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  1. T

    Anyone going Aug. 20th?

    We'll be there! 8/20 to 8/29 WL! Only 13 days 321 hours:sohappy:
  2. T

    It's sad but true

    Whew......will arrive on 8/20...e-ride on 8/22....we won't miss the Train! :sohappy:
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    Anger towards Six Flags

    Oh I love Knoebels! We haven't been there for about two years but what a great family park...Not as large or grand as WDW but it is very family oriented, clean, I can't say enough of good things about it! only 19 more days!:sohappy:
  4. T

    Car Vandalized at Magic Kingdom

    I'm very sorry this happened to you - - - especially on vacation. Mean people suck!:goodnevil
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    9 more days to go...whats the count people?

    I only have 22 days and 542 hours! My daughter and I will begin watching her old Disney sing along tapes. :sohappy:
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    9 more days to go...whats the count people?

    28 days 686 hours :wave:
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    9 more days to go...whats the count people?

    Only 29 more days:sohappy: But that means 706 hours:brick:
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    smoking in the World

    Hello? That's why I asked in the first place!:brick:
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    smoking in the World

    Thanks for all the helpful information. I don't want to make it any harder on my DH than necessary. You can definately follow your nose :eek:
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    smoking in the World

    Are there many outdoor smoking areas? If so where? Thanks!
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    smoking in the World

    My SIL told me that as of 7/1 there was to be no smoking whatsoever, anywhere in the World. Can anyone confirm this? I do not smoke, by my DH does (went from 2 packs to 10 cigs a day.) So any truth to this? If so, I need to prepare him. Thanks to all! Only 34 more days!:sohappy:
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    Disney Loosening Workers' Grooming Rules

    Who's worried about neat and tidy cornrows - when there are men and women out there who DO NOT TAKE CARE OF THEIR LONG HAIR? Long hair on a man does not bother me, especially if it is well taken care of and healthy looking. What bothers me is seeing a man with long hair that is not healthy...
  13. T

    August Role Call

    Checking the hours is not obsessive....I sent Disney an e-mail asking them to explain their hours during this time of year. I mean, with the FTP, I'm sure there will be an increase in crowd size. On a daily basis, more then once I will check the discussion boards, surf Disney, check and...
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    August Role Call

    Only 54 more days......Fort Wilderness 8/20 to 8/30! :sohappy: But until then the days are soooooo long.....:cry:
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    August Hours!!!

    With the FairyTale Vacation package they are pushing, won't park attendance be up? Could this result in the extension of park hours?
  16. T

    End of Summer Season in August

    We'll be at the Wilderness Lodge 8/19 to 8/29. We decided that the end of August would be our best bet since pulling our daughter out of school is not an option. I can't wait - - only 70 more days! :sohappy:
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