBR also has a mini fridge with a mini freezer in it.

To get to DTD, take the bus labeled as such. To get to MK from DTD you will have to go through the TTC (Transportation and Ticket Center) and take a ferry or monorail. CMs in DTD will be able to answer any questions you have transportation wise.

Welcome to the boards and relax! :wave: You will have a great trip. These boards are a wealth of info!
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New Member
Here is a thread that may assist with the CPAP info. There is a grocery store not far from WDW that your son could take a cab to in order to get the water he needs.


As for the getting to MK from CBR, just stand outside the resort at the sign for MK and a bus will take you and they will pick you up at the same stop they drop you off (just look for the stop for CBR) at when you want to leave MK. DTD from your resort is the same as going to any parks. If your at a park and want to go to DTD that usually means a stop elsewhere first (usually a resort) then a bus to DTD.

Have a great trip
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Not old, just vintage.
To add to what I wrote before (and clarify something) there is a taxi service that will take you from the airport and stop at a near by food store for 30 minutes on your way to your resort. I believe it is the Quicksilver Tours service (but don't quote me on it :lol:) Also, there are some food stores that will deliver groceries to your resort room too. You make your list on the internet before you arrive and when you get there it will be delivered to your room.

EDIT: Found a thread with a lot of info about groceries in it http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=157750&highlight=grocery+delivery

To clarify, I may have misunderstood your question about transportation before. To get to MK or DTD from CBR you just take the bus labeled as such from your resort. If you are already at DTD and want to go to MK then you do what I said earlier. Disney transport is very comprehensive and user friendly so you shouldn't run into too many problems. When in doubt, ask a CM when you are entering or exiting a park. They almost always can answer your question correctly.
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Craig & Lisa

Active Member
First and foremost, Welcome to the boards! Second, if you call Disney or the resort, tell them that you need the water they should be able to get you what ever you want when you arrive. Good luck and enjoy your trip.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Another possible option in regards to the distilled water.

You are allowed to send packages to the resort you're visiting. Some people opt to send groceries they intend to use to their hotel in advance. Heck, some people will even pack most of their vacation wardrobe, so they can travel with less. Your son can send all the water he needs to the resort in advance. You should tell him to call Guest Services to double check what he needs to do, but most likely, if he sends the package to CBR 3-4 days before arriving, and makes sure he puts on the label his name, the name the reservation is under, the dates of his stay, and the fact that the package containes non-perishable items, and the hotel should hold the package for him.

There is a car service called Quicksilver that will take you to and from the airport. I believe a van that carries up to 10 people costs 125 round trip. And the trip to WDW includes a 30-minute stop at a grocery store, so you can stock up on anything you'll need.

And finally, there are some local groceries that will either deliver, or at least take an order by fax or email and pre-package it for you for an additional fee. This way, if you wind up cabbing it from your resort to the store, you don't have to pay for the cab to wait, because they've already packaged everything you need.

Enjoy the trip.
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Active Member
To get to MK from DTD you will have to go through the TTC (Transportation and Ticket Center) and take a ferry or monorail. CMs in DTD will be able to answer any questions you have transportation wise.
To go from MK to DTD, the TTC would be a complete waste of time. To go from MK to DTD using DIsney Transport, you'd need to take a bus from MK to any resort, and from that resort then take a bus to DTD. There is no direct Disney transportation between DTD and TTC, and also none between DTD and the theme parks.

Boats are also a way to go -- picturesque and pleasant, but slower. You could take a boat from MK to Wilderness Lodge, and then a bus from WL to DTD.

Or you could take a bus from MK to Port Orleans French Quarter or Old Key West or Saratoga Springs Resort, and then a boat from one of those to DTD.

ALso, if you don't mind a 10-minute walk, you could take a bus from MK to SSR, get off at the Congress Park station and walk to DTD from there. In addition, you could walk or take the monorail to Contemporary from MK, then catch a bus to DTD from there, or take the monorail or boat to Polynesian or Grand Floridian and then take a bus to DTD from one of those resorts.
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An idea to get from MK to DTD or vice versa. Saratoga Springs is right next to DTD. A SS bus stop isn't too far and could be quicker since I know I've waited for a bus over a half hour before.
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Well-Known Member
Disney will get you the distilled water you need. Call the front desk manager ans explain why it is needed. You should also be able to work this out before you leave. Call the resort and explain the need.

They would never let you worry about something like this while on vacation at WDW.

Also all the resorts have ice machines and everything else like all hotels have.
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New Member
We just got back from a visit during spring break. Before we left we used www.gardengrocer.com They were wonderful! We had our order delivered to our hotel room just a few hours after check in. They have distilled water: Distilled Water 1 Gallon 128 oz $0.01/oz $1.19

Have a great time!!!
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New Member
Don't forget to stop by City Hall (or any guest services location in the parks)in the Magic Kingdom to get everyone a First Timers button!!! Have fun and enjoy!!
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Well-Known Member
I know its kind of hard to do now, but the best thing to do is to take a deep breath and relax. If there is anywhere to take a vacation and know every little detail can and will be worked out for you this is the place. It will be the time of your life and you will have a lifetime of memories from this one trip. I hope its as good to you as it has been to me....have fun and enjoy
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New Member
I have Sleep Apnea and have to sleep with a CPap. I just got back from WDW this past Saturday. I was just recently diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and this past trip was my first with a Cpap. I was very concerned about how I was going to get the distilled water I need for my Cpap so I started a thread a few months back asking for advice and I got some really good feedback.

We just joined the DVC also so I figured it wouldn't hurt to call our DVC rep and ask him for advice since he has been so incredibly helpful over the past year(his name is Paul Kuhn and I HIGHLY recommend him if anyone is considering joining the DVC, he is amazing). We didn't want to have to spend the money on a cab ride to Goodings just to buy a gallon of Distilled water. As soon as we told Paul our dillema he said: "no problem, it's taken care of!".
He said for us to call him a few days before we were leaving to head down to Orlando to remind him and he would swing by a grocery store that he passes on his way to work and pick us up a gallon and leave it at the front desk of the DVC offices at Saratoga Springs(where he works AND where we were staying).

We called him on Thursday morning, April 12th to remind him and he said: "no problem, it will be waiting for you when you get here!"
As soon as we arrived at Saratoga Springs on Saturday, April 14th we went to the main DVC offices there and sure enough, he had left us a gallon of Distilled water. He didn't want us to pay him anything but we did anyway since he went out of his way to help make our stay that much more "magical". We met with him later on during the week and thanked him for his help. He really is a great guy.

I say all of this to say...Disney employees are awesome! Yeah, there are some bad apples in every bunch(we actually encountered more on this last trip than we ever have)but for the most part they are amazing people who will go well out of their way to help you anyway they can. As a first timer that is one of the first things you will notice...how kind and helpul MOST Disney employees are(they are actually called Cast Members, CM for short).
I highly recommend that you call your resort and tell them your dillemma and ask them if there is anything they can do to help you and I am very confident that they will do all they can to get the water that you need for your son's Cpap. I hope you have an amazing time and...WELCOME TO WDWMAGIC!!! You're gonna love these folks...when they aren't posting threads about how much they HATE something! Sorry...couldn't resist.:D
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Naturally Grumpy
Sounds like you've gotten good information on your main question. As to being overwhelmed, that's very easy to have happen, and will again once you arrive. I would suggest that you get some Disney guides and familiarize yourself with what the different parks have to offer and make up a LOOSE gameplan. (You don't want to book yourself into trying to run around and see everything....you can't!).

Try to get to the parks early and use fastpass to reduce waiting in lines.

You may want to get reservations for at least some of your meals, especially if you want to dine as a single group. A great reference is at: http://www.allearsnet.com/din/dining.htm
click on the various parks or resorts and you can get access to the dining choices and menu's.

Your group would probably really enjoy the Hoop de do Review dinner show, take a look at that.

Once you've had a chance to digest that a little, feel free to stop back here with any additional questions. One word of caution however, we have a great variety of tastes here, and it is possible that we may confuse you even more with our suggestions.

You will have a great time in any case! Welcome!
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