1986 - The House of the Future: Week 2


Well-Known Member
That would work too! I just don’t want to stuff us too full. However, I’ll crank out the walking trail myself since I have a few ideas already and Dash can work on the flat ride!


If you take WDW's Adventureland

Pirates of the Caribbean - E-ticket
Jungle Cruise - D/E-ticket
Tiki Room - C-ticket show
Swiss Family - walkthrough
Aladdin - Flat-ride

The always requested Fire Mountain or Indy E-ticket as an expansion

You then have Skipper Canteen, Tortuga Tavern, Dole Whip shop, and some others I'm not remembering for retail

If we line up our land with this we should be in the realism ballpark


Well-Known Member
Before I move forward on my respective projects, I'll provide a quick pitch to make sure everyone is partially aware of my plans. I don't want it to feel out of place with the rest of the storyline.

The Adventureland Investigation Bureau (Interactive Walkthrough)
Murder! The Magistrate (Mayor) of the Settlement was shot dead by a man in a red jacket. Miraculously, he has since escaped capture... and the next day, the settlement's great pile of jewels were missing! Someone must be helping him... but who would commit such a heinous act... and why?

The Adventureland Investigation Bureau is a walkthrough combining practical puzzles and the Disney app. You'll begin your journey by entering the Investigation Bureau building, where the instructions and first riddle are provided. From there, you will have to solve a series of riddles, traveling around both the settlement and island. When you complete a clue, a video will play giving you hints towards a vast, unraveling story that is much more complex than initially perceived. Because guess what: The Magistrate is not dead, the jewels were not stolen, and the man in the red jacket is not at all who you think he is.

That's all I'll say, in fear of spoiling it for everybody.

The Porta Macera Stunt Show
This live stunt show ties to the walkthrough above. Stranded on an island with the Investigation Bureau hot on their tail, two secret agents fumble their way through "stunt show" to make enough money to buy a boat and sail off the island... unfortunately by the end the ill-informed Bureau finds them, and an exciting boat fight breaks down at the docks.

Knowledge of the walkthrough is not required, as a preshow while guests fill the seats of the show will be rolling a 1930s police report of the Magistrate's supposed death. However, guests who have seen the walkthrough will know the real story, adding a layer of comedy.


Well-Known Member
Team Leader @PerGron

E Ticket Busbar Ride @NateD1226 @b-wolf95
-E-Ticket Atlantis Ride @Pufflefan @NigelChanning09 @Pi on my Cake @DashHaber @Mickeynerd17
-D-Ticket Jungle Cruise successor @DashHaber @PerGron @pix
-Flat Ride @DashHaber
-Walkthrough @PerGron
-Stunt Show @Outbound @goofyyukyukyuk17

- Quick Service @goofyyukyukyuk17
- Snack Stands @DashHaber

@Pufflefan and @D Hindley

-Literature tie-in @spacemt354
-Backstory @AceAstro @PerGron
-Minecraft @Mickeynerd17
-Presentation @all
Last edited:

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Anyone doing a map? If not I could tackle it, it wouldn't be this layout, but was thinking a similar style
@Outbound had sketched something earlier, but I wasn't sure if it was just for pitching a layout or a draft of a map.

With all of us, even if he is doing a map, two maps could still work though. Your's could be the stylistic one, his could be a practical one.


Well-Known Member
Add Puffs to the Atlantis team, and take me off the flat ride (unless, Dash wants some help. I didn't really have thoughts for it. Just thought a flat ride would be cool and supported him doing one lol)!

@Pufflefan @NigelChanning09 I'm adding you in now
I'm also up to adding little unnecessary items around the land (e.g. The Diamond Mine) when appropriate.


Well-Known Member
Team Leader @PerGron

E Ticket Busbar Ride @NateD1226 @b-wolf95
-E-Ticket Atlantis Ride @Pufflefan @NigelChanning09 @Pi on my Cake @DashHaber
-D-Ticket Jungle Cruise successor @DashHaber @PerGron @pix
-Flat Ride @DashHaber
-Walkthrough @PerGron
-Stunt Show @Outbound @b-wolf95

- Quick Service UNCLAIMED
- Snack Stands @DashHaber

@Pufflefan and @D Hindley

-Literature tie-in @spacemt354
-Backstory @AceAstro @PerGron
-Minecraft @Mickeynerd17
-Presentation @all

Remaining jobs:
-Either Stunt Show (w/ @Outbound), Busbar (w/ @NateD1226), or Quick Service.
I'm also on the atlantis E-Ticket, as a note.

What do you mean by busbar attraction? You mean EMV or Slot Car style busbar?


Well-Known Member
@Outbound had sketched something earlier, but I wasn't sure if it was just for pitching a layout or a draft of a map.

With all of us, even if he is doing a map, two maps could still work though. Your's could be the stylistic one, his could be a practical one.
I wasn't planning it as a full-scale map but more a concept. But I can always expand the map!


@Outbound had sketched something earlier, but I wasn't sure if it was just for pitching a layout or a draft of a map.

With all of us, even if he is doing a map, two maps could still work though. Your's could be the stylistic one, his could be a practical one.
If outbound is already doing it no worries - added to mickeynerd's Minecraft there'd be no need for so many maps.

Plus now that I'm thinking of it some modifications would be needed on thursday that I probably won't have time to do, so I'll work on some of the literature stuff, whenever I can figure out what it will be


Well-Known Member
I wasn't planning it as a full-scale map but more a concept. But I can always expand the map!

If outbound is already doing it no worries - added to mickeynerd's Minecraft there'd be no need for so many maps.

Plus now that I'm thinking of it some modifications would be needed on thursday that I probably won't have time to do, so I'll work on some of the literature stuff, whenever I can figure out what it will be
As a note, I'll need a general layout of the area before I can do major work.


Well-Known Member
Team Leader @PerGron

E Ticket Busbar Ride @NateD1226 @b-wolf95
-E-Ticket Atlantis Ride @Pufflefan @NigelChanning09 @Pi on my Cake @DashHaber
-D-Ticket Jungle Cruise successor @DashHaber @PerGron @pix
-Flat Ride @DashHaber
-Walkthrough @PerGron
-Stunt Show @Outbound @b-wolf95

- Quick Service UNCLAIMED
- Snack Stands @DashHaber

@Pufflefan and @D Hindley

-Literature tie-in @spacemt354
-Backstory @AceAstro @PerGron
-Minecraft @Mickeynerd17
-Presentation @all

Remaining jobs:
-Either Stunt Show (w/ @Outbound), Busbar (w/ @NateD1226), or Quick Service.
I can work on the stunt show and quick service... sorry I’ve been slammed with work today and just catching up now

D Hulk

Well-Known Member

With a land like this, I feel that retail's role is to be grounded & realistic (tied into the land's central backstory) so that the more fantastical attractions can truly soar. I intend to use real world locations as inspiration.

Since the main story is about stranded Ottoman traders, it makes perfect sense for the centerpiece shop to be Ottoman Bazaar. Naturally it would take heavy influence from Istanbul's Grand Bazaar (which I've been to). For this shop and the exterior town facades, I wish to mix in some of Zanzibar's Stone Town as well. This is an East African spice trading port in the Indian Ocean which features a mix of Arabic & Indian & Persian (Ottoman) styles...which pretty much sounds like us, right?!



The Bazaar's decor and displays can play into the land's story & mythos. Giant glowing gems atop cases. Artifacts from the island's natural biomes, like massive monster eggs or creature skeletons. Stuffed animals. On walls, nautical maps. Furniture repurposed from the stranded trading ships. Etc. And divide the shop into different themed sections (e.g. textiles, spices, brass works) much like how Grand Bazaar is organized.

As for other shops? Maybe a post-ride for the Atlantis ride, Savage Salvage (run by one Abdul Savage). Salvaged sea bottom treasures sold out of a freshly-wet submersible or two, with merchants' tarps and such around it. Another shop, Merchant Traders (I'm going with some generic names like other Adventurelands do), found within a beached merchant trading ship...a ship which has partially overturned, and had a baobab tree grow up through its interior. Also something like The Diamond Mine idea which @Mickeynerd17 suggested. Maybe a yet-to-be-themed gift cart as well.

Looking over the retail inventories of other Adventurelands, this seems like a pretty realistic collection.

If anyone would like post-ride shops for their attractions, speak up.

@Pufflefan, since you're on retail with me, what are your thoughts?​


Well-Known Member
So Dash and I had an idea for our "Jungle Cruise" (for lack of a better term. It'd be a loop, but the ride would have two entry-points and essentially have two different versions of the ride. One side would leave from the Ottoman settlement that is the land entrance, and then would exit by the smaller settlement closer to "Frontierland" (or whatever replaces it.) Guests could get in line on either side and ride one way, ending up at the other location, so it'd be a ride with a story, but also in-land transportation. It would also match our story, being that we're transporting goods through the jungle from one settlement to the other.

What does everyone think? Before we develop it further, I wanted to make sure this idea wasn't insanely crazy, plus to get it on the map

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
So Dash and I had an idea for our "Jungle Cruise" (for lack of a better term. It'd be a loop, but the ride would have two entry-points and essentially have two different versions of the ride. One side would leave from the Ottoman settlement that is the land entrance, and then would exit by the smaller settlement closer to "Frontierland" (or whatever replaces it.) Guests could get in line on either side and ride one way, ending up at the other location, so it'd be a ride with a story, but also in-land transportation. It would also match our story, being that we're transporting goods through the jungle from one settlement to the other.

What does everyone think? Before we develop it further, I wanted to make sure this idea wasn't insanely crazy, plus to get it on the map
Question? What is the smaller settlement's deal? 'Cause I'd like to give it a shop.


Well-Known Member
Just so everyone knows, I’m trying my best to be as active as possible, but it’s really tough when I’ve got classes/homework and whatever else throughout the day... freshman engineering isn’t easy hahaha... I’ll still definitely be doing my part for the projects, but the brainstorming activity will be sorta spotty... but hopefully I’ll be able to still be putting out high enough quality stuff to not get nominated haha

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