Sleeping Wife and Daughter. Who deals with this?


Well-Known Member
As Sam Elliott said in Roadhouse, "I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead". Truer words have never been spoken.

Silver Figment

Active Member
I would just do what you want to do. I can't stand sleeping the day away while i'm there either. At home that's a completely different story. The only day i sleep till 9 is the day we do our laundry.


Well-Known Member
No cryig in baseball and no sleeping at Disney, I think our December trip was the least I ever slept. It was a no stop trip and might have been my 25th. I keep forgetting how many trips. Disney is never a relaxing vacation, but a see all you can even though you have seen it before.

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
Another vote for solo mornings! Enjoy the "you" time!

My wife is a late sleeper so I typically use that time for photography and other low-key activities that would bore her. I also try to do at least one tour per trip (Steam Trains Tour, Undiscovered Future World, etc.) since they are in the morning and she isn't really interested in them. She gets to sleep in, I get to have fun and not waste money bringing her on the tours, everyone wins!


Active Member
I'm 21 years old, and on many of my family vacations to Saratoga or Boardwalk resorts we'd often sleep in till 10-11 eat lunch at a resort and then spend our afternoons and evenings in the park.

Aind you, we are passholders and frequent the parks often enough to not mind missing mornings in lieu of a couple hours of extra sleep.


Well-Known Member
In our case, my son and I were usually the last ones up. My wife usually gets up first and goes down to the Pop cafeteria to get a coffee and milk for our cereal. When she gets back, she gets my daughter up and they both start their morning routine of hair-straightening and the likes. When they are almost done, my wife will wake us up so that we can take a quick shower and eat. We are usually always in the bus line for our park choice of the day between 9:30-10am. Works for us :)


If you've got a daughter of 19 and been going for years, then I'd expect they have played your game of get up early for years, and now want to play theirs. Also after this long visiting you should be in the slow down and absorb the atmosphere and details stage, not tear from one attraction to the next.

I get annoyed with Mrs T and the approach "I've been on that before, i'm not doing it this year. You do it if you want.....(on your own, feeling guilty for leaving me standing here waiting, while I just stare at you with icicles."

(the last bit never actually needs saying)

The Duck

Well-Known Member
"Hey, hey, easy kids. Everybody in the car. Boat leaves in two minutes... or perhaps you don't want to see the second largest ball of twine on the face of the earth, which is only four short hours away?". Clark W. Griswold.
I don't know how you do it. I am not a morning person at all and just don't generally enjoy anything at 7 or 8am. I don't usually sleep in like I would at home but try to get leaving by 10, 11.. sometimes noon. However, I will be at the park until they close every night. I love it when they would stay open until 2 or 3 am.. it's great! I love the parks at night and think that trumps being there at 7am anyday! Not to mention, I sleep in and miss some morning hours, but feel rested all day long and don't feel the need for a nap. :)

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Maybe it's because I'm fortunate enough to make multiple trips every year now, but I don't ever feel the need to rush around to be at the park from rope drop until closing. I get up when I get up (which is usually between 8 and 9), do my workout, and then head to the parks. I'm usually there between 10 and 11, and I still take a break around 4:00, before heading back for the night.

However, it should be noted that I'm a huge night owl and love nothing more than 3 AM EMH's. And after a 3 AM EMH, you can bet that I'm not getting up before 10, at the earliest.


I can remember our first WDW trip, when the kids were young (6 & 4). We had arranged breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table--that trip was all about Princesses--and neither DD would get out of bed! We pleaded with them that Cinderella had invited us and we needed to go! When we finally got moving, I remember practically running down Main St USA to make our appointed time for breakfast. Exhausting!

Things haven't changed much, and I'm learning to enjoy the quiet time, or I find ways to make the waiting beneficial...I've even let DW and DDs sleep while I've done a load of laundry (it's really minimal work, it gets the job done, and I still get quiet time!). The quiet pool at the POR laundry is a nice place to unwind.


Well-Known Member
We have always been up and ready to go early except once. I usually get up about 1.5 hours before park opening and take my shower and get ready to go. Then I get my son up and help him get ready and then we head down to the food court to get breakfast for everyone. When we get back to the room my wife and daughter are always up and getting ready and we all eat breakfast then head to the parks. Easy Peezy Lemon Sqeeezy. On one of our more recent trips this all got tossed out the window. My wife and daughter wanted to sleep a little more and actually yelled at me and I hadn't even raised my voice or nagged them about getting up. So I told them that if they do not get up I am gong to go to the park without them. They didn't believe me. Mistake. I left them and took my son to the park. I got a call around 10am wanting to know where me and Matthew were at. I reminded her that we were going to the park without them. She asked if I was coming back to get the two of them since we have a rental car and it is far less pain than taking a bus to the parks. I said "Nope. You yelled at me this morning so take a bus and call us when you get here." then hung up the phone. It was not a pleasant day afterward but the morning was nice. :)

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
We believe in being up and out the door at 8 to be at the parks at opening. We allow one or two Downtown Disney days in which we will visit the Marketplace and since they don't open as early, everyone gets a little extra sleep time.
We usually hit the parks first thing then go back to our villa when it's starting to really heat up and then back out. Early mornings in Florida are the best!


My Disney World enjoyment is directly predicated on people like your wife and your daughter doing exactly what they want, sleeping in!

Thank you!


I just went through this with my fiance, I am a early bird, he well just isn't. The first trip we took we were up early every morning but it was a short weekend and we did the ESPN run so we had to be up anyway. This time we worked out a schedule. Where he only had to be up as early as I am 2 out of the 6 mornings. The other ones he slept in to 930ish, but as I heard him getting up I quickly made breakfast (dvc) and we were out the door within a half hour.
It did kinda bum me the first morning he slept later then me, but it worked out nicely beucase I was able to have coffee and breakfast while watching the sunrise over bay lake. It was peaceful.
Plus i dont know about your situation but when my other half dosent sleep enough there he totally is grumpy. To the point where I bought him the "im grumpy because your dopey" shirt.

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