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  1. S

    Smoking & WDW theme parks

    Re: Smoking at the Parks...why? Because thats alot of money to throw away by alienating an entire segment of the WORLD population I smoke I smoke IN the smoking areas and I dont have a problem with it I am ENGRAED that CMs dont enforce smoking policy and I make it a point to say...
  2. S

    Honest Resort Feedback

    for our part we couldnt imagine going to WDW and NOT staying on-site I agree that a package isnt always the best way to do that, it works great for us because we use enough of the benefits to offset cost and always come out with more value than we spent of course this requires "doing the math"...
  3. S

    That crazy cast and their clocks

    if you ever see a CM outside the entrance of a line with a blank white card on a lanyard, thats the line "timer" if your gonna ride anyway take a shot at asking for it , ive gotten it sevral times while untimatly meaningless I always feel like a big shot when I have one hehe :king: :lol:
  4. S

    Pet peeves at WDW?

    As far as that goes IMHO disneyland has SOME rides that are done MUCH better , but WDW is a better in total for example any failing in the fla POTC is MORE than made up for by the sheer enormity and overload of the total WDW package ....and you CANT see downtown orlando from the top of tall...
  5. S

    Company to test varied Extra Magic Hour schedule

    sounds pretty good to me, based on old e-nights anyway Its sure to be busier than E-nights were because aparently theres not the limited amt of people allowed to attend but Im beting it will be managable nontheless We are down from 15-23 so we have to replan our days (& nights hehe) but I...
  6. S

    FastPass should be no more

    heh ya know how to get some REAL dirty looks hehe once on splash at the top of the stairs I stoped and video taped people coming in down below and the train platform let me tell you the people who had waited probably an hour just to get to that point were steaming as I put away my camera and...
  7. S

    Really Bad Leave a Legacy Matinence

    as a municipal employe i can tell you that it is near impossible to keep up with the stupidity and destructive behavior of the public here .. multiply that by about a bazillion for WDW and thats what you end up with
  8. S

    Fess up...what are some of your traditions in planning?

    I make a calendar wich includes our stay with 2 days on either end and plot out the drive, check ins/outs, definite things like priority seatings and late park closings ect. Usualy i add in the "likely" park for each day and whatnot
  9. S

    $10 a day for internet?

    that sums it up right there. that is what we do too although i use a diferent isp. we arent doing any heavy downloading or anything so for us dialup on the laptop works great
  10. S

    Does this bother you?

    haha yea , I think its great. Its always a chuckle to hear what the "misinformed" have to say. one of my favorites is the "MgM is at universal" another is people thinking the ToT is a real hotel
  11. S

    Riding Mission: SPACE

    none of that bothers me now that i know what to expect on the ride i can look around ect ect. but those are indeed the warnings you get bombarded with all the way through the line and onto the ride, good advice if youve never been on it
  12. S

    Very late sept 03 trip report in brief... sort of

    as for memory , i marked down on the park map each time we rode an atraction and a calendar for what park each day as for keys tour i cant remember her name but she wasnt very young and not very old, aparently she has been doing tours for awhile tho. I might remember if you could throw out a...
  13. S

    Very late sept 03 trip report in brief... sort of

    sept 15-28 we were at US/IOA for a full day (15th) and spent the night at Hard Rock, checked into CBR the next day (16th) and spent the day at US/IOA and had dinner at planet hollywood then at WDW (since this is sept I have included the time of the late MK closings) 1. MK for a few...
  14. S

    Has anyone heard how sales are going for this new Fairytale Vacation Package?

    i didnt have much trouble at all we booked 12 nights in september at CBR didnt have to change dates or anything, and this was 2 days after the disney website went live to the public
  15. S

    Can Spaceship Earth be converted to another ride?

    I must say I have always reacted negatively to the idea of changing SE whenever I have seen this type topic BUT... the idea going fast up a similar spiral , slowing to view the animatronic scenes and then a "ToT" kind of plumett down the center !! never saw that before. that could work...
  16. S

    Car or plane?

    Auto We have always driven
  17. S

    Characters in the Parks

    negative, i wouldnt like to see that at all ick!
  18. S

    MGM good place to? ? ? ? ?

    I just want to chime in with a vote AGAINST sci fi mainly since they stoped serving burgers on the dinner menu >8O
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