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  1. Thorpyness

    Typhoon Lagoon today ?

    I was at Typhoon Lagoon today, a fire truck , an ambulance and several police vehicles arrived at speed with lights and sirens going while we were waiting for the bus back. Not sure how often this happens as we tend to only be there once per year at best, but it looked quite serious, we also...
  2. Thorpyness

    Resort Mugs???

    I have the orange, green and purple ones from All Star sports..when they were testing the RFID ones this time last year. Does anyone know what hapenned to the test ? Looks like we're getting the yellow blue and Pink this time out, which I liked more as colours anyway.
  3. Thorpyness

    Disney Resort TV

    I know it's undergone a few changes recently, but does it have fox soccer ? As a UK visitor, I'm hoping to catch a particular game next month.
  4. Thorpyness

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    May I request you do something similar with plenty of grey on the left for the icons to sit in, so they don't hade in teh color....any subject will be great. Lovely photo and great effect by the way
  5. Thorpyness

    The Magic Carpets of Aladdin

    If there wasn't a need for sit and spin rides, Dumbo wouldn't be getting doubled up. I can't see it going anywhere soon.
  6. Thorpyness

    WDW really might want to look again at SAFETY, COURTESY, SHOW, then EFFICIENCY

    Completely agree with the Tower of Terror Libraries. All they need to do with the libraries is get enough people through to feed the next queue. Beyond that the experience should take precendence, which i guess is the point. A huge queue in the boiler room is not really of benefit to anyone...
  7. Thorpyness

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    Wow - you've made Florida look like Manchester weather !
  8. Thorpyness

    Disney Doofus

    I've only got 3 occasions, but they are all ones nobody else has mentioned. In 2009 we took 2 nephews 12 & 14, and stayed at riverside. We were discussing the waterwheel at Riverside Mill and how it was powered, he was convinced it was powered by water, it was only when I made him trace the...
  9. Thorpyness

    Old Backlot Tour rumor, interesting read...

    It's not that a tram tour would be going backwards, more that the studio's has lost it's overall theme. When it was an actual studio, a tram tour fitted in perfectly as part of the theme. The decision to remove the working studio for me has to be one of the decisions that I'm most at odds with...
  10. Thorpyness

    Americans Vs. Non Americans walking.

    OP, Showing your ignorance twice there, once by stereotyping, and secondly by suggesting it's Europeans "and" Foreigners. You will find foreigners encompasses everybody that's not American, but then how are you defining American? Those born there, those that used to be foreigners, but that...
  11. Thorpyness

    Pin Code a poppin'...

    Jimmy, I'm not an avid reader, but I've seen 2 threads that were by you. It's easy to see why you're being doubted, One is 60% discounts when everyone sees 40% at best. Another one where people see grazed knees, you see broken noses. Your signature - Jimmy still believes in the magic, I...
  12. Thorpyness

    Sleeping Wife and Daughter. Who deals with this?

    If you've got a daughter of 19 and been going for years, then I'd expect they have played your game of get up early for years, and now want to play theirs. Also after this long visiting you should be in the slow down and absorb the atmosphere and details stage, not tear from one attraction to...
  13. Thorpyness

    The last straw!!!!!!!

    So based on somebody somewhere getting a job ... I take it you work there and would be directly influenced ?
  14. Thorpyness

    WDW Guest Communications []

    i complaining Dear Mickey, I have been to visit Walt Disney World a few times now and every time I have had the same problem. I visit from the UK, and when I first get there my watch appeared to be incorrect by a few hours so I adjusted it. Instead of asking somebody about it there and then...
  15. Thorpyness

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    Perfect !
  16. Thorpyness

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    I'm not usually a fan of effects, but the water looks fantastic.
  17. Thorpyness

    Some things HAVEN'T changed when it comes to customer service...

    The thing is with great service like described, it's terribly prone to abuse. I've lost a hat on splash mountain before now, and had to spend mucho dollars replacing it. It's exactly what I would expect when I was daft enough to lose it. It has to be done enough so the magic spreads, but not...
  18. Thorpyness

    Lettuce, Tomato and Onion THAT EXPENSIVE?

    I'm one patron that votes with my feet. Only places with toppings bars get visited.
  19. Thorpyness

    Most Heart Warming Feeling

    Not quite what us overseas viewers think.
  20. Thorpyness

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    talking of places you never saw... who's fooled ?
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