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  1. K

    Jungle Cruise Skippers act out ride

    I posted this in cast member appreciation but also wanted to post it here because these cast members all deserve a round of applause. Yesterday evening (August 12) there was strong storm coming through the area and it caused the closure of many rides. Well for a while it was just some stray...
  2. K

    Jungle Cruise Skippers!!

    Just got back today from a trip to the world and I had to come here and post this. Yesterday evening (August 12) there was strong storm coming through the area and caused the closure of many rides. Well for a while it was just some stray lightning and thunder so the skippers at the jungle cruise...
  3. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    Thanks glad you enjoyed it!! And yeah it stinks but I'll always remember this trip!! Considering it's a garden view I think its great deal, and it was in a great location close to the lobby and it only took a few minutes to get to the pool and boat launch. Thanks I like taking photos, I'm...
  4. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    August 9th- The Last Day :( Today was our last day of vacation and we were not ready to leave, but then again who ever wants to leave?? We started off with a later breakfast at Kona's, I figured I was going to have Tonga Toast for my last day hoping it would hold me over till our next visit...
  5. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    We took a nap, got some lunch, and packed some of our stuff up :( The weather had cleared up so we decided to take a walk on the pathway to Grand Floridian. We explored the Grand Floridian for awhile, the last time we stayed here I was about 13 but we always go back to explore. I...
  6. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    August 8th- Magic Kingdom As you can probably figure out by now we are Magic Kingdom girls, it's our favorite park and we are usually perfectly content just sitting on a bench on main street and soaking up the sights and sounds. But today was our last full day so we were gonna do it all...
  7. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    Thanks for reading!! I know I was so excited to finally see it!!! Me and my sister are 5 years apart but we are extremely close, I know its corny but she really is my best friend. Luckily for us we were never dressed like Minnie together but my mom did always like to fine us matching outfits...
  8. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    August 7th- Chef Mickeys, Animal Kingdom, DTD, Poly Beach. Woke up at 6:30 for our 7:30 Reservation at Chef Mickeys. We got onto the monorail at 7:00 for what should have been a 10 minute ride… Well there was traffic lots of it and we got there at 7:45!! Let it be known I HATE being late, it...
  9. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    Haha yeah all the sudden half way through the first day I was like ahh I haven't taken any pictures!!!!! Thanks glad your enjoying it!!
  10. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    August 6th- DHS, Nap at Poly, and Magic Kingdom We woke up early and ate breakfast at Captain Cooks, I had Tonga Toast Yumm :) And then it was off to Hollywood Studios to ride Toy Story Midway Mania. The park just opened and the line was already down the street in Pixar Place. It was insane...
  11. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    We had never been to the boardwalk and I have to say it was a beautiful resort. Great for photos: I had a delicious sandwich and my sister had a salad from the Bakery and we sat outside on the boardwalk and enjoyed our meal. We then headed back to EPCOT We then literally...
  12. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    We got back to the resort, changed, and went to get some lunch at Captain Cooks, we then took our lunch to a quiet almost private beach behind Fiji, we were the only ones there and it was great. The Aloha Dinner Show was doing a sound check so we had the music playing behind us and a great view...
  13. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    August 5th- Magic Kingdom Morning, EPCOT, Boardwalk Resort, and back to EPCOT. Up at 6:30 for breakfast at O'Hana's at 7:30 which was delicious I love breakfast at O'Hana's its always one of our favorites. We then hopped on the monorail and headed over to the magic kingdom, where we rode...
  14. K

    August Trip Report the 4th-9th

    So I know this is about 2 months late but I've been having Disney withdrawals really bad so I figured I'll just relive my trip with this report!! So enjoy!! Dates: August 4-9 Where: Polynesian Resort The cast: Me (24) My Sister (19) Backstory: This was probably about my 15th trip to the...
  15. K

    Who all has stayed in the standard garden view rooms at Polynesian?

    Last summer my family and I stayed at the Poly, it was a room on the third floor of Rapa Nui and we had a monorail view. Our only complaint was that Rapa Nui was really far away from the GCH but then again walking back from the Marina to the hotel at night was also one of my favorite memories...
  16. K

    Duggars 1st grandchild arrives

    I think everyone has valid points it really is a tricky waters to navigate when talking about The Duggers. The thing about the older kids helping to raise the younger is to them thats the normal, thats how they live and were raised. To the rest of us it seems odd but in all honesty who are we to...
  17. K

    My first trip report July 28-August 2

    Thanks for all the comments, and I plan on making my own version of that juice soon!! Day 3- Magic Kingdom, Pool We woke up the next morning ready for our first visit to Kona, I had been reading about the Tonga Toast for the past 4 years and couldn't wait to try it!! It was amazing...
  18. K

    My first trip report July 28-August 2

    Here are some pics of the World Showcase: this was during the storm at the Grand Floridian
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