Most Annoying Guest Behavior


Well-Known Member
More of a pet peeve story:

Last trip, I went to take my son to the bathroom. He uses a WC. We went to the companion restroom in the expansion, but, after waiting outside for over 10min, we gave up and went into the women's restroom right there. That restroom has many regular stalls, a few slightly bigger, and 1 WC stall. We went to the WC stall. There was a woman with a stroller standing two doors down from it. Didn't think much of her. The stall was occupied by a mom with a stroller. When she came out, I held the door for her then let my son go in in his chair. The other woman got ticked and said I skipped her. I said I'm sorry, but I didn't know you were waiting. She claimed she had to use that stall because of her baby was with her. I said to her, "Well, this is a handicapped stall. It has a sign on it for WC users, but I will make my child come out for you." Realizing this made her look bad but being to prideful to just shut up, she continued to YELL at me that I didn't need to make him come out BUT she had her stroller and couldn't leave her baby outside of the stall. I told her that she wasn't the only person in the park with an infant. That's why there are stalls like that one (me pointing to the EMPTY slightly larger NOT MARKED HANDICAPPED, not WC accessible stall). This wasn't good enough so I told my son to just come out of the stall and let the grown woman use the toilet before him. She says I was being rude by making him come out as she proceeds to walk into the stall. At this point, the CM that was cleaning the bathrooms got involved and told the woman she didn't have a WC and the stall was marked for WC users and for her to use the unmarked stall (big enough for a stroller but not for a WC and lacking grab bars). She continued to YELL at us both! The CM stood in front of the stall and refused to allow her in it and told my son to go back in. She continued ranting. At that point, I started to get heated. I said to her,"Are you really going to stand there screaming and yelling that your big ADULT [behind] has to yield a HANDICAP stall to a handicap CHILD because you feel your need to pee with your baby is more important than a child?! How about you do what everyone else does and LEAVE THE BABY WITH THE REST OF YOUR PARTY?! Better yet, use the [darn] stall RIGHT THERE that's made for people like you?! Are you kidding me?!" The CM flat out told her to use the other stall, use a smaller stall, or just leave. Later, we come out of the restroom to her telling the story to her party of EIGHT ADULTS. Seriously?! lol

So, in short, my pet peeve is people using handicap stalls that aren't handicapped. I can understand when a restroom is full and it's the only stall available, but, like in this case, when the majority of the bathroom is empty, just don't. You don't need the space to take a private poop. Just remember, while it just seems like a roomier stall for you, for many in the population, it's the only stall they can use. Children with little bladders are apart of that population. My son is 8 and gets annoyed with this, not just at disney. Normally, I wouldn't have confronted a person like that, but I have to remember that I am his voice and advocate. That was the first time I've done something like that. lol. Usually, I get annoyed but say nothing and complain to my husband later. I was very appreciative of the CM that stepped in.

ETA- That also includes the companion bathroom. It's not for private pooping. It's for the disabled who require assistance to maneuver onto a toilet.


Well-Known Member
;)the most annoying guest behavior is when everyone else there refuses to accept that the world revolves around me. That the pathways should part like Moses. Everyone should clear out of the lines so that I can walk right on. I get front row seating to every parade and nightshow with my view totally unblocked. Best food and service at every restaurant. Private transportation for me all around the parks. And so on and so sure does annoy me when people don't accept that. ;):)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so confession time.

I have taken flash pictures on dark rides, but only a couple and have learned the error of my ways.

I also have sat on a crowded bus back to the resort at park closing (but, it was the first time I had sat down in quite some time) and on one occasion, joined in with everyone reciting the opening diakog in the Stretching Room in HM, but again, as absolutely everyone was doing it, I thought it would be OK.

Please do not judge me too harshly. Outside of these misdemeanours, I am quite the well behaved, rule abiding guest. I don't walk too slowly, I know what I want when I reach the head of a QS line, and I always have my payment ready. I don't chant either, and my personal hygiene is good (though I will be the only one in the park wearing long trousers, as I hate wearing shorts!)

You and my brother will be the only ones wearing long trousers...and def. NOT blue jeans for him. My whole family went at Christmas time to see Saving Mr. Banks...and all of a sudden our youngest daughter said in a semi loud voice because she was shocked...."Oh my GOSH! EVERYONE dressed like Uncle Charles back then!" when she saw how people dressed to go to DL back in the day. half the audience broke out in laughter.


Well-Known Member
For me there are lots of little things that could get to me but I'm a pretty laid back person so it boils down to 3.

1. Kids running around restaurants like they were playgrounds. I've raised 2 of my own to adulthood and take my now 10 y/o granddaughter so I know it can be done without hanging over the back of a booth, jumping while we're stuck seated on those long booth like connected benches, a strange kid literally hanging on the end of your table while it's parents eat thinking they're cute kind of thing. A waiter actually tried to send a toddler home with my sister and I when we were leaving wolfgang puck's one day. The kid was at our table THAT MUCH. The parents never once came over to get him, call to him etc... and he was 2- 2 1/2 max. I bet I could have easily made it to the door with him before they even noticed (scary).

2. CMs talking out of their a$$. If I ask them a question and they don't know the answer I wish they'd either say so (which I respect) or ask someone else who does.

3. Hub people at parade or fireworks time. They're unsafe, pushing, mean, obnoxious people. Sooooo not magical.


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious, for all the people who talk about "people who ram others with strollers," how do you feel about the folks on this thread who say they "push through people who stop suddenly and block traffic?"

So if I have a stroller and you stop in front of me and block traffic, THEN is it ok to ram my way through?

I only say this because, as a dad with 2 little girls, I found myself constantly on the OTHER side of the stroller debate: People would actually cut me and my daughter off from my wife, or refuse to let me by now matter how politely I said "excuse me"

I once had a guy almost knock the stroller OVER with my 2 year old daughter in it because we were in his way.

not trying to make a case for those who drive recklessly, or purposely use the stroller as a weapon...but some people have been HORRIBLE to us no matter how careful considerate or polite we are. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that some of them did so BECAUSE we had a stroller, and people with strollers in Disney are looked upon with disdain....

Everyone remembers Walt built the first park as a place for FAMILIES, right?

Agree 100%

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Obviously not, as Walt didn't build the park for strollers.

I should know....I was there.


Well-Known Member
;)the most annoying guest behavior is when everyone else there refuses to accept that the world revolves around me. That the pathways should part like Moses. Everyone should clear out of the lines so that I can walk right on. I get front row seating to every parade and nightshow with my view totally unblocked. Best food and service at every restaurant. Private transportation for me all around the parks. And so on and so sure does annoy me when people don't accept that. ;):)
We may have a problem if we both show up at WDW at the same time since the world DOES revlove around me.
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Well-Known Member
Ok, I have one for you guys. On our last trip, we noticed a really annoying guest behavior when approaching a FastPass return entrance. There was a huge group of people blocking the entrance. But why? Was it really so busy that the FP queue was out the door? Had the attraction gone down? We figured it out after about a minute of observation.... they were all staring at the clock and waiting for their "return window" to start (only 39 more minutes now!) So we carefully moved through the crowd toward the entrance, eventually we could see the empty FP queue and the cast member checked our tickets and allowed us in. I really hope there wasn't anyone else there with a valid FP that thought it was a line or something. Very annoying, but will FP+ change this behavior or make it worse?

We have found this to happen more than once even before FP+. What I love is when people start yelling at you that "It's not time"'s time for my FP's because I don't show up when they immediately become active (before FP+ I was always grabbing the next FP before getting in line).


Well, after this past months trip, I have an annoying guest behavior I can add...

We were in line for our FIRST ride of the trip (and my littlest's first ride EVER) and the family in front of us in line (two adults, 3 young kids) were putting on sunscreen.

I figured "ok, not really that much sun today, but not a terrible idea."

Except...they did so for about 25 minutes. All of them. I mean, covering every inch, 5 or six times.

I'm not even just saying they were being thorough...I mean, they would seemingly finish applying it to the last conceivable piece of exposed skin..then, they would grab the bottle, squeeze a HANDFUL into their hands, and start on their arms again.

I know it sounds like an exaggeration...but It was literally getting to the point of comical. They had like 3 giant bottles of it going. You would think they were done and then, they'd start AGAIN. At one point the line was moving and two of them where HOPPING forward on one leg, slathering suncreen onto the other, like a pair of bizarre synchronized swimmers.

At one point, they started up again and me and my wife had to stifle a laugh.

It wouldn't bother me so much it the smell of all that sunblock wasn't so overwhelming. I swear, after being in that queue, if I had blown my nose, the tissue would be SPF150. I mean, the inside of my nostril could repel the sunlight on Mercury.

I could literally TASTE sunscreen. And JUST when you thought it was over...they's grab the bottle AGAIN.

They literally didn't stop until they were forced to, to get on the ride....and they were acting like they weren't done yet.

The funny part is, it was cloudy all day. About 65 degrees, tops.


Well-Known Member
Well, after this past months trip, I have an annoying guest behavior I can add...

We were in line for our FIRST ride of the trip (and my littlest's first ride EVER) and the family in front of us in line (two adults, 3 young kids) were putting on sunscreen.

I figured "ok, not really that much sun today, but not a terrible idea."

Except...they did so for about 25 minutes. All of them. I mean, covering every inch, 5 or six times.

I'm not even just saying they were being thorough...I mean, they would seemingly finish applying it to the last conceivable piece of exposed skin..then, they would grab the bottle, squeeze a HANDFUL into their hands, and start on their arms again.

I know it sounds like an exaggeration...but It was literally getting to the point of comical. They had like 3 giant bottles of it going. You would think they were done and then, they'd start AGAIN. At one point the line was moving and two of them where HOPPING forward on one leg, slathering suncreen onto the other, like a pair of bizarre synchronized swimmers.

At one point, they started up again and me and my wife had to stifle a laugh.

It wouldn't bother me so much it the smell of all that sunblock wasn't so overwhelming. I swear, after being in that queue, if I had blown my nose, the tissue would be SPF150. I mean, the inside of my nostril could repel the sunlight on Mercury.

I could literally TASTE sunscreen. And JUST when you thought it was over...they's grab the bottle AGAIN.

They literally didn't stop until they were forced to, to get on the ride....and they were acting like they weren't done yet.

The funny part is, it was cloudy all day. About 65 degrees, tops.
I have to ask. Were they from another country or were they your stereotypical Midwestern, "don't change know" Americans?


Well-Known Member
Nope, they were Americans. Probably late 20s, early 30s, each with a GIANT backback strapped to them.

I'm curious...why do you ask?
I have run into several families with a knack for excessive, albeit hilarious, sunscreen usage on my last few trips. Most of them appeared to be Midwestern American, probably from an area with less intense sunshine, and one was a family from Northern Europe (I forget exactly where) who had read about "dangerous south US sun!" in preparation for their trip. (They had asked us where to buy more sunscreen, unbelievably!)

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