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  1. snowdog63

    Official WDWMagic Bar-Room Brawl

    Quietly exits. *hears his wife calling him to dinner. *leftover BBQ* :slurp:
  2. snowdog63

    Official WDWMagic Bar-Room Brawl

    Yes they are! And they're tasty!
  3. snowdog63

    Official WDWMagic Bar-Room Brawl

    *Thanks* Pours himself another pint and runs for some peanuts. *I got hungry*
  4. snowdog63

    Official WDWMagic Bar-Room Brawl

    A full mug of ale?!! :cry: ARE YOU INSANE? That's alcohol abuse!!
  5. snowdog63

    Official WDWMagic Bar-Room Brawl

    Loopily ashked for some salka-zelter and another wee drop O' Guiness
  6. snowdog63

    Disney's Iger Sketches Web Plans For TV Classics;

    I would LOVE for Disney to put out a "Classic Disney" channel for us older folks. The other channels are tuned up for the younger crowd.
  7. snowdog63

    Official WDWMagic Bar-Room Brawl

    Enters bar,dives behind bar,draws a couple of pints and begins to chug.
  8. snowdog63

    Weight time vs. wait time...should disney be setting a better example?

    MMMMMMMM Flame-broiled Whopper *DROOLING* :king:
  9. snowdog63

    Park Pet Peeves

    Jethro Tull? Oh that's that guy who "loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly" :animwink: FLUTE ROCK!!!
  10. snowdog63

    What made you pick your WDWMAGIC-name?

    Snowdog is protagonist in a song written by Rush called By-Tor and the Snowdog
  11. snowdog63

    Changes coming to Primeval Whirl

    My wife and I love it! It's a hoot!
  12. snowdog63

    Changes coming to Primeval Whirl

    Yeah it throws you around a bit but it's FUN!! Want some real excitement? Go to Raglan Road...down about 10 pints of Guiness...wait for it....GO ON THE TEACUPS!!!!
  13. snowdog63

    cremated ashes at WDW

    Cool we'll hang out and scare the crap out of people. DIBS ON THE DIPPING STOOL!!! And take our breaks at the Haunted Mansion.
  14. snowdog63

    Park Pet Peeves

    My wife,sister and friend and myself used them when we got seperated or lost track of each other. They work better than walkie-talkies,no bleed over or interference. But for just shootin' the breeze at the park..yeah that's annoying.
  15. snowdog63

    Haunted Mansion having serious problems 12/6 and 12/8

    HAHAHAHAHAH!!! This is true. Listen to that song enough and it could make person go homocidal. Come to think of it,if we sent the soundtrack to our Pych. Warfare people in Iraq and Afganistan,the prisoners would attemt suicide or start confessing.
  16. snowdog63

    Just got back

    I saw the same thing this wkd. They may need to revamp their bus system/schedule a bit. Make special buses that can be used for only wheelchairs. The bus services needs to be looked at as well.Sometimes the drivers took different routes to and from WL or other places we went.It's been like that...
  17. snowdog63

    A good time had by all

    How cool! That ought to be interesting. Cool Signature. Have you been "Subjagating Toronto" again you naughty man? HEHEHEHE
  18. snowdog63

    Merry Christmas! Anything good?

    We're going to Fort Wilderness for 2 weeks during Thanksgiving.
  19. snowdog63

    A good time had by all

    Hi folks,My wife and I just got back and it was great! These events are in no particular order. We finally got to eat at Artist Point and had the buffalo, It was fantastic! We went to MVMCP and that was fun too. I managed to get the parade all on tape. I got pulled into the street and danced...
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