Alright, so here's the basic idea we've got here that I've compiled through our concepts.
We have a mysterious island with a large fog wall around it. It has been settled by marooned Ottoman merchants who believe it to be a part of the lost continent of Lemuria. They establish a large settlement with Ottoman architecture, which will be our central village. The Ottoman settlement will be by the river around the island, making it a semi-port. This is where our siren ride would be, showcasing ties to the Lemuria/Atlantis legend that the Ottoman Greeks brought with them.
The rest of the island will be host to a few other attractions. The Jungle Cruise successor will be located in a river on the island setting out from the Ottoman settlement into a combination Lowland/Rock Forest biome.
I would like to keep the Maori influence, just as a story theme, but if people think it's too much, then we can cut them. I just think having a people that (realistically) could have settled an island like this would be a neat idea, but if that doesn't work out, then we can cut all the Maori influence without too too much hassle.
As for the other attractions, I don't think we should go too heavy on them. I think having two E-tickets may be too much for the land, but if people really want to work on them, then we can make it work, we just don't want to overdo it. Honestly, a flat ride could work, but I think something like a challenge trail or walking trail or something like that may suit the land better.
I want to give everyone some freedom here to explore their ideas, so the general gist is "Ottoman Empire merchants marooned on living island. Strange wildlife (I do think we should keep it more science-based in the weirdness. Keep ghosts and demons and stuff to a minimum. The natural world has some scary **** as is. Sirens can be worked into the Atlantis lore.), interesting biomes, all with an err of adventure." That should be the theme, it's Adventureland. Make everything feel like an adventure.
Anything I missed?