1986 - The House of the Future: Week 9


Well-Known Member
Quick backstory/ land descriptions to get thoughts:

While not always the safest and easiest thing to do, most of the Arctic Circle had been explored and mapped years ago.

Except for one island... Tukisinangitok (Inuit for "mystery"). Locals and explorers alike couldn't explain why, but the island of Tukisinangitok gives a certain eeriness to every boat that passes by. Mysterious noises of animals that no local has heard of before can be heard echoing from the island.

View attachment 513668

Finally, intrepid explorer Dr. Everett Erie (E.Erie), took it upon himself to brave the island alone to truly find out what was happening on this island. Dr. Erie never returned. About a year after his disappearance locals found a bottle frozen in the ice with two pieces of paper inside:

A map of the island, and a note from Dr. Erie:

View attachment 513672

"I am safe. This island is not like anything I have seen before. The island is big in size, but small in walking trails. Most of the island seems to be covered in a thick ice but wider trails makes it easy to navigate. Deeper into the island are hidden inlets of animal coves of beautiful whales and walruses. Interestingly enough, there is a shipwreck deep in the middle of the island. It is unclear how it got here but it is clear it has been here a while. It is uninhabited so I am currently storing my belongings and findings there. I fear there is more out there so I must go exploring deeper. Send more brave explorers soon!

- Dr. E.Erie"

With the island now open, guests and explorers alike flock to Tukisinangitok to see this mysterious arctic land for themselves and truly discover how the ship got where it did and who is making those weird noises...

Also, if we want, I edited the map on the website (Second map https://sites.google.com/view/1986blueskypark/test) to only work on the circled island and the small water around it if we want to use that as a starting page.

Would love to hear your thoughts!
Sounds great! It's not long and overdone, but still holds enough thematic relevance to be worth learning.


Well-Known Member
The weirdest thing just happened. I decided to go check out the island for myself and near the shores, I found a message in a bottle.


Inside the bottle was only one page. A note on one side and a map on the other.



Do you think these mean anything?


Well-Known Member
The Obelisk Of Time

At the crossroads of multiple ice caverns is a large Obelisk. The structure sticks up like a lightning rod and seems to be not of this world. Wherever it came from, it must have been from a faraway land, for the writing is nothing like we've ever seen before.


Its almost like all of these canyons were made from the impact of the device onto the surface from space. One other odd thing to note, it occasionally glows light-blue and makes strange noises, almost like it's trying to say something, but it's too garbled to understand. Maybe it's another language? Maybe it's just damaged. Maybe the secrets lie in the caverns beyond?

Tried to attach a picture, and if it went through, then sorry for the garbage art, it's a bit of a placeholder as I try to get Google Drawings working for me. Think of it as an abstract representation!


Well-Known Member
The Obelisk Of Time

At the crossroads of multiple ice caverns is a large Obelisk. The structure sticks up like a lightning rod and seems to be not of this world. Wherever it came from, it must have been from a faraway land, for the writing is nothing like we've ever seen before.

View attachment 513870

Its almost like all of these canyons were made from the impact of the device onto the surface from space. One other odd thing to note, it occasionally glows light-blue and makes strange noises, almost like it's trying to say something, but it's too garbled to understand. Maybe it's another language? Maybe it's just damaged. Maybe the secrets lie in the caverns beyond?

Tried to attach a picture, and if it went through, then sorry for the garbage art, it's a bit of a placeholder as I try to get Google Drawings working for me. Think of it as an abstract representation!
The art is great! I love the different shapes on the obelisk. It gives off an ancient, runic vibe.


The Obelisk Of Time

At the crossroads of multiple ice caverns is a large Obelisk. The structure sticks up like a lightning rod and seems to be not of this world. Wherever it came from, it must have been from a faraway land, for the writing is nothing like we've ever seen before.

View attachment 513870

Its almost like all of these canyons were made from the impact of the device onto the surface from space. One other odd thing to note, it occasionally glows light-blue and makes strange noises, almost like it's trying to say something, but it's too garbled to understand. Maybe it's another language? Maybe it's just damaged. Maybe the secrets lie in the caverns beyond?

Tried to attach a picture, and if it went through, then sorry for the garbage art, it's a bit of a placeholder as I try to get Google Drawings working for me. Think of it as an abstract representation!
Nice job with the artwork!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully, my two write-ups will be enough to keep me safe. I’m having one of the busiest weeks of my life and school and work have got me swamped. Each write-up is a couple paragraphs (enough for a meet and greet and some roaming puppets) but I’m hoping to add on later. I just want everyone to understand!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully, my two write-ups will be enough to keep me safe. I’m having one of the busiest weeks of my life and school and work have got me swamped. Each write-up is a couple paragraphs (enough for a meet and greet and some roaming puppets) but I’m hoping to add on later. I just want everyone to understand!
Not a problem! I've been bailed out multiple times for the same reason this comp. Don't worry about it!


Well-Known Member
Alright, here's my take on the table service restaurant.

TEC Culinary Labs

Restaurant Backstory:
As more and more explorers came to the island of Tukisinangitok, Dr. E. Erie found that he and his fellow explorers needed a shared collection of information about the mysteries of this island. Thus, the Tukisinangitok Exploration Collective (otherwise known as TEC) was formed. Modern research and staff facilities have been built among the icy cavern walls, giving explorers and scientists a place to live among the frozen landscape. Chief among these buildings is the TEC Culinary Labs. What might have been a plain utilitarian cafeteria was instead revamped into a proper restaurant, when a few TEC members realized that the food supplies shipped in from around the globe paired up with local sea-life meant the chance for some truly rewarding meals out in this harsh wilderness.

Restaurant Exterior and Interior: Built into the side of an ice wall, guests see a sleekly-designed modern research facility. The exterior design is utilitarian, made to fit its purpose and stand up against the cold. That said, it also features some wide windows, allowing those inside a good view of the surrounding area. A metal sign built to stand up to freezing winds stands near the entrance, with “TEC Culinary Labs” written across the front. Below that is the same name for the building, written in a variety of languages for easy understanding across the language barriers.


Heading inside, guests first enter a lobby. The design is modern and minimalist to start, although there is a picture on display of some TEC crewmembers in a kitchen. The picture is marked “Founding crew of the TEC Culinary Labs”. Once they are ready to be seated, guests head inside and see a bit more life to the building. Sure, the architecture is generally skewed towards utilitarian considering its research station origins. However, there is plenty of activity in here. The walls are lined with pictures and maps of Tukisinangitok, providing all sorts of evidence in the research and teases of the mysteries around the ice. There is also a message board, covered in notes and pictures which give a fun peek into the day-to-day life of the research station.



(Reference for cluttered walls)

Food and Beverage: The TEC Culinary Labs finds itself in an interesting spot when it comes to its menu. On the one hand, there is the diverse mix of aquatic life that exists under the ice and waves, offering some fresh access for seafood (and harvested responsibly, of course). On the other hand, food is shipped in from across the globe to help the researchers at TEC get by with familiar tastes and flavors. As such, the menu draws from both pools for the options it offers.

For example, the appetizer selection features more arctic-inspired beginners, such as salt cod croquettes and Polar Pate (a pate made from meat, suet, and vegetables fats, mixed with noodles), while dishes like baked piroshki (Russian stuffed rolls) and Devils on Horseback (British prunes wrapped in bacon) offer some small tastes from homelands. When moving onto the main course, the local sea life brings some hearty meals, such as lemon-roasted salmon or garlic parmesan flounder. Meanwhile, the meats and vegetables shipped in allow for meals such as a Great American Grilled Steak (beef steak grilled up with mushrooms and onions) and char siu (Chinese barbecued pork) give the explorers here something to dream about as they fill up after a hard day of study and travel. Finally, even the frozen landscape here could warrant a dessert. After such a hearty meal, you could perhaps go with some chocolate truffles or maybe finish the meal with some shaved ice.


(Devils on Horseback)


(Char siu)


(Chocolate truffles)

As for the beverages, soda and water are available as familiar non-alcoholic options. When it comes to alcohol, there is beer on tap, and a selection of wines, brandy, and spirits. The cocktail is made to reflect a variety of options to help keep the researchers feeling warm on these cold nights, such as a Caramel Irish Coffee (an Irish Coffee with butterscotch schnapps and topped with whipped cream), a Spiced Cranberry Margarita (a margarita mixed with cranberry juice and cinnamon syrup), a Black Russian (vodka and kahlua), and a Kumquat-Ginger Caipirinha (a caipirinha prepped with kumquat and ginger).


(Caramel Irish coffee)


(Kumquat-ginger caipirinha)
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