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  1. D

    World of Color?

    I had no idea there were so many different versions of that song. Here's another one. To me it sounds more like the version in Steve's presentation, but it's probably a little slower. It starts 2:50 into the video. 5qvNrHmacO4
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    The Haunted Mansion's Hat Box Ghost...?

    Does anyone know why they designed the MK mansion facade the way they did? It always seemed strange to me that we don't enter the mansion through the front door and use that random side entrance. Also, has anyone noticed that the facade looks fake when you get up close to it? The green...
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    The Haunted Mansion's Hat Box Ghost...?

    I like the fact that I can stop and watch the portraits change and see the busts follow me as I move back and forth. It used to freak me out as a child. :eek:
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    Disneyland guide for WDW regular?

    Some of the folks over at Disboards have put together a pretty good listing of info to help plan a trip to DLR Here's a direct link to Hydroguy's DLR guide for WDW vets Hope this helps :wave:
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    Inside WDW new space mountain 11/10/09

    I'm not saying anyone's opinion holds more weight. I'm just saying I don't understand the logic behind that opinion. Esp at this point when all we've seen are a few pictures of the queue.
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    Inside WDW new space mountain 11/10/09

    Well when that person is basically saying that a refurbrished Ford Taurus is better than a top of the line, brand new luxury sedan then is a little hard to comprehend. Wow, after reading this thread I think the wrong space mountain got the refurb, lol. So let me get this...
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    Space Mountain Heading to the Scrap Heap :)

    I wish people here would stop using this logic as an excuse for why it's ok for attractions in WDW to suck compared to Disneyland. It's simply not true. At least not to the extent that it's protrayed in these boards. Yes WDW has more international visitors than DL, but DL is still the second...
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    Space Mountain Heading to the Scrap Heap :)

    Space mountain is still over 3000 ft long which is a good sized coaster regardless of if you want to classify it as a wild mouse coaster. Most wild mouse coasters are only a few hundred feet long. Not to mention that there are two tracks here. I have a hard time believing that 7 months is...
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    DisneySea in Long Beach, CA?

    Blue Sky Disney had an article about Port Disney a few weeks ago...
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    WDW "local" visits DL

    Disneyland's has more, but you go by them so quickly that you may not notice them all. I also enjoy the music of the Disneyland version better and wish they had included the Burrow's Lament scene in the MK version. Also, for whatever reason the drops in the DL versioin seem more intense to me...
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