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    Jeff Corwin filming Everest

    Here are the two pics I got
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    Jeff Corwin filming Everest

    Just got back from Disney today. March 6th Jeff Corwin was filming with Joe Rhode. They were filming for the Jeff Corwin experience, a show about the return of the Yeti or something similar. Show should debut on animal planet to coincide with the opening with everest.
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    Speculation: Apple to buy Disney?

    Apple doesnt have the finances to buy disney, or the shareholder support to get a merger.
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    Full High Quality Firework Videos

    Upload the videos to
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    Bank robbery and hostages

    Welp, that thief got owned.
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    Scanners at Entrance Turnstiles

    What I want to know is if its transfered through the parks. Seems to me that each park has its own and they arent shared. It takes no time at all to get into a park the first time, it takes a couple seconds to go back into that park the second time. But if you go to a different park, it takes...
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    IMO, you probably would get motion sickness on it, but the ride is so short you dont have enough time to get sick. Thats how I felt anyways.
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    New Everest Article

    Its not official.
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    New Everest Article

    I still have no idea what your talking about. You dont want it to open before April? Why is it you want it closed during jan/feb/mar?
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    New Everest Article

    :veryconfu Gladly whats not up to me to decide? Its not up to the author of the article either.
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    New Everest Article

    Wont open till april? What nonsense. Id say the end of january to the end of feb. At least it better be open in march.
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    Pirates of the Caibbean: Dead Man's Chest Trailer
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    What's River country?

    That was the official disney story, but the water in bay lake is pretty clean. If its clean enough for fish to survive, its clean enough for people to swim in. I dont see river country opening back up ever. Sadly. I liked it alot more than I like blizzard beach.
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    Area music torrent?

    I was figuring perhaps the size of a single DVD Just the currently used loops is fine.
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    Area music torrent?

    Not entirely sure I understand. You telling me to do a search? Because Ive done a few, and thats where I found the disney channel on irc, but Ive found no torrents for all of the files.
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    Disney to auction off EE:M/H

    Has discovery been confirmed as a sponsor of EE?
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    Area music torrent?

    Ive spent a couple days now trying to download all of the WDW area music from IRC (disney central...)and emule. Is there anyway someone who has all of it can stick it in a zip file and put it up on torrent?
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    Yet another Indiana Jones stunt show RUMOR

    I dunno, I always kind of thought the backlot tour was the point of MGM.
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    Which country to eat at?

    Ive eaten at every country, and I must say they are all awesome in their own way. They all have great food and atmosphere. Just pick whatever type of food you are in the mood for.
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    Yet another Indiana Jones stunt show RUMOR

    I dont see how or why they would want to put in a huge pond to show off some ship scenes. They could possibly remake it more into one of the caves from the movie. And do the 'land' based fighting scenes. Would require far less money, and could be done alot quicker.
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