Does this bother you?


New Member
This is ridiculous. The amount of snobbery coming from you guys is pathetic at best. Being a Know-It-All is more annoying than people who are trying to tell some stories and have fun while in line. Disney World does not belong to only those people who study its history day in and day out. It is for everyone. That is the spirit of Disney World as set out by Walt. I would rather listen to someone try to talk about things then listen to someone rhyme off every fact they have in their head and be so full of themselves that it makes people sick. Grow up people.
Being a Know-It-All is more annoying than people who are trying to tell some stories and have fun while in line.

It doesn't completely bother me when people are saying the wrong facts etc. And I don't usually try to correct them. I just let them say what they want, and if it's really outrageous I get a little chuckle out of it. But I dont think I'm better than them for knowing the trivia. I mean, not everyone is interested. I usually only feel the need to chime in when people actually ask a question.

There was one instance at Fantasmic, when I assume there was a video malfunction, since the videos were not showing up on the water. The woman behind me was saying "Oh, what happened?" So I turned around to suggest there was a technical issue. Just a split second later I over-hear her telling the people behind HER that someone must have injured themselves. Things like THAT I don't understand :confused:


New Member
But i thought people who know how many times the castle has been painted and how many CM's have worked on the Jungle Cruise pay a higher price for their admission?


I agree, the big2. Its best to let these instances go over your head.

The whole, "i can't tell you how many people always ask me if i'm a cast member" stuff is coated in cheddar too.

Its great to know something that others don't but keep it in perspective. If you were taking a tour of the ghiradelli factory in sanfran or a perfume factory in the carribean and said something you thought was correct and someone turned around annoyed that you were incorrect and set you straight.....see what i mean?

I know for a fact that everyone on these boards, like me, is ignorant to most of what is out there.

We'll never know everything, so giving the impression that we do is really counterproductive.


Ah, see, this is a great fear of mine. The information that I know I am 99% sure is true, but I would hate to be wrong and have someone catch me on it. I'd also hate to be correcting someone and then find out I'm wrong. I'd be so imbarrased.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind guests stating the wrong facts or stories. It is kinda funny to listen to and sometimes helped to lighten up a reeeeaallly long shift. And often times people who really want to know things right will ask somebody before spreading rumors. But what I don't like are people making up stories only to criticize or put a negative spin on things.
Too many times I've been in the parks and have heard people who are dissatisfied for some reason or another, and immediately assume that the reason that something went wrong was because __________(insert lies and negative assumptions here)


New Member
Originally posted by thebig2
This is ridiculous. The amount of snobbery coming from you guys .... I would rather listen to someone try to talk about things then listen to someone rhyme off every fact they have in their head...
*slaps thebig2 with wet mackerell* How many snobs do you know wield fish in combat? :animwink:

Personally I'm just having a laugh. :lol:

PS - I know what you mean about the anoraks. (I don't know - does the term "anorak" travel across to America?)


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by thebig2
This is ridiculous. The amount of snobbery coming from you guys is pathetic at best. Being a Know-It-All is more annoying than people who are trying to tell some stories and have fun while in line. Disney World does not belong to only those people who study its history day in and day out. It is for everyone. That is the spirit of Disney World as set out by Walt. I would rather listen to someone try to talk about things then listen to someone rhyme off every fact they have in their head and be so full of themselves that it makes people sick. Grow up people.
First of all, I said that I hardly ever correct them and when I do I do it as nicely as possible. How would you like to walk around sounding like an idiot and have no one help you out. It's like walking around with your zipper down and no one telling you and when you realize it you also realize half the world saw your underwear. I also never said Disney World only belongs "to only those people who study its history day in and day out." (which by the way I do not do--I doubt there are many that do without getting paid). I don't "rhyme off every fact I have in my head" and I'm not full of myself either. I also don't stand in line loud talking to the people around me like a big shot which is the type of people I was referring to. I'm not talking about someone having a normal level conversation with the person next to them.
Sounds like you're taking personal offense to this thread and you yourself need to grow up. If you couldn't relate to what we were talking about you didn't need to respond, especially in such a rude way.


Active Member
Originally posted by thebig2
This is ridiculous. The amount of snobbery coming from you guys is pathetic at best. Being a Know-It-All is more annoying than people who are trying to tell some stories and have fun while in line. Disney World does not belong to only those people who study its history day in and day out. It is for everyone. That is the spirit of Disney World as set out by Walt. I would rather listen to someone try to talk about things then listen to someone rhyme off every fact they have in their head and be so full of themselves that it makes people sick. Grow up people.

NOW who's trying to be a know-it-all? I take more offense to YOUR attitude than those that have written. I did not get the impression that anyone was trying to go around the parks distributing information to the masses, but rather to those who become so annoying when spouting off INCORRECT information.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by David
NOW who's trying to be a know-it-all? I take more offense to YOUR attitude than those that have written. I did not get the impression that anyone was trying to go around the parks distributing information to the masses, but rather to those who become so annoying when spouting off INCORRECT information.
THANK YOU. That was the point.


Well-Known Member
I didnt mean to use arrogant in a negative way but some people demeen ( I cant spell tonight ) others because they think more and thats what I have a problem with.


New Member
Originally posted by agdbeanie
How would you like to walk around sounding like an idiot and have no one help you out. If you couldn't relate to what we were talking about you didn't need to respond, especially in such a rude way.


I think this attitude is what thebig2 was referring to and i saw as well.

The reality is, YOU see them as an "idiot." Someone doesn't open their mouth and expresses a thought knowing that someone who defines themself as not an "idiot" is going to interrupt them and "correct" them.

I'll be sure to email you to join us the next time i leave the house so you can deal with all the "idiots" that are out there.

All you're doing with this attitude is trying to place yourself on a higher plain than those around you. But as i said in my last post in this thread, we're all naive to most things we could store in our little brains. The fact that you bothered to create this thread speaks to this fact.

Its nice to say you said it in a nice way, but that's nuance that can be easily manufactured after the fact. But using terms like "idiot" and telling people who have a different attitude than yours not to respond tell the true story about how you feel.

Like someone's story about Fantasmic, they let that person know what they'd missed on what happened but they didn't create a thread about the people then saying something different to the people behind them.

The irony is you see someone's opinion as being rude. Yet your thread is about you telling someone else your opinion and not considering whether or not that person would want your opinion.


Well-Known Member
How would you like to walk around sounding like an idiot and have no one help you out

You know people are really happy walking around like that I see no reason to change that :)

If someone wants to ask me questions thats fine but I would never stop someone to tell them anything. ( unless it was for their safety )


New Member
Many times, the people who don't know may be new to the parks. They may be in awe, overwhelmed, and telling stories that aren't quite right, but so what?

Again, I understand the initial impulse to correct them, but as I said earlier they paid to be in the park and have the right to experience it their own way. I don't really think we have the right to judge if they look like an idiot or not, and even if they do, it's no one's business to correct them. Just let the folks have fun - most people don't care about knowing all of the facts or having them right.

It's a conversation between guests that are visiting together and no one else. Even if they say the castle can be disassembled in a hurricane, the monorail will be expanded to run throught the Swan and Dolphin, and the ground has been broken on the 5th gate :lol:, just let them be.

People correcting and interuptting will take away from their own magic. If they want to believe that all these great improvements and changes are going to take place, what's the harm in it? They are just having a good time.

Anyway, that's my take :wave:


New Member
Glad to see most people share my feelings. It's like your the rich snobby girl in high school who looks down on people because their clothes aren't Hilfiger and their shoes aren't Gucci. People are there to have a good time and to look around and say, oh my Gawd that person is an idiot, they don't know anything, is pretty lame. People go there to have fun and spout off things they heard from a friend who heard it from their friend. They tell their families these stories and they say WOW!!!! and everyone is happy. Why does that make them dumb? Makes no sense to me. They aren't there to pass the Disney fan exam, just to ride the rides and soak up the magic. Maybe you should worry about your own trip and not others.


But mgm IS in Universal!!!

Originally posted by FanofDinsey1981

I finally, after 14 minutes and 3 seconds of listening to that garbage language, turned and pardoned myself for interupting. I said that Tower of Terror was in fact at MGM studios, and that their children must be a certain height to get on, and since they were both quite small children, they would not be allowed on.

He then insisted I was wrong, and told me that MGM was at Uinversal Studios. :rolleyes:

That is hilarious!!! I would have handed him a mgm park map (always carry spares)! He is an IDIOT!!!:p


Account Suspended
Originally posted by lebernadin

I think this attitude is what thebig2 was referring to and i saw as well.

The reality is, YOU see them as an "idiot." Someone doesn't open their mouth and expresses a thought knowing that someone who defines themself as not an "idiot" is going to interrupt them and "correct" them.

I'll be sure to email you to join us the next time i leave the house so you can deal with all the "idiots" that are out there.

All you're doing with this attitude is trying to place yourself on a higher plain than those around you. But as i said in my last post in this thread, we're all naive to most things we could store in our little brains. The fact that you bothered to create this thread speaks to this fact.

Its nice to say you said it in a nice way, but that's nuance that can be easily manufactured after the fact. But using terms like "idiot" and telling people who have a different attitude than yours not to respond tell the true story about how you feel.

Like someone's story about Fantasmic, they let that person know what they'd missed on what happened but they didn't create a thread about the people then saying something different to the people behind them.

The irony is you see someone's opinion as being rude. Yet your thread is about you telling someone else your opinion and not considering whether or not that person would want your opinion.

Well said!!!!

This topic really struck a chord with me. It reminded me of something that happened to me several years ago...

I had brought a date to Six Flags and we were standing in a pretty long line for one of the big roller coasters. To kill time, I decided to tell her about this really cool Star Trek episode I had just seen. I don't remember the exact episode, but I remember it was one of the Next Generation episodes involving the Borg. Anyway, as I was telling the story, I apparently had some minor insignificant detail wrong. There were some hardcore Trek fans within earshot and they decided to correct me in front of her. The thing is, the detail that I had wrong wasn't significant to the story, but to these hardcore know-it-alls, it was. They proceeded to talk to me like I was some kind of idiot for not having my "facts straight". I found it to be really degrading and rude.

The thing is, I enjoy watching Star Trek, but I'm far from being an "expert" on it. But those people made me feel as though I couldn't just enjoy an episode without knowing all the intimate facts in precise detail. Luckily, my date and I both brushed it off as just some "geeks" taking it way too seriously. I would imagine that's the same reaction most guests have when a hardcore Disney buff corrects them on something that doesn't really matter.


New Member
Original Poster
Obviously some of you have blown this way out of proportion.
I was asking if it was annoying to anyone else to stand in line next to LOUD talkers spouting off obviously wrong information.
I wasn't asking if you think it's right to correct them. I even said that I hardly ever correct them. I've said something to people MAYBE TWICE out of the hundred times I've experienced this. When I did it was in a nice way and they were interested to know the info. I've never had someone call me a snob or act ugly about it. The only time another guest has been rude to me in line was when that guy at IASW called me a liar when I told him I didn't have a fast pass for IASW b/c there are no fast passes for that ride---and he's the one that initiated the conversation with me. I mentioned that story in an earlier post.
Again let me reiterate---LOUD talkers. I don't deliberately listen on people's conversations in order to call them out on their mistakes. That would be low-class and rude.
You know, a lot of people enjoy talking to the people in line around them, I know I do when they're nice and most of the time we talk about where everyone's from or whatever. At the parks, I only talk to people that seem approachable or that initiate conversation with me.
Maybe it's clear to you now, maybe not. Either way you need to stop blowing this thing out of proportion.

Just a reminder of the original question for those who want to get over this little controvery...

Do you ever notice LOUD talkers around you in line talking very LOUDLY about WDW, but getting the facts wrong?


New Member
Originally posted by agdbeanie
Just a reminder of the original question for those who want to get over this little controvery...

Do you ever notice LOUD talkers around you in line talking very LOUDLY about WDW, but getting the facts wrong? [/B]

haha yea , I think its great. Its always a chuckle to hear what the "misinformed" have to say. one of my favorites is the "MgM is at universal" another is people thinking the ToT is a real hotel


I have a few examples of this:

(Two guys talking to each other on a bus)
"How much does this place cost to run in a year?"
"About $80,000."

One more:

(by the Mission: Space building, in guest previews at the time)
"This is where that ride about Communications used to be."
"But the big ball it was in is over there"
"Yeah, people liked the ball so they kept it, moved it over there and put a roller coaster inside"

I normally just start talking loudly to my family about the correct version of the story, to see if they pick it up. :lol:

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