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  1. zoo19

    Fulton's Vs. Captain Jack's

    We were just there a couple of days ago and tried both places and I have to say Fulton's was much much better. Yes it is more expensive but my husbands comment was you get what you pay for. At Fultons we had the crab cakes as an appetizer and they were the best I have ever had, I could have...
  2. zoo19

    Leaving soon and bored... very bored...

    I spend my time reading these boards and replying. :) I leave Friday at 7am and we still haven't packed. I like to leave it until the last day so it will go faster and I won't spend hours waiting for the plane to take off. Hope you get through this soon and just think the magic will be here...
  3. zoo19

    Which Poly longhouse

    I just called to the Poly direct and asked about Samoa and they said the refub is done. Glad you mentioned that in case they would have still been working on it. Now you can request Samoa for your trip.
  4. zoo19

    Which Poly longhouse

    Thank you for the info !:sohappy: I will be putting my request in tomorrow and I think I will request to be in either building since both sound great. I think we will be happy with either one and hope that we get one of them.
  5. zoo19

    Which Poly longhouse

    Well it's time for me to send in my room request and I am still confused. :brick: I have read tikimans site extensively (Thank you Tikiman) and have gotten it down to two Samoa and Tokelau. It will be myself dh, dd 5, and niece 9 and I noticed Samoa is closer to the pool but will the noise...
  6. zoo19

    Which are the best guidebooks fo WDW ?

    I have to say the Unofficial Guide by Bob Sehlinger as the best one. We are going in August and I bought Birnbaum's first and thought it was good but wanted more. I then purchased the Unoffical guide and was blown away as to how much information is in there. It gives restaurant reviews, hotel...
  7. zoo19

    Radio Disney

    Thank you so much for the info. My daughter loves BeBe and will be excited to see her.:sohappy: :sohappy: I knew someone here would be able to help, you guys are so great :D
  8. zoo19

    Radio Disney

    I know that they broadcast from DW a lot and I was wondering if anyone knows if they have an open (glass) booth where you can see them do their show. When we were in DL last year they did have one but no one was broadcasting at the time we were there. If anyone does know about this could you...
  9. zoo19

    It's The 3week Call!!!

    29 days and counting :sohappy: :sohappy: Staying at the Poly for the first time and can't wait until we go.
  10. zoo19

    Disney Golf?

    I just called to make my husband tee times and they told me the Palm was closed and the Magnolia is up and down. I made tee times for Osprey and Magnolia both in the a.m. as he hates to golf in the afternoon. They did have a special going on 2 rounds for the price of one so they will charge...
  11. zoo19

    Polynesian Luau...Yes or No?

    Check out It has a lot of the menus and prices. It does list the luau cost and the food served. We are stay at the Poly in August and we will be trying the luau ourselves. Let me know what you think of it.
  12. zoo19

    Disney Golf?

    Did they tell you how long it was going to be in rehab? We are going down the first week in August and my husband wanted to play there (of course he hasn't called for a tee time yet). If they let you know that would be great otherwise I'll tell him to call now to make his choices.
  13. zoo19

    Poly bldgs and Mouskeeping

    Thank you so much for the smoking info. I know it's a bad habit but I try to be considerate and not do it close to or around other people who would be offeneded. Thank you again for the Mousekeeping info. I wasn't sure what the norm was and if it was any different at Disney. I'll still...
  14. zoo19

    My head is spinning

    We're going the first week in August and my daughter is 5 and will be 6 in August. I'm not sure what to recommend now but when we return I will let you know some of the things that she loved and worked well.
  15. zoo19

    My head is spinning

    How old is your child and is it a boy or girl? I don't know a lot yet but that might help someone give you some good info.
  16. zoo19

    Poly bldgs and Mouskeeping

    Well I think I've narrowed it down to either Samoa or Tokelau. It'll be myself, hubby, daughter (5), niece (9) if anyone has a suggestion as to which they prefer I would love any information. Another question is regarding smoking, unfortunately I still do it but hopefully quit again after...
  17. zoo19

    Tentative August trip

    Congrats on being able to get in on the deal. We just decided on Sunday to go and will be at the Poly the first week of August. I've never stayed there so it should be a good time. I hope we all have a good time and don't get too overheated.
  18. zoo19

    My head is spinning

    Thank you sooo much !!!! I love that site !!! It really helps me because my daughter and husband are very picky eaters and I can somewhat plan on where we might want to eat. I did notice most places have the standard childs menus which will make that easy so now I only have to worry about...
  19. zoo19

    My head is spinning

    Thanks for the info and suggestions. I'm now in the process of trying to secure PS reservations for Cinderella breakfast and of course they are full. I expected that but I thought I would give it a try on the off chance someone cancelled. The person I reached suggested going to 1900 Park...
  20. zoo19

    My head is spinning

    As you can tell I am a newbie here and I have lurked for awhile to start getting information for our trip next year and I thought I would have enough time to get to know everyone before we went. My husband saw the info on the Fairytale Vaction Package and said we should go now. Today I...
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