Bad advice boils my blood!


New Member
That may be true, but that would have been the FIRST change since the resort opened. The resorts DO NOT change designs every couple of months. After all, were talking about a company that can't even remove the AT&T logo's from SSE. Mug changing isn't a top priority.


Well-Known Member
MKCP 1985 said:
8. Don't worry about staking out a spot to watch the parade. Just show up as the parade is about to start and let your darling children push their way to the curb and squeeze in.
:mad: That makes me so mad


Well-Known Member
MKCP 1985 said:
MKCP's Top Ten List of Bad Advice:

7. If you bought a refillable mug at any resort at any time in your life ever, take it with you on your next trip and fill up for free all you want, regardless of where you are staying. That soda doesn't cost Disney anything and you deserve free soda for what you are paying for your room, not to mention what you paid for that mug to begin with!

6. As long as you are outside, smoke wherever you like. You're outdoors, so what does it matter? It is a free country.

5. Take plenty of flash photos when you go on dark rides. Those spiels about "no flash photography" don't apply to you.

2. Don't fool with reservations for meals, especially if there is a particular restaurant your family really, really likes. Just show up around noon for lunch and around 7:00 for your evening meal with your hot and hungry kids and they will take pity on you and find you a table right away with no wait.

Here are my favorites from MKCP's list:

#7 Refillable Mugs - This has to be my biggest pet peeve! We stayed at the Beach Club last month and of course there were people with mugs from other resorts filling up constantly. Come on people, you just forked over at least $300/night for a room and $12 is too much to invest in a week's worth of caffeine?

#6 Smokers - I can't tell you how many times people were smoking in line, especially at AK (I guess because of the outside lines). I've got no problem with people smoking, just don't do it 5 feet from me.

#5 Flash photography - Never had a problem before with this one until this past trip. We had the back row on Pirates and an obnoxious woman a few rows up literally took over 50 pictures, with several annoying flashes! By the time it was over we were so aggravated that we decided to ride again later when we could enjoy it.

#2 ADR/PS - We've eaten without an ADR/PS before, but I will try not to from now on. Last month we had an early ADR for lunch at Sci-Fi (around 11:45). We showed up at 11:30 and they were turning people away for both lunch and dinner at that point, even discouraging anyone to wait around for a table that might happen to open up. And this wasn't even a weekend.



New Member
Rora said:
So I stood in line for Soarin for 90 minutes with the line barely moving, and having to watch a ton of people happily walking past us.

Soarin no longer offers Fastpasses durring EMH, we did for a few weeks, if you were tere when tey did offer them, you have to understand that the enteriere EMH, 3 hours worht of Fastpasses ran out within 15 or 20 min. of 9pm,

So you may have just shown up after they had aready ran out.


New Member
Katherine said:
and if your wondering you would have to refill your mug about 240 times to break even.
Technically, that 240 times would be for Disney to break even. For you to break even, it would take just a few refills.


New Member
I do recall that when we stayed at the All-Star Sports back in 1994, they sold those soda mugs with the promise that they were refillable on subsequent visits forever. I don't drink soda pop, but my wife does and so does my daughter. They bought the mugs with the expectation that refills would be everlasting. Silly girls!


New Member
I have to say I disagree with a few of the so-called bad advice statements made. First, two of my three trips to Disney World were made "on the fly." I used Priceline, typed in what I considered an insane air fare, and they accepted it. So I put Priceline to work for me again and got an insanely low rate at a hotel off-property, as well as a cheap rental car, and quickly got the time off from my work. I had two incredible trips, the first of which was my first time to Walt Disney World. I was glad that I rented a car (which many sources will tell you not to do), as I was able to go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. I was able to eat cheaply and go to Target when I needed something. If you're at the mercy of Disney transportation, you are pretty much stuck with on-property food and purchases. This can get pretty insane, as everyone well knows. And while it might be fun to someday stay on-property, I personally have never felt like I missed something. For me, a hotel room really is just a place to keep my suitcase and sleep. I've yet to stay at a hotel where one bed is substantially better than another, or one room is substantially nicer than another. I have stayed at the three hotels at the Disneyland Resort and while I love the Disney theming, they don't justify the ridiculous difference in price. Put another way - Sheraton hotel $28 a night on Priceline versus on-property hotel for at minimum probably $50 and up (and this is at the All-Star Resorts). I'm happy to save that money to be able to buy more souvenirs (and I can afford to buy a new drink every time I want one!).
Now I know my methods can't work for everyone. If you have a family, you probably can't act as "spur of the moment" as I did. However, I still think you can get some amazing deals from Priceline, and while I won't get the early morning entry, I still get as much as I can from my visits.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Woody, I-99, and wannbe on the mug policy. Our All Star Mugs were bought with the promise of free refills for life. And while the policy may have changed, it doesn't make me lose any sleep at night by using old ones. I'm sure Disney doesn't mind us staying on property so we can use those mugs again and again. It allows us to spend money on other things on Disney property that we wouldn't be buying otherwise.

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