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  1. Surge38

    Frozen ride replacing Maelstrom?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the "Agent P on a stick thing" another example of "inappropriately adding a cartoon character?" To me this is more akin to what I said earlier about using popular cartoon characters to get kids into the learning. Call it a spoonfull of sugar :)
  2. Surge38

    Best website to visit when you get the WDW blues?

    Get yourself a copy of roller coaster tycoon 3, and design your own disney park :)
  3. Surge38

    Frozen ride replacing Maelstrom?

    oooooo, Interesting Idea. Where would you put it though, since it represents every country?
  4. Surge38

    Unmagical Day at the Magic Kingdom

    Ok I have to admit, this post continues to fascinate me. I was thinking about it all last night, and would like to offer you fine folks some very interesting deductions I've made by reading between the lines here. Everybody neat and pretty? Then on with the show!!! "... I have Disney...
  5. Surge38

    Frozen ride replacing Maelstrom?

    Well, I'm forced to agree here. Going from west to east around the Lagoon, it does feel as if the rides suddenly STOP. All the pavillians have to offer past norway are shops, food, and the occasional old movie. Perhaps if the entire showcase was less unbalanced it feel like as much of a problem.
  6. Surge38

    Most Annoying Guest Behavior

    I find that oddly hilarious, especially since we're from Boston. Coming down from a "Boston February" we should have exploded into flames before we could see our first palm tree.
  7. Surge38

    Frozen ride replacing Maelstrom?

    "I don't have an issue with integrating a character with a pavilion in a limited manner. I do have an issue with removing the cultural experiences because "your kid seems restless". It is here we agree. I'm not for removing ANY cultural experience. I simply do not feel that "integrating a...
  8. Surge38

    Frozen ride replacing Maelstrom?

    Ok, never let it be said that I'm adverse to new ideas or solutions different from my own... How would you improve the "all ages appeal" of World showcase, given the opportunity?
  9. Surge38

    Frozen ride replacing Maelstrom?

    Well, that's just it. I wouldn't take my 2 and 7 year olds to France, and think they would enjoy it as much as me. PLEASE don't get me wrong...on our honeymoon we adored the World showcase. I'm just saying i personally don't feel that Belle reading a book in front of France cripples the...
  10. Surge38

    Frozen ride replacing Maelstrom?

    True enough...but perhaps if they ADDED Chicken and fries to the menu for kids, so that the Parents could have what THEY wanted? A happy medium?
  11. Surge38

    Most Annoying Guest Behavior

    Nope, they were Americans. Probably late 20s, early 30s, each with a GIANT backback strapped to them. I'm curious...why do you ask?
  12. Surge38

    Frozen ride replacing Maelstrom?

    I'm sure I may take heat for this, and I know this point has been alluded to already in this thread, but... As a parent taking my 7 and 2 year old daughters to Disney, I have to say the world showcase was a tough sell for them. In fact this past trip (end of Feb) we had to skip the vast...
  13. Surge38

    Most Annoying Guest Behavior

    Well, after this past months trip, I have an annoying guest behavior I can add... We were in line for our FIRST ride of the trip (and my littlest's first ride EVER) and the family in front of us in line (two adults, 3 young kids) were putting on sunscreen. I figured "ok, not really that much...
  14. Surge38

    Unmagical Day at the Magic Kingdom

    "If you refuse to do anything to make this right, any future visits to theme parks for my family will be spent at Universal Studios or Busch Gardens. And I meanmorethan a half-hearted apology and an eye roll!" aaaaaaand here it is RIGHT here. The reason that this "lady" is flooding every...
  15. Surge38

    Most Annoying Guest Behavior

    I'm just curious, for all the people who talk about "people who ram others with strollers," how do you feel about the folks on this thread who say they "push through people who stop suddenly and block traffic?" So if I have a stroller and you stop in front of me and block traffic, THEN is it...
  16. Surge38

    Epcot's Frozen meet and greet to offer extended hours

    what about if they pulled a Dreamfinder/Figment with Kristoff/Olaf? Kristoff could be a face character carrying Olaf around...the arm carrying Olaf would be fake, as the CM's real arm would be operating Olaf as a puppet....
  17. Surge38

    How can people justify going often?

    You know what, original poster? You are absolutely right. I've been wasting my vacations!! Well, no more, no sir! Next year, my family wil go to...Hawwaii! A tropical island getaway...(Polynesian Resort) Then the year after that, how about a tour of Europe? (Epcot World Showcase) The next...
  18. Surge38

    Frozen...Google Translated!

    Just for fun, I tried the same thing.... Shining white mountain snow today May not have any symptoms. Some government And, of course , I was the queen Crying spinning storm Can not be stored ; God knows I 've tried Do not let them Do not let you see Is a good girl , always Found that skin Do...
  19. Surge38

    Frozen...Google Translated!

    This is the best thing I've ever seen... Apparently, if you run the lyrics to "Let it go" through Google translate a dozen or so times through different languages, and then BACK to English, you get something alot different....
  20. Surge38

    Disney veterans..what still makes you feel like a kid again when you go???

    Disney ALWAYS makes me feel like a kid again, it's part of the whole experience... however, if I had to pick ONE thing, its seeing the reaction on the face of my daughters. and on this next trip, it will be my littlest one's first time. She's 2...just as old as her bigger sister was LAST time...
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