$4 a gallon... we aren't going...


New Member
This is not Disney's fault. But at $4 per gallon, the difference in going to Disney right now is unbelievable. The total gas cost difference for us is the price of our food for the week.

I would like to know if anyone else has decided that the price of Gas has put Disney out of the loop for this year.
Look on the brightside, gas would get lower the further south you get. Here in Texas it's only around $3.45...saves you a little $$$


New Member
I don't think any of us like the current gas prices but like several people have noted, it ain't stoppin'!!!

Personally, I think the fact that gas is going up DAILY/WEEKLY is a key factor here. When it goes up every week 5-10 cents that starts to add up over a months time. I really think the speed at which fuel costs are going up is a huge factor. It is hard to budget for the increase when it changes CONSTANTLY!!!:mad:



Germany is approximately the size of Wisconsin.. definitely not as big as say Wisconsin and Minnesota combined.. meaning that for that $8 in gas you can easily drive across the state, or in this case the whole country.

lets put things in real perspective.

Not sure what your point is here...should smaller countries pay more in gas? If so then the US should be paying more than Canada because you could drive across your country using less gas than I can drive across mine yet I pay about $2.00 a gallon more than you do.


New Member
I don't think any of us like the current gas prices but like several people have noted, it ain't stoppin'!!!

Personally, I think the fact that gas is going up DAILY/WEEKLY is a key factor here. When it goes up every week 5-10 cents that starts to add up over a months time. I really think the speed at which fuel costs are going up is a huge factor. It is hard to budget for the increase when it changes CONSTANTLY!!!:mad:


I don't know but I would like one.............. LOL My company had a terrible year last year and there were no bonuses or raises the first of the year. First time in 16 years....... :(

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member

I don't know but I would like one.............. LOL My company had a terrible year last year and there were no bonuses or raises the first of the year. First time in 16 years....... :(
I am in the same boat. This will be the 3rd year without raises, the second without bonuses and we all received a 10% pay cut a few months ago.


I am in the same boat. This will be the 3rd year without raises, the second without bonuses and we all received a 10% pay cut a few months ago.

So sorry to hear about the pay cut. I was upset about the lack of bonus for people but a pay cut at a time like this when the cost of everyday items...gas, bread, almost everything...is going up must have been hard to take.

I'm in the process of trying to negotiate a raise, it's been so long since I've had one I'm debating leaving for another job but I don't know if I'll be in any better postion at a new job.


New Member
Okay no cost of living raise, basic raises and then a pay cut. That stinks!!!

I have to say I am very blessed and work for the state so we have be getting our bonuses but this is the first year I have not seen a cost of living increase. I am not complaining just surprised. With things as they are I just feel very fortunate to have a job, co-workers to carpool with (65 miles a day!!!) and the ability to go to WDW!!!!


Active Member
Look on the brightside, gas would get lower the further south you get. Here in Texas it's only around $3.45...saves you a little $$$

Not rue. I live in Fort Myers Florida which is south of Orlando I paid 3.97 to fill my tank up yesterday. I just checked and there are places in orlando that gas is cheaper than that. I am glad I live relatively close to Disney about 160 miles or 2 and a half hours... I look at it this way. the price of gas will not effect my trips to Disney. It basically means one night I don't spend in downtown Disney


Well-Known Member
Here in Indy we have been at 3.99 for weeks. Most likely due to the race (Indy 500) and the fact that we had all these visitors here form all over the world that we had to rip off. Some days we have had 25 cent increases. May 6th (our primary election day) I paid 3.60 a gallon, the next morning on my way into work it was 3.85. Now tell me this....oil is not traded(in the US markets) thru the night so how did gas go up that much?? We are being ripped off by spectulators who trade on the futures of oil prices, as well as oil companies. I have cut back DRASTICALLY on things just to stay ahead. We don't ever eat a meal out anymore, we walk everywhere we can, we don't shop for extras and I have been clipping coupons to make money go farther. We are okay but it is frustrating to know that all of this is happening because some one , who is greedy, is making a huge profit. There is no shortage of oil, only a market that is easliy manipulated to create huge profits.


Well-Known Member
Germany is approximately the size of Wisconsin.. definitely not as big as say Wisconsin and Minnesota combined.. meaning that for that $8 in gas you can easily drive across the state, or in this case the whole country.

lets put things in real perspective.

That's a real nice welcome to someone from Germany who just posted his/her first post.

You know, I felt bad for your plight in the beginning but it sounds like this thread is your "personal crusade" - you are both bitter and rude.



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I have sufficient income to be comfortable. The price of gas is not something I take lightly, but it also doesn't significantly impact my decisions on whether or when I go to WDW. I have always budgeted well and have never had more debt than I could instantly cover with available assets. WDW is a choice, I choose to sacrifice other things before sacrificing my visits there. If I reach the point where there aren't other things to sacrifice, then I'll stop going as much and maybe if it's bad enough, stop going entirely.

If some people have reached the level that they have to forgo WDW, I feel for them. Life is full of hard decisions, better to make the right one than go into unrecoverable debt.

People losing their jobs as a result of gas prices is not something I have any control over. Do I care? Yes. Will it impact my day-to-day existence? Not so much.


This is not Disney's fault. But at $4 per gallon, the difference in going to Disney right now is unbelievable. The total gas cost difference for us is the price of our food for the week.

I would like to know if anyone else has decided that the price of Gas has put Disney out of the loop for this year.

$4 a gallon = £2.

Over here its £1.30 per litre for diesel. that works out at $11.80 per gallon approximately.

And you reckon you get it tough??


Well-Known Member

You talk about priorities, but yet you are the one that started the whole "woe is me, I can't go to Disney World." Sorry, but that sounds like you don't have an issue with priorities, but entitlement. Face it, WDW is a luxury, not a necessity. For us driving 1000 miles, the cost of gas has added maybe $150 to our trip. If I can't afford that $150, how was I going to afford the $2000+ for the vacation to begin with?

Does the cost of gas affect us? Sure, my 50 mile RT commute each day takes gas. But if it was causing me to re-think what I could buy (groceries, clothes, housing, etc) then the last thing on my mind would be a luxury such as a trip to WDW. Quite honestly, it sounds like you are the one that should get the priorities lecture. :wave:

You have no reason to apologize at all...

He is the one who started the thread complaining because he can not go to WDW yet gives you a lecture on priorities and values and whatever...:rolleyes:

Seems to me like his biggest problem about gas being so high in his first post was the fact that he had to cancel his trip..and not about people losing jobs and food and other things being priced so high.

Some people do not have to worry about the price of gas or other things because they can afford things and not worry..and whether it is because they work hard and earn that money themselves or have it given to them..it is really no buisness of ours.

Started not only this thread to complain, but apparently, a thread on another forum as well.

It is unfortunate that gas prices are putting some people in a bind, but I guess, quite simply, sometimes that's the way things go. I don't think it's fair to criticize those who are financially better off than you--just as they don't understand your circumstances, you don't understand theirs. If someone's gas is paid by their company, there is probably a different benefit they aren't receiving, or *gasp* maybe they deserve it.

The two above posters have made the point well, as have others; you just seem to ignore logic while playing the victim card.


Gas Prices Suck...

But the fact is we all make choices in life...
Im a letter carrier down hear in miami, and i chose to live in a area of miami where im able to take advantage of public transportation to get to work...From a young age i decided not to be a part of the Money Pit that is gas based transportation. So im still able to travel ( not as much) but still frequently. The fact is that we are going to look at the 4$ rate as being prety low next year, so we all have to become creative if we still want to enjoy ourselves. A good friend of mine is in the process of having his vehicle converted in to a plug in electric, its going to cost him about the price of a brand new car, but in the long run he will be saving on gas, and maintenence. Well those are my two cents, And by the way The post office pays $1.90 a gallon for there gas. Two bad everybody cant huh?


Well-Known Member
Started not only this thread to complain, but apparently, a thread on another forum as well.

It is unfortunate that gas prices are putting some people in a bind, but I guess, quite simply, sometimes that's the way things go. I don't think it's fair to criticize those who are financially better off than you--just as they don't understand your circumstances, you don't understand theirs. If someone's gas is paid by their company, there is probably a different benefit they aren't receiving, or *gasp* maybe they deserve it.

The two above posters have made the point well, as have others; you just seem to ignore logic while playing the victim card.

That's a real nice welcome to someone from Germany who just posted his/her first post.

You know, I felt bad for your plight in the beginning but it sounds like this thread is your "personal crusade" - you are both bitter and rude.


Quoting these posts for truth. "Personal crusade" is an ideal phrase!

Seriously sorry about your plight, but knock off the hissy fit. I'm sure many of us "understand", we're just dealing with it accordingly.


Hi there,
i´m realy sorry about the gas price and the followings but just keep in mind that you all fare away from my point: This morning I had to pay 8,66 for 1 gal. regular gas!!! I think that is really bad!!!:eek:
Greetings to all of you from germany:wave:

Hi Steffen...welcome to the boards. :wave: Just when someone here thinks they pay alot for gas we're always finding someone that pays more...doesn't seem like it's ever going to end


Well-Known Member
$4 a gallon = £2.

Over here its £1.30 per litre for diesel. that works out at $11.80 per gallon approximately.

And you reckon you get it tough??

I think that no matter where we are..someone is having it tough.

To the op $4 a gal is tough..to you $11.80 a gal is tough..

This is not about who has the most expensive gas and then they win..:brick:

People keep comparing and saying.."well we have it worse here" and "You should try living here because it is higher here"...it seems to me that no matter where people are someone is having it tough and some are not being affected at all.

The point is gas is high..people are all doing different things because of it and some are not doing anything at all different.

Whether someone has to cancel a trip because of gas or buy a smaller car or whether people keep going on trips and keep their bigger cars is really none of anyones buisness.

This whole thread has turned into something ridiculous...


I think that no matter where we are..someone is having it tough.

To the op $4 a gal is tough..to you $11.80 a gal is tough..

This is not about who has the most expensive gas and then they win..:brick:

People keep comparing and saying.."well we have it worse here" and "You should try living here because it is higher here"...it seems to me that no matter where people are someone is having it tough and some are not being affected at all.

The point is gas is high..people are all doing different things because of it and some are not doing anything at all different.

Whether someone has to cancel a trip because of gas or buy a smaller car or whether people keep going on trips and keep their bigger cars is really none of anyones buisness.

This whoe thread has turned into something ridiculous...

I don't think anyone is trying to "win" in this situation but it can put things into perspective for some. I cancelled a trip earlier due to finances and other issues that couldn't be helped but finding out that I would be paying $2.00 less per gallon driving in the US makes me wonder if I should look into a lengthy road trip instead of flying to Disney in the next year

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