1986 - The House of the Future: Week 9


Well-Known Member
I’m having a little trouble picturing it? Would we be able to fit all this stuff into a canyon or would we have to make cuts?

I don’t know how an ice breaker museum in the river could fit thematically in an ice canyon, or a research base shop.

Maybe y’all could draw out a map and show off what you mean just so I could have a better picture. I’m not opposed, I just don’t know how to fit it in in my head
I can make a sample map.


Well-Known Member
Here's my sample map. As per @Mickeynerd17 's suggestion, the land is a great canyon of ice. Upon entry, there is an empty clearing that funnels into two paths: they lead to a much greater clearing housing the Explorer Base Camp. Paths circle a small lake of water with a shipwrecked boat, while shops and dining are built into the icy crevices of the canyon wall. To the bottom left and bottom right is Beluga and Walrus exhibits respectively, distanced from the base camp so as if we are witnessing these creatures in their natural habitats. Finally, at the far edge of the land (but always visible from most lines of site) is Voyage of the North Sea, the POTC-inspired e-ticket.

Arctic Passage Map.png
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Well-Known Member
Here's my sample map. As per @Mickeynerd17 's suggestion, the land is a great canyon of ice. Upon entry, there is an empty clearing that funnels into two paths: they lead to a much greater clearing housing the Explorer Base Camp. Paths circle a small lake of water with a shipwrecked boat, while shops and dining are built into the icy crevices of the canyon wall. To the bottom left and bottom right is Beluga and Walrus exhibits respectively, distanced from the base camp so as if we are witnessing these creatures in their natural habitats. Finally, at the far edge of the land (but always visible from most lines of site) is Voyage of the North Sea, the POTC-inspired e-ticket.

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This is perfect, just what I thought!

Good Job!


Well-Known Member
Here's my sample map. As per @Mickeynerd17 's suggestion, the land is a great canyon of ice. Upon entry, there is an empty clearing that funnels into two paths: they lead to a much greater clearing housing the Explorer Base Camp. Paths circle a small lake of water with a shipwrecked boat, while shops and dining are built into the icy crevices of the canyon wall. To the bottom left and bottom right is Beluga and Walrus exhibits respectively, distanced from the base camp so as if we are witnessing these creatures in their natural habitats. Finally, at the far edge of the land (but always visible from most lines of site) is Voyage of the North Sea, the POTC-inspired e-ticket.

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I’ll give it to you, this feels way more arctic than what I drew up. I think this will provide a great entry land!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Btw, your map was super useful for figuring out what buildings I needed to put into mine!
Don't worry! You were on the right track, I just elaborated on your idea and @Outbound put it into a visual representation!
Oh that wasn’t a self diss, this is just objectively better than my open concept. Excited to work on it! Plus, I’ve gotta learn to make maps like yours, mine always end up square 😂😂

May switch Walrus with Polar Bears in my write-up, but it’s fine.


Well-Known Member
So @Outbound on your map you have an Arctic Exploration Walkthrough. In the museum, I was planning on having displays about the history of arctic exploration, so I was just wondering what the walkthrough by the walrus (polar bears) was meant to be
Ahh ok! I though those were hiking trails because it said exploration. I’ll remove them and give some extra backstage space.


Well-Known Member
Here are the animal exhibit write-ups. I’ve included pictures for reference (mainly of real life zoo exhibits), but I’ll be drawing up my designs later, so the images are just place holders

Beluga Enclosure
Located in a grotto offshoot from the main path, the beluga enclosure houses five of the white whales in an incredibly spacious and naturalistic enclosure meant to emulate the feeling of seeing the species in their natural habitat.

The five belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) call a 900,000 gallon aquarium their home, making it the largest outdoor beluga habitat in the world, beating out the previous record holder Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut by 150,000 gallons, also beating Georgia Aquarium’s indoor beluga tank by 100,000 gallons. The habitat clocks in at just under two acres. The exhibit itself has a diving depth of 30 feet,

This habitat is themed to a rocky and icy coastline, featuring “ice sheets” where trainers can come out and interact with the animals but don’t appear don’t of place. The substrate of the habitat features crushed coral and gravel that gives the bottom of the habitat a rockier look rather than concrete. Because of the beluga’s need for cooler water, the water is chilled to a cool 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees celsius).


The habitat is equipped with over-water viewing where guests can get a look at the habitat and experience animal training talks where keepers come out and train the animals to do behaviors, or you can head “underground” and take a look at the underwater viewing windows, themed to an icy cave that gives a great look at the arctic giants. The animals may even swim up to the glass and pose for a picture or two.

This pod of five belugas are rescues from Canadian aquariums after the anti-captive cetacean bill passed, and due to this they are captive born and raised. The animals do not breed and do not perform tricks, but instead are encouraged to partake in natural behaviors.


Inside the habitat are live fish that the belugas live alongside and act as enrichment. The belugas will occasionally chase and eat the fish, allowing them to partake in natural hunting behaviors, but generally the two don’t interact due to being fed enough already.

Towards the back of the habitat is a miniature display of an arctic oil rig. Guests who read the educational interpretive signs (themed to a scientist’s journal pages) will learn about the plight of arctic species due to the industry of oil drilling in the oceans.

Polar Bears
Opposite the land from the Beluga grotto is a large grotto taking up around an acre that is home to a pair of polar bears (Ursus maritimus). The habitat features lots of rocky and icy-appearing outcrops where the bears can explore, as well as a 200,000 gallon pool where the animals can swim as much as they’d like, making it one of the largest polar bear pools in the world.


Due to polar bears’ need for colder weather, the water is chilled to a cool 55 degrees fahrenheit (12.8 degrees celsius) and multiple rocks throughout the exhibit are climate controlled, able to be cooled or heated depending on what the animals need. For days that get too hot, the animals also have cooling caves located throughout the exhibit they can enter that are air conditioned to be 45 degrees, or they can enter the pool.

Just like the beluga habitat, this exhibit is meant to replicate the natural habitat that polar bears would be found in in the wild. Because of this, live fish swim in the pool as well, another opportunity for the bears to practice hunting aside from their normal feeding. These two bears were orphans after their mother was killed in Alaska. They were given to Disney who built them a habitat within their newest theme park. The bears cannot return to the wild, and instead, will live with Disney for the rest of their days.


This habitat does have underwater viewing as well, featuring an ice cave that guests can enter and get a look at the magnificent polar bears as they swim. Because polar bears exhibit stereotypical behaviors such as pacing and swimming in circles, and head swaying, Disney hopes to counter this by providing rich stimuli throughout the habitat. The bears have the ability to dive 13 feet down and retrieve toys, food, or whatever else they are given by their caretakers.


Well-Known Member
Quick backstory/ land descriptions to get thoughts:

While not always the safest and easiest thing to do, most of the Arctic Circle had been explored and mapped years ago.

Except for one island... Tukisinangitok (Inuit for "mystery"). Locals and explorers alike couldn't explain why, but the island of Tukisinangitok gives a certain eeriness to every boat that passes by. Mysterious noises of animals that no local has heard of before can be heard echoing from the island.


Finally, intrepid explorer Dr. Everett Erie (E.Erie), took it upon himself to brave the island alone to truly find out what was happening on this island. Dr. Erie never returned. About a year after his disappearance locals found a bottle frozen in the ice with two pieces of paper inside:

A map of the island, and a note from Dr. Erie:


"I am safe. This island is not like anything I have seen before. The island is big in size, but small in walking trails. Most of the island seems to be covered in a thick ice but wider trails makes it easy to navigate. Deeper into the island are hidden inlets of animal coves of beautiful whales and walruses. Interestingly enough, there is a shipwreck deep in the middle of the island. It is unclear how it got here but it is clear it has been here a while. It is uninhabited so I am currently storing my belongings and findings there. I fear there is more out there so I must go exploring deeper. Send more brave explorers soon!

- Dr. E.Erie"

With the island now open, guests and explorers alike flock to Tukisinangitok to see this mysterious arctic land for themselves and truly discover how the ship got where it did and who is making those weird noises...

Also, if we want, I edited the map on the website (Second map https://sites.google.com/view/1986blueskypark/test) to only work on the circled island and the small water around it if we want to use that as a starting page.

Would love to hear your thoughts!


Well-Known Member
Quick backstory/ land descriptions to get thoughts:

While not always the safest and easiest thing to do, most of the Arctic Circle had been explored and mapped years ago.

Except for one island... Tukisinangitok (Inuit for "mystery"). Locals and explorers alike couldn't explain why, but the island of Tukisinangitok gives a certain eeriness to every boat that passes by. Mysterious noises of animals that no local has heard of before can be heard echoing from the island.

View attachment 513668

Finally, intrepid explorer Dr. Everett Erie (E.Erie), took it upon himself to brave the island alone to truly find out what was happening on this island. Dr. Erie never returned. About a year after his disappearance locals found a bottle frozen in the ice with two pieces of paper inside:

A map of the island, and a note from Dr. Erie:

View attachment 513672

"I am safe. This island is not like anything I have seen before. The island is big in size, but small in walking trails. Most of the island seems to be covered in a thick ice but wider trails makes it easy to navigate. Deeper into the island are hidden inlets of animal coves of beautiful whales and walruses. Interestingly enough, there is a shipwreck deep in the middle of the island. It is unclear how it got here but it is clear it has been here a while. It is uninhabited so I am currently storing my belongings and findings there. I fear there is more out there so I must go exploring deeper. Send more brave explorers soon!

- Dr. E.Erie"

With the island now open, guests and explorers alike flock to Tukisinangitok to see this mysterious arctic land for themselves and truly discover how the ship got where it did and who is making those weird noises...

Also, if we want, I edited the map on the website (Second map https://sites.google.com/view/1986blueskypark/test) to only work on the circled island and the small water around it if we want to use that as a starting page.

Would love to hear your thoughts!
Thoughts? Should I tweak it?

I still want to expand it and format it better but I wanted thoughts before going all out!


Well-Known Member
Thoughts? Should I tweak it?

I still want to expand it and format it better but I wanted thoughts before going all out!
It looks pretty good to me.

Out of curiosity, should we have Dr. E. Erie as perhaps the founding director of the research station there? Maybe tie the "Emporium"-style store and the table service restaurant through that bit of connected narrative thread?


Well-Known Member
It looks pretty good to me.

Out of curiosity, should we have Dr. E. Erie as perhaps the founding director of the research station there? Maybe tie the "Emporium"-style store and the table service restaurant through that bit of connected narrative thread?
I like it! I was thinking he could be found (or heard as the safety spiel) for the E-ticket as well!

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