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  1. dfrolick

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    We head out today!!!! I am so excited. I hope work doesn't really expect me to do anything while I am here. LOL LOL LOL...."working" a half day!!!:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:(if you can call it work!!!)
  2. dfrolick

    $4 a gallon... we aren't going...

    Okay no cost of living raise, basic raises and then a pay cut. That stinks!!! I have to say I am very blessed and work for the state so we have be getting our bonuses but this is the first year I have not seen a cost of living increase. I am not complaining just surprised. With things as...
  3. dfrolick

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    We leave on Friday!!! WOO HOO I don't know who is more excited, us or the kids:ROFLOL:. My DH wanted me to get the bags packed starting last Friday.....we didn't even have the laundry ready!!!!:lol: Silly McSilly Head.
  4. dfrolick

    $4 a gallon... we aren't going...

    I don't think any of us like the current gas prices but like several people have noted, it ain't stoppin'!!! Personally, I think the fact that gas is going up DAILY/WEEKLY is a key factor here. When it goes up every week 5-10 cents that starts to add up over a months time. I really think the...
  5. dfrolick

    Hidden Mickeys and Where to Find Them (Pics!)

    Okay, I am obviously blind but where is the darn mickey in the viking ship picture. One year my DH and I must have stood their for an hour looking through that mural and couldn't find it. Here you have narrowed it down and I still don't see it!!! HELP:shrug:!!!
  6. dfrolick

    WDW Food Picture of the Day

    EXDISNEYEMPLOYE - :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:I didn't want to negate the rides because I wasn't sure if anyone else went for the food too!!! :zipit: See you at Disney in the food courts and restaurants!!! I will be the one with the desert tray!!!:slurp::slurp::slurp:
  7. dfrolick

    WDW Food Picture of the Day

    OH MY....Now that I have gained a few eye pounds, and I don't need poundage anywhere!!!:ROFLOL: See, Disney isn't just about the rides and parks, the food is amazing. You can experience so many different cultures and types of food. It is an experience all to it's own. That is why this time...
  8. dfrolick


    I apologize in advance if this has already been posted but does anyone know or have you seen Wall-E in the parks yet? I saw the YouTube about the new little robot and didn't know if he was already visiting Disney World? I kids already love that little robot just from the commercials!!!:ROFLOL:
  9. dfrolick

    Contemporary Tidbits 5/25/08

    Great pics, thank you so much for sharing. I cannot wait to see it when I go in another week!!!
  10. dfrolick

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    We are also down to the single digit dance!!! 9 days and counting!!!
  11. dfrolick

    Restaurant Surprises?

    It is a tradition that every time we go to Disney World the first thing we do, after check -in, is go to Nine Dragons. This year, however, it will be closed for rennovations. We were so heart broke when we found out but have booked our 2nd favorite, Japan, as a replacement. I am sorry if I...
  12. dfrolick

    WDW Picture of the Day (Part 3)

    There is nothing like some great photos to give you your daily Disney fix!!! Thank you so much for sharing everyone!!!:sohappy:
  13. dfrolick

    New DHS Park Map debuting on the 31st

    The Pixar section does look very closed in (the brick wall also surprised me). From the pictures everyone has been posting I just thought it was a bigger section. BUT, we have to remember great things come in small packages :D. Can you tell we are really pumped about the TSM ride??? I was...
  14. dfrolick

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    WOO and HOO.... down to 14 days here. I don't know who is more excited Daddy, Mommy or the 6 and 4 year old!!!!!:ROFLOL::lol::ROFLOL::lol::ROFLOL::lol:
  15. dfrolick

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    18 and counting here!!! Already have the suitcases out and starting to pack. Have to start early you know!!! :ROFLOL: Denise _______________
  16. dfrolick

    Bibbiti Bobbiti Boutique Question

    Fire 1831 - You mentioned something about preordering your Photopass for a $25 discount. Can you please elaborate on this? If I could save a little I would love too!! Thanks to everyone for the posts. At least I know we can purchase the Giselle dress there and then she can just take it in...
  17. dfrolick

    Bibbiti Bobbiti Boutique Question

    I saw them at my Disneystore too. I may just get it here and take it to be on the safe side. Thank you for your reply.
  18. dfrolick

    Bibbiti Bobbiti Boutique Question

    Hello everyone....Please let me say first and foremost that this site is amazing. I have been visiting Disney World for years and wish I would have found this site earlier. The information is wonderful. Now to my question. We will be going to Disney World in June and taking our two little...
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