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  1. Bagheera

    Mouse Planet update

    Um, no. While I do read the forums here occasionally, I do have several other sources. If they feed me the same thing that people are posting here, that's not something I can control. Do I use posts from certain people on these forums as corroboration? Sometimes. Do I just come here to get...
  2. Bagheera

    Living Seas Rehab

    Watch what we break in tomorrow's Disneyland Update. :animwink:
  3. Bagheera

    Living Seas Rehab

    OK, I'm not going to take this personally. If I had confirmed information regarding the sea cabs staying, I wouldn't have reported it as a rumor. That said, I also don't just post everything that I see on the Internet. I do have quite a few sources, some of whom have contacts throughout the...
  4. Bagheera

    The Walt Disney Company Commits $2.5 Million for Hurricane Katrina Relief

    My understanding is that they're getting Florida resident rates.
  5. Bagheera

    The Walt Disney Company Commits $2.5 Million for Hurricane Katrina Relief

    The book told a very specific story. Things that were not material to the story were not included, such as charitable donations.
  6. Bagheera

    The Walt Disney Company Commits $2.5 Million for Hurricane Katrina Relief

    They've approved discounted rates for everyone that doesn't have a place to go back to.
  7. Bagheera

    Bad advice boils my blood!

    Technically, that 240 times would be for Disney to break even. For you to break even, it would take just a few refills.
  8. Bagheera

    Pooh's Playful Spot. Any News?

    Always a pleasure to provide them, Grizz. :) Sorry to hear that you're stepping down from D-Troops. I hope that all is well with you. (I hope that you'll be able to stop by MouseFest to say "hi.") Oh, and Disney just slipped a mention of it into the latest Dateline Disney release:
  9. Bagheera

    Dueling Dragons and Beastly Kingdom: A Connection? (Dreamfinder Campaign update too!)

    To quote Paul Torrigino (Art Director on Dragon Tower), who did a great two-part story on Beastlie Kingdomme in general and the Dragon Tower attraction in particular (part 1 | part 2): However, based on Paul's description of Dragon Tower and descriptions that I've heard of Dueling Dragons...
  10. Bagheera

    Interesting JHM article

    Merf, trust me. AVP has many better things to do with her time. Let's leave personal feeling out of this, OK?
  11. Bagheera

    Pooh's Playful Spot. Any News?

    Just received word (trying to verify now) that it's targeted to open September 1. Again, no confirmation yet.
  12. Bagheera

    Bad advice boils my blood!

    Actually, as Len Testa said in the post above yours, Mike was reporting his actual experience. I'm usually pretty good at writing down what he tells me, and it's reported accurately. (I know this is an old thread, but I haven't posted here for months and I'm just catching up now.)
  13. Bagheera

    What is going on with Beastly Kingdom?

    Ah, Beastlie Kingdomme. What a great place that would have been. :sigh:
  14. Bagheera

    Raglan Road opening in September? :waves at Merf:
  15. Bagheera

    So I'm watching the Christmas parade on TV...

    OK, I'm a real geek. I'm sitting there pointing out to my 6YO "That's Marc Davis and Al Bertino. Al was the model for Big Al at the Country Bear Jamboree... Oh, look! That's Joe Rohde! He's the guy behind the whole Animal Kingdom park!" The sad part is that I've got him trained to the...
  16. Bagheera

    So I'm watching the Christmas parade on TV...

    Yep. It sure looked like Patrick and Tifani during that Juanes number. ::clap clap:: ;)
  17. Bagheera

    Is Timekeeper going to be open now?

    Latest word that I have is that, yes, it should be open.
  18. Bagheera

    Final Fate of

    If you have a $25 million attraction and you're given $10 million to build it, how can you guarantee that you get more money to help the attraction? Tank the script. I'm just worried that somebody will lose their job over the maneuver. (I'm not naming names at this time, but it's a well-known...
  19. Bagheera

    Astro Orbit CLOSED for X-mas

    It's not a structural defect. The bearings decided that they couldn't wait another month to be replaced.
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